Sex- and state-dependent covariation of risk-averse and escape behavior in a widespread lizard
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Mounting evidence has shown that personality and behavioral syndromes have a substantial influence on interspecific interactions and individual fitness. However, the stability of covariation among multiple behavioral traits involved in antipredator responses has seldom been tested. Here, we investigate whether sex, gravidity, and parasite infestations influence the covariation between risk-aversion (hiding time within a refuge) and escape response (immobility, escape distance) using a viviparous lizard, Zootoca vivipara as a model system. Our results demonstrated a correlation between risk-averse and escape behavior at the among-individual level, but only in gravid females. We found no significant correlations in either males or neonates. A striking result was the loss of the association in post-parturition females. This suggests that the ‘risk-averse – escape’ syndrome is ephemeral and only emerges in response to constraints on locomotion driven by reproductive burden. Moreover, parasites have the potential to disassociate the correlations between risk-aversion and escape response in gravid females, yet the causal chain requires further examination. Overall, our findings provide evidence of differences in the association between behaviors within the life-time of an individual and indicate that individual states, sex and life stages can together influence the stability of behavioral syndromes.
Data from: sex- and state-dependence of the boldness-escape behavioral syndrome: animals flee readily and hide longer only when necessary
The datasets included here will support the replication of all analyses presented in the above paper. This document describes dataset for both the boldness and escape response of common lizards (Zootoca vivipara) captured in Massif-Central, France.
File name: Behavioral_syndrome_adult.xlsx
Description: This data is for behavioral traits of boldness and escape response of adult male and female common lizards (Zootoca vivipara) in four populations in Massif-Central, France. The data included the individual characteristics of lizards (sex, snout-vent length, body weight etc.) and three and six traits for boldness and escape response, respectively (Note: 'NA' in any cells means the information is not available for that individual or trail).
Variables (column names) and details:
- POP = The population of lizards
- BS_ID = The combined unique unique code of each individual juvenile lizard (POP + NUME + SEX)
- NUME = The code of lizards
- SEX = The sex of lizards
- DATE = The date that the personality test was conducted
- REPEAT = The repetition of behavioral test
- IMMOBILITY = The number of attacks to initiate a lizard's escape
- DISTANCE = The final escape distance
- T-emerge = The latency time of head emerging from the refuge(s)
- SVL = The SVL of each individual lizard (mm)
- Body_weight = The SVL of each individual lizard (g)
- presencemite = The presence of mites
- presencetick = The presence of ticks
- Corpulence = The body condition of lizards
- PARTDAY = The parturition date of each female (only possible for females, males were assigned as 'NA' in this data)
- size_burden = The size-corrected reproductive burden (only possible for females, males were assigned as 'NA' in this data)
- corpulence_laid = The body condition of lizards (only possible for females, males were assigned as NA in this data)
- COVDAY = The time difference between the day of personality test and parturition day (only possible for females, males were assigned as 'NA' in this data)
File name: Behavioral_syndrome_females_post_laid.xlsx
Description: This data is for behavioral traits of boldness and escape response of adult male and female common lizards (Zootoca vivipara) in four populations in Massif-Central, France. The data included the individual characteristics of lizards (snout-vent length, body weight etc.) and PCA axes for boldness and escape response, respectively (Note: 'NA' in any cells means the information is not available for that individual or trail).
Variables (column names) and details
- POP = The population of lizards
- NUME = The code of lizards
- BS_ID = The combined unique unique code of each individual juvenile lizard (POP + NUME + SEX)
- SVL = The SVL of each individual lizard (mm)
- IMMOBILITY = The number of attacks to initiate a lizard's escape
- DISTANCE = The final escape distance
- T-emerge = The latency time of head emerging from the refuge(s)
- size_burden = The size-corrected reproductive burden
- corpulence_laid = The time difference between the day of personality test and parturition day
File name: Behavioral_syndrome_juvenile.xlsx
Description: This data is for behavioral traits of boldness and escape response of neonates for common lizards (Zootoca vivipara) in Massif-Central, France. The data included the individual characteristics of neonates (sex, snout-vent length, body weight etc.) and three and six traits for boldness and escape response, respectively (Note: 'NA' in any cells means the information is not available for that individual or trail).
Variables (column names) and details are as follows:
- POP = The population of lizards
- IDJUV = The combined unique unique code of each individual juvenile lizard (POP + NUM.OF.MOTHER + NUME.OF.JUVENILE)
- NUM.OF.MOTHER = The code of mother lizards
- NUME.OF.JUVENILE = The code of juveniles of each clutch (0,1,2,3...)
- SVL_J = The snout-vent length of juvenile lizards (mm)
- Body_weight_J = The body weight of juvenile lizards (g)
- SEX = The sex of lizards
- REPEAT = The repetition of behavioral test
- IMMOBILITY = The number of attacks to initiate a lizard's escape
- DISTANCE = The final escape distance
- T-emerge = The latency time of head emerging from the refuge(s)
- Juv_resid = The body condition of juvenile lizards
File name: Personality_adult_boldness.xlsx
Description: This data is for calculating personality of boldness of adult male and female common lizards (Zootoca vivipara) (Note: 'NA' in any cells means the information is not available for that individual or trail).
Variables (column names) with details as follows:
- NUME = The unique code of each individual lizard
- POP = The population of lizards
- SEX = The sex of each individual lizard
- DATE = The date when the personality test was conducted
- REPEAT = The repetition of the behavioral trail (first/second/...)
- T-emerge = The latency time of head emerging from the refuge(s)
File name: Personality_adult_escape_behavior.xlsx
Description: This data is for calculating personality of escape response of adult male and female common lizards (Zootoca vivipara) (Note: 'NA' in any cells means the information is not available for that individual or trail).
Variables (column names) with details are as follows:
- POP = The population of lizards
- ID = The combined code of each individual lizard (to avoid any duplicated code between pops)
- NUME = The code of each individual lizard
- SEX = The sex of each individual lizard
- DATE = The date when the personality test was conducted
- REPEAT = The repetition of the behavioral trail (first/second/...)
- IMMOBILITY = The number of attacks to initiate a lizard's escape
- DISTANCE = The final escape distance
File name: Personality_juvenile_boldness.xlsx
Description: This data is for calculating personality of boldness of male and female neonate lizards (Zootoca vivipara) (Note: 'NA' in any cells means the information is not available for that individual or trail).
Variables (column names) with details:
- IDJUV = The unique code of each juvenile lizard (POP + NUM.MON + CODE)
- POP = The population of lizards
- CODE = The code of juvenile of each clutch (0,1,2,3,4...)
- NUM.MOM = The code of the mother lizard
- REPEAT = The repetition of the behavioral trail (first/second/...)
- SEXE = The sex of each individual lizard
- T-emerge = The latency time of head emerging from the refuge(s)
File name: Personality_juvenile_escape_behavior.xlsx
Description: This data is for calculating personality of escape response of adult male and female common lizards (Zootoca vivipara) (Note: 'NA' in any cells means the information is not available for that individual or trail).
Variables (column names) with Details:
- POP = The population of lizards
- ID = The combined unique code of each individual juvenile lizard (POP + NUM.OF.MOTHER + NUM.OF.JUVENILE)
- NUM.OF.MOTHER = The code of mother for each juvenile
- NUME.OF.JUVENILE = The code of juvenile of each clutch (0,1,2,3...)
- SEX = The sex of each individual lizard
- REPEAT = The repetition of the behavioral trail (first/second/...)
- IMMOBILITY = The number of attacks to initiate a lizard's escape
- DISTANCE = The final escape distance