Sequential maturation of stimulus-specific adaptation in the mouse lemniscal auditory system
Data files
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Stimulus-specific adaptation (SSA), the reduction of neural activity to a common stimulus that does not generalize to other, rare stimuli, is an essential property of our brain. Although well characterized in adults, it is still unknown how it develops during adolescence and what neuronal circuits are involved. Using in vivo electrophysiology and optogenetics in the lemniscal pathway of the mouse auditory system, we observed SSA to be stable from postnatal day 20 (P20) in the inferior colliculus, to develop until P30 in the auditory thalamus (MGV) and even later in the primary auditory cortex (A1). We found this maturation process to be experience-dependent in A1 but not in MGV, and to be related to alterations in deep but not input layers of A1. We also identified corticothalamic projections to be implicated in MGV SSA development. Together, our results reveal different circuits underlying the sequential SSA maturation and provide a unique perspective to understand predictive coding and surprise across sensory systems.
README: Sequential maturation of stimulus-specific adaptation in the mouse lemniscal auditory system.
Give a brief summary of dataset contents, contextualized in experimental procedures and results.
Description of the data and file structure
The files are organized by figures. For each file, all data used in the figure panels for plotting averages or distributions across units are represented, with each row/cell representing the value described in this panel for one single unit. The only exception is for Figure 2A, where a cell represents the average of the whole population at a given tone presentation, as displayed on the corresponding graphs.
Prefixes and abbreviations used across datasets:
- P#: Postnatal age of the mice studied in number of days form birth (example: P20: 20 day old mouse)
- SSA: stimulus specific adaptation
- CSI: common SSA index
- ICC: central nucleus of the inferior colliculus
- MGV: ventral part of the medial geniculate body
- AI: primary auditory cortex
- Std: standard tone
- Dev: deviant tone
- f2: pure tone frequency 2
- WN: white noise exposed mice
- Odd: oddball exposed mice
- Sup: superficial cortical layers
- Input: input cortical layer
- Deep: deep cortical layers
- RS: regular spiking
- FS: fast spiking
- Light on: conditions when the laser light is on
- Light off: conditions when the laser light is off
- PV-ChR2: mice expressing channelrhodopsin in parvalbumin-positive cells
- Nstr1-Arch: mice expressing Archaerhodopsin-3 in Neurotensin receptor 1 positive cells
The following text describes the contents of the DATA folder. For further details, please contact the authors.
· Data_Figure1
o Figure 1F (columns 1 to 4): CSI in the ICC for each age group studied (column 1: P20, column 2: P30, column 3: P40, column 4: P50). Each row represents a single unit.
o Figure 1G (columns 5 to 8): CSI in the MGV for each age group studied (column 1: P20, column 2: P30, column 3: P40, column 4: P50). Each row represents a single unit.
o Figure 1H (columns 9 to 12): CSI in the A1 for each age group studied (column 1: P20, column 2: P30, column 3: P40, column 4: P50). Each row represents a single unit.
· Data_Figure2
o Figure 2A (columns 1 to 12): Average firing rates of standard (std) tones for each age group (P20, P30, P40, P50) and each region studied (ICC, MGV, A1), normalized to the first tone presentation across all single units recorded. Each row represents the average of the whole population for a given tone presentation in the oddball protocol (in chronological order).
o Figure 2C (columns 13 to 132): Average normalized firing rate of response to the deviant tone f2 for each number of preceding tones (2 to 10) to the single standard sequence (1), for each age group for each age group (P20, P30, P40, P50) and each region studied (ICC, MGV, A1).
o Figure 2D (columns 133 to 252): Average normalized firing rate of response to the standard tone f2 for each number of preceding standards (1 to 9) to the single standard sequence (0), for each age group (P20, P30, P40, P50) and each region studied (ICC, MGV, A1).
· Data_Figure3
o Figure 3A (columns 1 to 12): spontaneous activity for each age group and area studied. Each row represents a single unit.
o Figure 3C (columns 13 to 24): tuning bandwidth (octave) at 60 dB SPL for each age group and area studied. Each row represents a single unit.
o Figure 3E (columns 25 to 36): response threshold (dB SPL) f or each age group and area studied. Each row represents a single unit.
· Data_Figure4
o Figure 4C (columns 1 to 5): CSI for control MGV for each age (P20, P30, P40, and P50) and WN-exposed P50 (column 5). Each row represents a single unit.
o Figure 4E (columns 6 to 10): CSI for control A1 for each age (P20, P30, P40, and P50) and WN-exposed P50 (column 5). Each row represents a single unit.
o Figure 4F (column 11): CSI for odd-exposed A1 P50. Each row represents a single unit.
· Data_Figure5
o Figure 5D (columns 1 to 18): CSI for cortical superficial, input, and deep layers for control at different ages, and white noise exposed or oddball exposed P50 mice. Each row represents a single unit.
o Figure 5F (columns 19 to 30): CSI of FS and RS units for control at different ages, and white noise exposed or oddball exposed P50 mice. Each row represents a single unit.
o Figure 5G (columns 31 to 42): CSI of FS and RS units in cortical deep layers for control at different ages, and white noise exposed or oddball exposed P50 mice. Each row represents a single unit.
· Data_Figure6
o Figure 6C (columns 1 to 4): CSI difference between Light Off and Light On for MGV P20, P30, P40, and P50 in PV-ChR2 mice. Each row represents a single unit.
o Figure 6D (columns 5 to 8): CSI of Light On for MGV P20, P30, P40, and P50 PV-ChR2 mice. Each row represents a single unit.
o Figure 6F (columns 9 and 10): CSI of Light Off and Light On for ICC P40PV-ChR2 mice. Each row represents a single unit.
o Figure 6H (columns 11 and 12): CSI of Light Off and Light On for MGV P40 Nstr1-Arch mice. Each row represents a single unit.
The data was collected using in vivo electrophysiological recordings in awake mice, using Neuronexus multishaft electrodes (A64 or A32). It was then processed for spike sorting using kilosort1, and curated manually using phy. Further details are described in the manuscript.