Comparative data for dance fly eye morphology and female ornamentation
Data files
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These data were collected as part of a comparative study of the relationship between female ornamentation and sexual dimorphism in eye morphology. Data come from specimens collected in the field in Scotland near Loch Lomond in the summers of 2009, 2010, and 2011 as well as the summer of 2012 near Glen Williams in Ontario, Canada. The repository contains raw image files including information on magnifications at which these were taken, excel spreadsheets of morphological measurements taken from these images, a dataset from search of Collin’s (1961) key to the Empidinae for reports of sexual dimorphism and exaggerations of male eye morphology, and an R notebook file detailing the analytical steps taken.
README: Comparative data for dance fly eye morphology and female ornamentation
This repository contains data for comparative analysis of morphology in dance flies.
We have collected data on descriptions of female ornamentation from the taxonomic key by Collin (1961)
The data were analysed and results are presented in a manuscript:
Wiberg R.A.W., Murray, R.L., Herridge, E., Gwynne, D.T. & Bussière, L.F. Sexually antagonistic co-evolution can explain female display signals and male sensory adaptations. bioRxiv:
Description of the data and file structure
The repository contains analysis ready data tables:
- Durvey of descriptions on female ornamentation and male eye morphology from the Collin (1961)taxonomic key.
- Taxon - species name
- ave_length --- average or described length of individuals (mm)
- length averaged? --- was the length averaged across multiple specimens? (1 = yes, 0 = no)
- fem_orn --- are females ornamented in any way
- fem_orn_no_pennate --- are females ornamented in any way (not including pennate scales) (1 = yes, 0 = no)
- female wing colour --- are females described as having dark wings (1 = yes, 0 = no)
- male wing colour --- are males described as having dark wings (1 = yes, 0 = no)
- female wing size --- are females described as having larger wings than males (1 = yes, 0 = no)
- pennate --- are females described as having pennate scales on any legs (1 = yes, 0 = no)
- dorsal acute zone --- are males described as having enlarged dorsal facets (1 = yes, 0 = no)
- female abdominal sac/membrane --- are females described as having abdominal sacs/membranes (1 = yes, 0 = no)
- females swarm --- do females swarm (1 = yes, 0 = no)
- males swarm --- do males swarm (1 = yes, 0 = no)
- "Comments (Collins, 1961)" --- Further noteworthy comments from Collin (1961)
Empty cells in CollinsData.csv
represent missing information from the literature.
- Data on morphological measures.
- ID --- individual specimen ID.
- Species --- species name.
- tree_Species --- species name in the format of the tree files from Murray et al. (2020).
- Sex --- the sex of the specimen (M = male, F = female).
- OSR M/Total --- The mean operational sex ratio of swarms.
- MinLux --- the minimum Lux measurement taken within a swarm.
- MaxLux --- the maximum Lux measurement taken within a swarm.
- MeanLux --- the mean Lux measurement taken within a swarm.
- Body Weight (g) --- body weight of the specimen.
- ThoraxL --- Thorax length in mm.
- Mean Dorsal Facet d (mm) --- mean dorsal facet diameter in mm.
- Dorsal Facet SE Mean --- standard error of the mean dorsal facet diameter.
- Mean Ventral Facet d (mm) --- mean ventral facet diameter.
- Ventral Facet SE Mean --- standard error of the mean ventral facet diameter.
- EyeExag --- eye exaggeration = (Mean Dorsal Facet d - Mean Ventral Facet d).
- Exag:Thx --- eye exaggeration normalised for body size = EyeExag/ThoraxL.
- MeanEExag --- Mean eye exaggeration for the each species and sex.
- SEEexag --- standard error around the mean eye exaggeration for each species and sex.
- LegAreaLHL(mm2) --- Left hind leg area
- LegAreaRHL(mm2) --- Right hind leg area
- MeanHLegArea(mm2) --- Mean hind leg area
- A:HL --- Mean hind leg area standardised by mean hind leg length
- LegAreaLML(mm2) --- Left middle leg area.
- LegAreaRML(mm2) --- Right middle leg area.
- MeanMLegArea(mm2) --- Mean middle leg area
- TotalLArea --- Total leg area
- A:ML --- Mean middle leg area standardised by mean hind leg length.
- TotLA:LL --- Total leg area standardised by total leg length.
- sqrTotLA:LL --- Square root of total leg area standardised by total leg length.
- SpMMean --- Mean species male sqrTotLA:LL.
- TotalOrn --- Female total ornamentation female sqrTotLA:LL/SpMMean.
- MeanOrn --- Mean female total ornamentation (TotalOrn).
- SEOrn --- standard error of MeanOrn.
- RWl(mm) --- Right wing length.
- RWw(mm) --- Right wing width.
- LWl(mm) --- Left wing length.
- LWw(mm) --- Left wing width.
- MeanWl --- Mean wing length.
