Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) data of Metarhizium species for Taxonomic Elucidation of M. anisopliae sensu lato
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Metarhizium anisopliae (Clavicipitaceae, Hypocreales) is a globally distributed entomopathogenic fungus, which has been largely studied and used in agriculture for its potent entomopathogenicity. Since its taxonomic establishment as a member of Metarhizium, many closely related taxa have been described with highly similar morphology (cryptic species). A holotype specimen of M. anisopliae is not extant, and the ex-neotype strain (CBS 130.71) does not form a monophyletic clade with other strains, up to now, recognized as M. anisopliae sensu stricto. In this study, we have conducted an integrative taxonomic treatment of M. anisopliae sensu lato by including the ex-neotype strain of M. anisopliae, other unknown strains from our collections identified as M. anisopliae s. lat., as well as other known species that have been previously delimited as closely related but distinct to M. anisopliae. By including whole-genome sequencing, morphometric analysis, LC–MS based metabolomics, and virulence assays, we have demonstrated that M. anisopliae s. str. should also include M. lepidiotae (synonym), and that M. anisopliae s. str. differentiates from the other species of the complex by its metabolome and less severe entomopathogenicity. New taxa, namely M. hybridum, M. neoanisopliae and M. parapingshaense spp. nov., are proposed. The novel taxa proposed here have strong phylogenomics support, corroborated by fine-scale differences in the length/width of conidia/phialides, while the metabolomics and virulence data still largely overlap. We have also demonstrated via population genomics data the existence of local clonal lineages, particularly the one corresponding to the persistence of a biocontrol candidate strain that has been used in the field application for three years. This study showcases the utility of combining various data sources for accurate delimitation of species within an important group of fungal biocontrol agents against pest insects.
README: Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) data of Metarhizium species for Taxonomic Elucidation of M. anisopliae sensu lato
The dataset contains 98,085 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) data of 70 strains of Metarhizium spp. Seventy strains of Metarhizium spp. were grown on a fungal culture media (PDA), and harvested for DNA extraction. The DNA were used for whole-genome sequencing using MGISeq-2000 platform. The raw data were quality controlled and mapped to a reference genome of M. anisopliae strain JEF-290 (Lee et al. 2019) and SNPs were inferred using GATK pipeline.
Lee MR, Li D, Lee SJ, et al (2019) Use of Metarhizum aniopliae s.l. to control soil-dwelling longhorned tick, Haemaphysalis longicornis. J Invertebr Pathol 166:.
Description of the data and file structure
Two files are given: 1) Metarhizium_SNPs_data.vcf.gz, 2) Metarhizium_Samples_list.xlsx.
The main data file is a VCF file (Metarhizium_SNPs_data.vcf.gz) containing SNPs data of 70 samples of *Metarhizium *spp. The VCF format is consisted of two parts: headers and data. The header lines start with ‘#’ describe the upstream filtering and SNP calling procedures that were used until the final results. The last header line correspond to 79 field headers as following:
CHROM=Chromosome name where SNPs are found,
POS = SNP position,
ID = SNP identity,
REF = Nucleotide identity of the reference genome,
ALT = Alternative nucleotides as found by SNPs calling pipeline,
QUAL = Quality score,
FILTER = Name of filter applied (PASS means the SNPs have passed filtering criteria),
INFO = Additional information (‘.’ signifies no additional information),
FORMAT = Genotype information format (GT:AD:DP:GQ:PGT:PID:PL:PS = Genotype:Allele depth:Depth across samples:Genotype quality:Pre-implantation genetic testing:Physical phasing ID:Phred-scaled likelihood:Phrasing set).
The information on the samples are in the file “Metarhizium_Samples_list.xlsx”.