A Morrison stem gekkotan reveals gecko evolution and Jurassic biogeography
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Meyer, Dalton; Brownstein, Chase; Jenkins, Kelsey; Gauthier, Jacques (2023). A Morrison stem gekkotan reveals gecko evolution and Jurassic biogeography [Dataset]. Dryad. https://doi.org/10.5061/dryad.rbnzs7hjc
Geckos are a speciose and globally distributed clade of Squamata (lizards, including snakes and amphisbaenians) that are characterized by a host of modifications for nocturnal, scansorial, and insectivorous ecologies. They are among the oldest divergences in the lizard crown, so understanding the origin of geckoes (Gekkota) is essential to understanding the origin of Squamata, the most species-rich extant tetrapod clade. However, the poor fossil record of gekkotans has obscured the sequence and timing of the assembly of their distinctive morphology. Here, we describe the first North American stem-gekkotan based on a three-dimensionally preserved skull from the Morrison Formation of western North America. Despite its Late Jurassic age, the new species already possesses several key characteristics of the gekkotan skull along with retained ancestral features. We show that this new stem gekkotan, and several previously named species of uncertain phylogenetic relationships, comprise a widespread clade of early crown lizards, substantiating faunal homogeneity in Laurasia during the Late Jurassic that extended across disparate ecological, body-size, and physiological classes.
README: A Morrison stem gekkotan reveals gecko evolution and Jurassic biogeography
This dataset contains 5 supplementary datasets to our article A Morrison stem gekkotan reveals gecko evolution and Jurassic biogeography. They are as follows.
Set 1 contains our phylogenetic dataset, which is a modified version of the dataset of Gauthier et al., 2012. This dataset was assembled in Mesquite v 3.70. This file is labeled: "Supplmental File 1-Helioscopos_Matrix.nex"
Set 2 contains .tre files of the strict consensus trees of our maximum parsimony analyses of our dataset (both equal and implied weights and with and without a molecular constraint). These analyses were performed via new technology searches in TNT v 1.5. These files are named with the description of the paramaters used for each analysis, for example "Constrained K12.tre" is the tree file resulting from our implied weights analysis with weighting strength K=12 and a molecular constraint.
Set 3 contains 3D STL files of the segmented anatomy of Helioscopos dickersonae. The STLs presented herein were produced from microCT data collected at the University of Texas High-Resolution X-ray CT Facility (180 kV, 0.13μA, no filter, 1400 projections, 2 frames per projection), and segmented in 3Dslicer and VGStudio Max 3.5. These files are named for the element they represent, for example "Dentary (R).stl" is the right dentary.
Set 4 contains tiffs of all of the supplemental figures in the manuscript. This is on Zenodo.
Set 5 contains the modified phylogenetic dataset used for our time calibrated bayesian analysis, as well as the maximium clade crediblity tree file and the final xml file of the analysis conduced in BEAST 2.6.6. The matrix is "modifed_bayesoan_Helioscopos.nex," while the tree file is "Helioscopos_12SUM.tree," and the xml file is "Helioscopos_final_run.xml."
Description of the data and file structure
We recommend viewing our nexus files (.nex) in Mesquite (at whatever the current version is at the time of a user accsessing this data). A download link for Mesquite can be found here: https://www.mesquiteproject.org/.
Our tree files (.tre) are best viewed in FigTree, available here: http://tree.bio.ed.ac.uk/software/figtree/. However there are also R packages capable of openeing these files for the purpose of tree visualization.
Our STL files can be viewed in the native Windows software Paint3D, as well as in a number of other programs (both freeware and otherwise) designed to work with 3D data. These include Meshlab (https://www.meshlab.net/) and Blender (https://www.blender.org/download/).