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Elevational shifts in foliar-soil δ15N in the Hengduan Mountains and different potential mechanisms

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Jun 17, 2022 version files 21.71 KB


The natural abundance of stable nitrogen isotopes (δ15N) provides insights into the N dynamics of terrestrial ecosystems, the determination of which is considered an effective approach for gaining a better understanding ecosystem N cyclingHowever, there is currently little information available regarding the patterns and mechanisms underlying the variation in foliar-soil δ15N among mountain ecosystems. In this study, we examined the determinants of foliar-soil δ15N in association with N transportation rates along an elevational gradient in the Hengduan Mountains. Despite the relatively high levels of available N produced from high N fixation and mineralization, we detected the lowest levels of foliar δ15N at 3500 m a.s.l., reflecting the stronger vegetation N limitation at medium high elevations. The enhanced vegetation N limitation was driven by the combined effects of higher microbial immobilization and inherent plant dynamic (the shifts of δ15N in vegetation preference, including vegetation communitywith changing climate along the elevational gradient. Unexpectedly, we established that soil δ15N was characterized by an undulating rise and uncoupled correlation with foliar δ15N with increasing elevation, thereby indicating that litter input might not be a prominent driver of soil δ15N. Conversely, soil nitrification and denitrification were found to make a more pronounced contribution to the pattern of soil δ15N along the elevational gradient. Collectively, our results serve to highlight the importance of microbial immobilization in soil N dynamics and provide novel insights that will contribute to enhancing our understanding of N cycling as indicated by foliar-soil δ15N along elevational gradients.