Telychian Bryozoa, Matrix (Bryozoans from the lower Silurian (Telychian) Hanchiatien Formation from southern Chongqing, South China)
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Eight bryozoan species are described from the Hanchiatien Formation (lower Silurian, Telychian) of southern Chongqing, South China. Four species are new: the trepostomes Asperopora sinensis n. sp., Trematopora jiebeiensis n. sp., and Trematopora tenuis n. sp., and the fenestrate Moorephylloporina parvula n. sp. One species, a cystoporate Hennigopora sp. is described in open nomenclature. Moorephylloporina parvula n. sp. is eurytopic, occurring in all types of facies within the bioherms. Erect Moorephylloporina, Trematopora and Leioclema form pioneering communities on weakly cemented substrates, whereas encrusting Fistulipora, Hennigopora and Asperopora occur on hardgrounds and form densely compact framestones. Robust branched Trematopora and Leioclema tend to occur out of the reef core (framework) where they may have formed reef-flank thickets in more agitated conditions. The generic composition of the studied fauna correlates with other localities in South China, and they show general palaeobiogeographic relations to Siberia and Indiana, USA.
Distribution of Telychian bryozoan faunas was compiled according Anstey et al., 2003 (Anstey, R.L., Pachut, J.F., and Tuckey, M.E., 2003, Patterns of bryozoan endemism through the Ordovician-Silurian transition: Paleobiology, v. 29, p. 305–328). This matrix was used for pair-group cluster analysis analysis (Euclidean similarity index) and detrended correspondence analysis (performed with PAST, Hammer, Ø., Harper, D.A.T., and Ryan, P.D., 2001, PAST: Paleontological statistics software package for education and data analysis: Palaeontologia Electronica, v. 4, p. 1–9).