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HemeLB input files for areteriovenous fistula simulation

Data files

Dec 14, 2020 version files 3.64 GB


This dataset contains the HemeLB input files used to run the blood flow simulations described in our manuscript "High fidelity physiological blood flow in patient-specific arteriovenous fistula for clinical applications". These work with the PressureCouplingBeds and ResistorCapacitorBeds branches of the source code available at

Provided in this dataset are four *.tar.gz files containing the necessary input files for the flow simulations through the arteries and veins of the left forearm discussed in our manuscript: 1) Healthy vessels, 2) Arteriovenous fistula via modified mapping, 3) End-to-Side arteriovenous fistula and 4) Side-to-Side arteriovenous fistula. The files for 1), 3) and 4) contain the *.gmy files, input *.xml files for arteries and veins, the *0to1.txt map files describing the mapping parameters for the capillaries beds of the models and the MESH* files used to construct velocity boundary conditions for the geometry inlets. The *.gmy and MESH* files for 1) are reused for 2) in conjunction with the input* and  *0to1.txt map files provided for 2). When launching the jobs, all relevant files are called from the input *.xml files - those labelled PCB are to be used with the PressurCoupling Beds branch and the those labelled RC with the ResistorCapacitorBeds branch.