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Exploratory surveys in Taiwan of the roseau cane scale Nipponaclerda biwakoensis Kuwana and its associated parasitoids


Roseau cane (Phragmites australis (Cav). Trin. ex Steud.) is the dominant plant species of the Mississippi River Delta in Louisiana, USA, and protects marsh communities from erosion and storm-related impacts, maintaining shipping channels and oil infrastructure. Widespread dieback and thinning of P. australis were noted in the Mississippi River Delta in the fall of 2016. Invasive populations of the roseau cane scale (Nipponaclerda biwakoensis Kuwana), which is native to Asia, were found at outbreak levels in the stands. Subsequent research has implicated N. biwakoensis in the diebacks. To provide a safe, cost-effective, and long-term approach for the management of this invasive scale, classical (or importation) biological control methods are being considered. As the first step to developing biological control, research evaluating the natural enemies of the N. biwakoensis in the native range is necessary. This study investigated the population dynamics of the N. biwakoensis and its associated parasitoids on P. australis in Taiwan from July to November 2019 at five study sites. The scale densities increased over the season and peaked in September (85.77±3.63 scale per meter stem). An average of 14.50% adult female scales was parasitized and parasitism was highest in July. The parasitism rate of the immature scales was overall low (2.25%). Four endoparasitoid wasp species were collected and identified as Astymachus lasalleiBoucekiella depressa, Neastymachus japonicus, and Aprostocetus sp. Astymachus lasallei was the dominant wasp species parasitizing immature scales and N. japonicus was the dominant species found parasitizing adult female scales. Multiparasitism frequently occurred between A. lasallei and B. depressa and the latter has been reported as a hyperparasitoid. Overall, this study provides information on the identity and role of parasitoids of N. biwakoensis in its native range, which will aid in developing a potential classical biological control as a management tool for the invasive N. biwakoensis.