US Pacific Northwest bread wheat variety acreages 1919 to 2011
Data files
Sep 29, 2020 version files 271.21 KB
This dataset has common wheat variety acreage data for the three U.S. Pacific Northwest states of Idaho, Oregon, and Washington from 1919 to 2011. The variety acreage data were compiled from the five-yearly Distribution of the Varieties and Classes of Wehat in the United States reports and the data provided by the USDA National Agricultural Statistics Services. Acreages of only named varieties have been included, i.e., acreage reported under undefined names such as "others" have been excluded. Acreages of variety mixtures, when reported in the orignal sources, were evenly split to the component varieties.
The variety acreage data from 1919 to 1984 were obtained from the five-yearly Distribution of the Varieties and Classes of Wheat in the United States reports. Variety acreage data after 1984 were requested from the USDA National Agricultural Statistics Services. Acreages of only named varieties have been included, while acreages given under the category of "others" have not been included. Hence the total yearly acreages in this dataset can be less than the total in the original reports.
Reports after 1985 also included acreages of mixtures. In these cases, the acreages were equally divided into component varieties. For example, if Breuhl-Coda mixture had 2000 acres, 1000 acres each were added to Breuhl and Coda and the entry of Breuhl-Coda was removed to keep the total constant.
The acreages under the state named "PNW" is sum of the acreages of the three states: Idaho, Oregon, and Washington.
Whether a variety is privately-bred or publicly-bred was determined by checking information on the ARS-GRIN database, plant variety protection records and the Washington State Crop Improvement Association's website.
Usage notes
The data is a CSV (comma-separated values) file organized in tidy (long) format for analysis in R. Missing data is indicated by NA.
The data has 7 columns, which are described below:
Cultivar: Name of the wheat culitvar
Class: Market class of the wheat cultivar. Nine levels: HRS = hard red spring, HRW = hard red winter, SRW = soft red winter, SWS = soft white spring including SWS club wheat, SWW = soft white winter including SWW club wheat, HWS = hard white spring, xWS = unknown hardness white spring, HWW = hard white winter, WW = unknown hardness white winter
Habit: Growth habit of the cultivars, either spring (spring-sown) or winter (fall-sown)
State: State for which the acreage data refers to. PNW is sum of Idaho, Oregon, and Washington
Year: Year of acreage data
Acres: Acres grown to the variety in a given year and state
Sector: Whether the variety is bred by private or public sector. Old farmer-bred or farmer-selected varieties have also been classified as public sector varieties.