Data from: Evolution of leap-frog migration: A test of alternative hypotheses
Data files
May 28, 2024 version files 204.71 MB
Leap-frog migration is a common migration pattern in birds where the breeding and wintering latitudes between populations are in reversed latitudinal sequence. Competition for wintering and breeding sites has been suggested to be an ultimate factor and several competitor-based hypotheses have been proposed to explain this pattern. If wintering sites close to the breeding sites are favored, competitive exclusion could force subdominant individuals to winter further away. Competitive exclusion could be mediated either through body size or by prior occupancy. The alternative “spring predictability” hypothesis assumes competition for sufficiently close wintering areas, allowing the birds to use autocorrelated weather cues to optimally time spring migration departure. To test predictions and assumptions of these hypotheses, we combined morphometrics, migration and weather data from four populations of common ringed plover breeding along a latitudinal (56-68°N) and climatic gradient (temperate to Arctic). Critical for our evaluation was that two populations were breeding on the same latitude in subarctic Sweden and had the same distance to the closest potential wintering site, but differ in breeding phenology, and wintered in West Africa and Europe, respectively. Thus, while breeding on the same latitude, their winter distribution overlapped with that of an Arctic and temperate population, respectively. Body size was largest within the temperate population, but there was no size difference between the two subarctic. Populations wintering in Europe arrived there before populations wintering in Africa. The largest variation in arrival of meteorological spring occurred at the temperate breeding site, while there was almost no difference among the other sites. In general, temperatures at the northernmost wintering area correlated well with each breeding site prior to breeding site-specific spring arrival. Based on these observations, we conclude that competitive exclusion through body-size related dominance cannot explain leap-frog migration. Furthermore, the assumptions on which the ‘spring predictability’ hypothesis is based did not match the observed wintering ranges either. However, we could not reject the hypothesis that competitive exclusion mediated by prior occupancy in the wintering area could lead to leap-frog migration, and therefore this hypothesis should be retained as working hypothesis for further work.
README: Data from: Evolution of leap-frog migration: A test of alternative hypotheses
Data files
Description of data set and associated column names for,, gls.positions and temp.medel.csv, and description of, temp.corr.for.raster.rds, winter.home.ranges.ud75.rds and winter_union_sf.rds.
Contains morphological data. Data analyzed with code package morph.R.
LOCAL = Population (Abisko, Ammarnäs, Malören, Ottenby)
WING = Wing length in mm (maximum wing cord [Svensson, 1992])
BH = Total head length in mm (beak + head [Green, 1980])
TARS = Tarsus length in mm
This data set contains the timing of departure and arrivals at breeding and wintering sites, respectively, as well as arrival the continental Europe (outside the Scandinavian Peninsula) in autumn. Data analyzed with code package timing.R. NA's mean that no date for specific* Type* was available due to tag life, i.e. if tag failed before event happened.
Pop = Population (Abisko, Ammarnäs, Malören, Ottenby)
Rnr = Ring number
Logger = Logger ID
Year = Year
Type = Categorial factor which refers to annual cycle events: breeding departure date (dep.b.j), arrival to continental Europe (arr.cont.euro), winter arrival (arr.w.j), spring departure date (dep.w.j) and spring arrival date (arr.b.j).
Date = Date. Presented as day number of the year (i.e. January 1st = day 1)
Data set contains wintering positions/stationary period and stopover position during autumn migration. Used to plot maps and calculate 75% utility distributions in code package maps.distributions.R. NA's in sd.lon and in rows containing* Breeding* positions means that no standard deviation was calculated.
ID = Logger ID
Pop = Population (Abisko, Ammarnäs, Malören, Ottenby)
Season = A for autumn migration.
Activity2 = Type of position/stationary period. Position could either be breeding site, stopover or wintering
Lon = Longitude (decimal degrees).
Lat = Latitude (decimal degrees).
sd.lon = Standard deviation longitude (for error bar in maps) Standard deviation latitude (for error bar in maps)
eqx = If stationary period occur during the autumn equinox (yes/no = 0/1). NOTE: stopovers/stationary periods during the autumn equinox is not showed in the maps.
Output file from 75% utility distribution of population specific wintering ranges using R-package adehabitatHR *(Calenge 2006). Files is produced in code packagae *maps.distributions.R.
Simple feature collection. Total European wintering area calculated from winter.home.ranges.ud75.rds *in code package *Temp.corr_2.europe.winter_ground.overlay.R.
The .lux files contain raw light data from all light level geolocators in the study. See *Example code package *example.GLS.analysis.R represents the analysis procedure. Also see additional files M634_coords.xlsx.
Usage notes
This data have been derived from light-level geolocators.