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Motor recalibration of visual and saccadic maps

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Feb 09, 2023 version files 73.65 KB


How does the brain maintain an accurate visual representation of external space? Movement errors following saccade execution provide sufficient information to recalibrate motor and visual space. Here, we asked whether spatial information for vision and saccades is processed in shared or in separate resources. We used saccade adaptation to modify both saccade amplitudes and visual mislocalization. After saccade adaptation was induced, we compared participants’ saccadic and perceptual localization before and after we inserted “no error” trials. In these trials, we clamped the post-saccadic error online to the predicted end points of saccades. In separate experiments, we either annulled the retinal or the prediction error. We also varied the number of “no error” trials across conditions. In all conditions, we found that saccade adaptation remained undisturbed by the insertion of “no error” trials. However, mislocalization decreased as a function of the number of trials in which zero retinal error was displayed. When the prediction error was clamped to zero, no mislocalization was observed at all. The results demonstrate the post-saccadic error is used separately to recalibrate visual and saccadic space.