A blueprint for creating high performing teams of collaborative ecologists and environmental scientists
Data files
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Although effective teamwork has been widely studied, little of this information is readily accessible to ecologists and environmental scientists. In this article, we provide a Blueprint, comprised of 10 professional tips, to guide ecological and environmental science teams towards high-performance and effective collaborations. This blueprint uses illustrative qualitative survey data and network analysis data from an international ecology-based team that used a values-based approach to influence the structure of their network, interpersonal relationships, build trust, and achieve their goals of creating an expansive collaborative to allow for sharing of data.
README: A blueprint for creating high performing teams of collaborative ecologists and environmental scientists
Social network edgelist. Data were collected via survey from the rosters of a large scientific team. Data was exported into Excel spreadsheets and put into the repository in CSV files. Data was used to visualize the trust and leadership networks of the team. Data was collected during summer 2018.
Description of the data and file structure
A social network edge list has two columns. Every person is given an ID number. If, in the survey, a respondent notes that there is a connection between themself and another person then the respondent's ID number is listed in column 1 (labeled "from"), and the person they marked in the survey is listed in column 2 (labeled "to"). A connection is marked as a 1. If there is no connection there is a zero or a blank. Blanks and zeros are read the same in most social network analysis software programs.
Data in the repository was based on the following two social network questions from the social network survey. Below is the name of the file, the social network questions that make up the file, and the possible data range.
GLTC Trust: Who did you trust? Data range 0-1.
GLTC Leader: Who is a leader? Data range 0-1.
Sharing/Access information
Data was collected via an electronic survey and archived in CSV files.
This data set has previously been analyzed using UCInet, Netdraw, Visone, and RStudio.