Arthropod food webs in the foreland of a retreating Greenland glacier: Integrating molecular gut content analysis with Structural Equation Modelling
Data files
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Combining DNA gut content analysis with Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) based on arthropod activity density at a Greenland glacier foreland give us the opportunity to combine qualitative data from the metabarcoding technique with an analysis technique based on quantitative data. SEM shows bottom-up and top-down controlled food chains as bottom-up control was important for spider and harvestman populations while top-down control was important for ground beetle populations. These mechanisms are closely related to the hunting strategies of the predators as bottom-up mechanisms are connected to a sit-and-wait behavior while top-down mechanisms are related to active-search behavior. Bottom-up controlled population developments were important in the early phase of the vegetation development while top-down prevailed in the later phase of the vegetation development away from the glacier snout. The shift from bottom-up to top-down cascades between arthropod predators and their potential prey populations was mainly driven by increasing temperatures away from the glacier. A consequence of the strong top-down cascades in the later phase of the succession is high rates of intra-guild predation (IGP) among all arthropod predators. Particularly in the guts of the linyphiid spider, Collinsia holmgreni Thorell 1871, trophic linkages to other linyphiid and lycosid spiders were detected. The IGP ratio of C. holmgreni was negatively correlated with the activity-density of available ground-living prey. Probably as a consequence of the high IGP among the linyphiid spiders, cold-adapted linyphiid species like C. holmgreni decreased in numbers downhill and became extinct in the warmer climax vegetation, where lycosid spiders dominated.
README: Arthropod food webs in the foreland of a retreating Greenland glacier: Integrating molecular gut content analysis with Structural Equation Modelling
Corresponding author: Paul Henning Krogh, Aarhus University,, ORCID:
Ejgil Vestergård Gravesen, [Molecular Ecology],
Lenka Dušátková, Masaryk University
Kacie Athey, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Jiayi Qin, Novo Nordisk (Denmark)
This dataset includes information on arthropod sampling and environmental variables collected at the Qassinnguit glacier foreland during the summers of 2015 and 2016. The data were used for Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) to analyze food web interactions and the impact of environmental factors. Combining DNA gut content analysis with SEM based on arthropod activity-density provides insights into bottom-up and top-down control mechanisms within arthropod populations, their relationship with environmental variables, and shifts in these mechanisms across different stages of vegetation development.
Description of Data File Structure and Contents
- The dataset is organized into two Excel sheets, containing all data ‘Env. and arthropods’ and IGP data selection ‘IGP SEM2’.
- Version notes: The first version of this data only contains one sheet named 'Data for SEM' which contains the same information as the newer, second version, but with slightly different header names. The second version data contains the data used for SEM2.
- Variables included in the SEM1 model has been marked by 'X'.
- For IGP SEM2 of C. holmgreni ground-living prey was based on activity-densities of collembolans, aphids, the mites Eupodoidae, Bdelloidae and Bryobia except the Erythraeoidea, as they were not detected in the gut.
- Empty cells = N.D. (Not determined)
- “Environmental variables 1_Time since deglaciation, years_X” was not determined in 2015 except for patches A to G.
- “Environmental variables 5_NDVI_X” was only assessed in 2016.
Environmental Variables
Meters Above Sea Level (MASL)
Distance to Glacier Snout (m)
NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index)
Mean Lichen Diameter (mm)
Time Since Deglaciation (years: 0 to 2500)
Soil Water Percentage in the Topsoil
Organic Matter Percentage in the Topsoil
Arthropod Activity Densities
- Arthropod Predators
- Parasitoids
- Mites
- Collembola
- Diptera
Data was collected using wet pitfall traps set up across various patches in the glacier foreland areas during the summers of 2015 and 2016. Soil samples were also taken for environmental characterization. Captured arthropods were identified to species or family level. Soil samples were analyzed for water and organic matter content. The activity density of arthropods was measured based on pitfall trap catches, and environmental variables were correlated with arthropod population data. NDVI measurements were used to assess vegetation biomass.
Qassinnguit Dates and Sampling Information:
Soil samples were taken at the Qassinnguit glacier foreland on August 7, 2015, and August 5, 2016, to measure the environmental variables of soil water and organic matter during dry weather periods.
NDVI scanning was performed on August 1, 2016.
Wet pitfall traps for sampling arthropods were established on July 8, 2015, with continuous sampling until August 7, 2015, when sampling was postponed until August 12 due to rainy weather. From then (August 12), sampling was done until August 20, 2015.
Wet pitfall traps were established on July 6, 2016, with continuous sampling until August 5, 2016, when sampling was postponed until August 10 due to rainy weather. From then (August 10), sampling was done until August 19, 2016.
Data Transformations
IGP-ratios were arcsine and square root transformed. Distance to glacier snout and time since deglaciation were log-transformed. Arthropod activity densities were log-transformed. NDVI values were used untransformed.