- MeanWw --- Mean wing width.
- LHLlFemur(mm) --- Left hind leg femur length in mm.
- LHLlTibia (mm) --- Left hind leg tibia length in mm.
- TotalLHL --- Total left hind leg length in mm.
- RHLlFemur(mm) --- Right hind leg femur length in mm.
- RHLlTibia(mm) --- Right hind leg tibia length in mm.
- TotalRHL --- Total right hind leg femur length in mm.
- MeanHL --- Mean total hind leg length in mm.
- LMLlFemur(mm) --- Left middle leg femur length in mm.
- LMLlTibia(mm) --- Left middle leg tibia length in mm.
- TotalLML --- Total left middle leg femur length in mm.
- RMLlFemur(mm) --- Right middle leg femur length in mm.
- RMLlTibia(mm) --- Left middle leg tibia length in mm.
- TotalRML --- Total right middle leg femur length in mm.
- MeanML --- Mean total middle leg length in mm.
- LFLlFemur(mm) --- Left front leg femur length in mm.
- LFLlTibia(mm) --- Left front leg tibia length in mm.
- TotalLFL --- Total left front leg femur length in mm.
- RFLlFemur(mm) --- Right front leg femur length in mm.
- RFLlTibia(mm) --- Right front leg tibia length in mm.
- TotalRFL --- Total right front leg length in mm.
- MeanFL --- Mean fron leg length in mm.
Empty cells in DanceFlyData.csv
represent instances where measurements were not possible from specimens, or because only processed measurements were entered in the appropriate fields of the table.
The repository also contains a phylogenetic data from Murray et al. (2020).
- Sample of trees from the posterior distribution of trees
- Consensus tree.
The repository also contains the final tree file of the empid CAD/COI tree generated generated from publicly available sequences (see the accompanying manuscript for details).
- Maximum likelihood tree based on concatenated alignments of the CAD and COI loci across 63 species of Empididae.
- A markdown file of the bioinformatic steps taken to produce the ML CAD/COI tree.
The repository contains R analysis scripts for performing comparative analysis of female ornamentation and male eye exaggerations.
The repository also contains the files brms_multitree_mod.RData
and brms_consensustree_mod.RData
. These are .RData
objects containing the output of brms models described in the R script file dance_flies_eyes_MS.rmd
these models are quite laborious to run, so for ease of use, we provide the precomputed output.
Archive: images (~2Gb total data)
This zipped archive
contains all images that formed the basis of morphological measures.
Within the archive the folders are organised by species and sex.
Within each folder are sub-folders for eye pictures, other body parts, and wings. See schematic below
-- Species_sex
-- Body bits
-- Eyes
-- Wings
Files are labelled with sex, species, unique specimen ID, and body part information
e.g. M.RL.1LHL - male, R. longicauda, specimen 1, left hind-leg (see below for abbreviations)
If the file name contains a terminal number in perentheses:
e.g. M.RL.7EYE(2).JPG
then multiple images were taken for that specimen and the best image was kept for processing.
N.B. a number in parentheses might occur with the speciment ID
e.g. F.RL.A266(3)LW.JPG
and F.RL.A266(4)LW.JPG
this number is part of the specimen ID, i.e. A266(3)
and A266(4)
are different specimens.
At the top-most level of the images
archive, there is also a folder containing scale pictures, all of which are labelled with the magnification at which they were taken as well as the diameter of the object in the image.
Finally, there is a file (species_pictures_magnifications.xls
) which contains the magnifications at which pictures for each species were taken.
F - Female
M - Male
RL - R. longicauda
ET - E. tessellata
AL - A. longipes
EA - E. aestiva
EN - E. nigripes
HC - H. chorica
RC - R. crassirostris
RS - R. stigmosa
Body parts
LW - Left wing
RW - Right wing
LHL - Left hind leg
RHL - Right hind leg
LML - Left middle leg
RML - Right middle leg
LFL - Left front leg
RFL - Right fron leg
Collin, J. E. 1961. British Flies: Empididae. Cambridge University Press.
Murray R. L, Herridge, E. J., Ness R. W., Wiberg R. A. W., Gwynne D. T. & Bussière L. F. 2020. Competition for access to mates predicts female-specific ornamentation and male investment in relative testis size. Evolution. 74: 1741–1754.
Flies were caught from mating swarms or when resting on vegetation using sweep nets. Differences in eye morphology were quantified from nail varnish casts of the compound eyes of males and females. Female ornamentation was quantified as the total leg area of the four posterior legs of males and females.
Usage notes
Comparative analysis was performed using a phylogeny published in: Murray et al., 2020 Competition for access to mates predicts female-specific ornamentation and polyandry. Evolution. As well as a phylogeny available in this repository (folder "phylogenetics").
Full Reference for Collin’s (1961) key: Collin, J. E. (1961). British Flies: Empididae. Cambridge University Press.