Data from: Homeostatic control of deep sleep and molecular correlates of sleep pressure in Drosophila
Data files
Nov 03, 2023 version files 227.97 KB
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Homeostatic control of sleep is typically addressed through mechanical stimulation-induced forced wakefulness and the measurement of subsequent increases in sleep. A major confound attends this approach: biological responses to deprivation may reflect a direct response to the mechanical insult rather than to the loss of sleep. Similar confounds accompany all forms of sleep deprivation and represent a major challenge to the field. Here we describe a new paradigm for sleep deprivation in Drosophila that fully accounts for sleep-independent effects. Our results reveal that deep sleep states are the primary target of homeostatic control and establish the presence of multi-cycle sleep rebound following deprivation. Furthermore, we establish that specific deprivation of deep sleep state results in state-specific homeostatic rebound. Finally, by accounting for the molecular effects of mechanical stimulation during deprivation experiments, we show that serotonin levels track sleep pressure in the fly’s central brain. Our results illustrate the critical need to control for sleep-independent effects of deprivation when examining the molecular correlates of sleep pressure and call for a critical reassessment of work that has not accounted for such non-specific effects.
README: Homeostatic control of deep sleep and molecular correlates of sleep pressure in Drosophila
The zipped file contains 4 folders. The folders are: Figure1, Figures 2 to 4, Figure5 and Figure6.
Description of the data and file structure
The folder 'Figure1' has three subfolders, i.e., '6h deprivation', '12h deprivation' and '24h deprivation'. Within each of these folders, there are .txt files with the raw sleep data for all individual replicates of the deprived and undisturbed control flies reported in Figure 1 of the manuscript. For instance, Figure1 > 6h deprivation > Control_20sec_SleepData.txt contains the sleep data for undisturbed flies for the 20 second trigger experiment. Similar files for the deprived flies and for different trigger frequencies are uplaoded within each of the three subfolders. The first column in all of these text files is the time information in Zeitgeber Time (ZT) units. Each subsequent column has the individual fly's sleep data.
The folder 'Figures 2 to 4' has .txt files for Canton-S (CS) and w1118 flies for all treatments (focal, yoked, and undisturbed). These were collected through the Ethoscope platform and the deprivation trigger for all these experiments was 220-seconds. For w1118 flies, data for three cycles and 5-min definition of sleep are provided. For Canton-S (CS), data for five cycles and both 5-min and 25-min definition of sleep are provided. These data were used in Figures 2 to 4 of the corresponding manuscript. The first column in each of these text files is the time information in Zeitgeber Time (ZT) units. Each subsequent column has the individual fly's sleep data.
The folder 'Figure5' has .txt files for Canton-S (CS) flies for all treatments (focal, yoked, and undisturbed). These were collected through the Ethoscope platform and the deprivation trigger for all these experiments was 22-minutes. For Canton-S, data for five cycles and both 5-min and 25-min definition of sleep are provided. These data were used in Figure 5 of the corresponding manuscript. The first column in each of these text files is the time information in Zeitgeber Time (ZT) units. Each subsequent column has the individual fly's sleep data.
The folder 'Figure6' has two .txt files, one each from the two independent MALDI-TOF experiments. Each text file has three columns. The first column reports the m/z (mz) value, the second column reports the treatment condition, and the third column reports the intensity of each of these detected molecules.
All these files are executable in MS Excel, any spreadsheet program, or a text editor.
All behavioral data were collected using either the Drosophila Activity Monitors or the Ethoscope platform (as described in the methods section of our manuscript). MALDI-TOF MS data were collected using the Bruker Autoflex Speed TOF Machine. Processed data are uploaded as a compressed file.