Mesocosm experiments validate induction of Daphnia vertical migration by the fish-derived kairomone 5α-cyprinol sulfate
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The fish-borne bile salt 5α-cyprinol sulfate (CPS) has been identified as a kairomone inducing the predator avoidance behavior “diel vertical migration” (DVM) in Daphnia magna in response to fish. Conclusions about the ecological significance of CPS have been derived from laboratory experiments only. Using a mesocosm approach, we investigate whether the role of CPS as a kairomone can be confirmed in the field. We demonstrate that CPS induces downward migration during daytime in a field-derived Daphnia community consisting of D. longispina and D. cucullata and in D. longispina in particular. In the study lake, D. longispina shows a similar pattern of DVM. Quantification of CPS by HPLC-MS confirms that CPS in situ concentrations in the lake are sufficiently high for induction of daytime downward migration of D. longispina in this oligo-mesotrophic lake. Conclusively, we provide evidence for the significance of CPS as a kairomone in freshwater systems.
README: Mesocosm experiments validate induction of Daphnia vertical migration by the fish-derived kairomone 5α-cyprinol sulfate
The Excel dataset "MesocosmLakeKlostersee_DataRepository" contains all complete raw data. The tabs separate the individual experiments. Abbreviations are listed in the Excel sheets themselves. Broadly, it can be divided into two main experiments Mesocosm and Lake Klostersee as described in "Description of the data and file structure". Here, explanatory notes for the datasets, along with the respective figures and tables, are conveniently provided alongside the tab names."
Description of the data and file structure
Mesocosm Experiments
Tab name:
Mesocosm (48h) Day 13.06.19 - Count data vertical daytime distribution of Daphnia spp. 48 hours (day) after addition of CPS (Figure 1, SI Figure 5, SI Table 5-7)
Mesocosm (60h) Night 13.06.19 - Count data vertical daytime distribution of Daphnia spp. 60 hours (day) after addition of CPS (Figure 1, SI Figure 5, SI Table 5-7)
Mesocosm (72h) Day 14.06.19 - Count data vertical daytime distribution of Daphnia spp. 72 hours (day) after addition of CPS (SI Figure 7, SI Table 8)
Mesocosm CNP+Chloro 2019- Comparison of initial concentrations of particulate carbon and nitrogen, chlorophyll a and total phosphorous concentrations of experimental mesocosms (SI Table 11)
Mesocosm CPS conc. 2019 - CPS concentrations in experimental mesocosms over time (SI Figure 6)
Mesocosm AbioticFac 2019 - Depth profiles of temperature and attenuation coefficients and depths of euphotic zone in experimental mesocosms 48 hours after addition of CPS (Figure 2, SI Figure 8)
Calibrationcurve Chol.sulf. - Calibration curve for LC-MS analysis of CPS + Influence of analyte concentration and sample processing by SPE on area ratios (SI Figure 2, SI Table1-3))
Lake Klostersee
Tab name:
Lake DVM profiles 2022 - Vertical profiles of Lake Klostersee. Distribution of D. longispina during daytime (A) and nighttime (B). (Figure 3, SI Figure 9)
Lake Klostersee CPSconc. 2022 - Concentration of CPS in Lake Klostersee (Figure 4)
Lake Klostersee Abiotic Fac 2022 - Vertical profile of light intensity and temperature on 1st day of sampling in Klostersee in August 2022. (Figure 3)
Lake Chloro+AbioticFac 2023 - Vertical profiles of temperature and chlorophyll a in Lake Klostersee in August 2023.( SI Figure 10)
Lake KlosterseeTemperature - All Temperature Profiles (2015, 2016, 2019, 2022, 2023) from Lake Klostersee. (SI Figure 11)
Notice: In all tables the symbol '-' indicates that there are no measurement values present.