Effect of T cell vaccine in an influenza human challenge model
Data files
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The protection afforded by inactivated influenza vaccines can theoretically be improved by inducing T-cell responses to conserved internal influenza A antigens. We hypothesized that in an influenza-controlled human infection challenge, susceptible individuals receiving a vaccine boosting T cell responses would exhibit lower viral load and decreased symptoms compared to placebo recipients. Healthy European volunteers with microneutralization titers < 20 to the H3N2 challenge strain were randomized double-blind using a permuted-block list with a 3:2 allocation ratio to receive IM MVA expressing H3N2 NP and M1 or placebo. Over six weeks later, participants were challenged intranasally. Nasal swabs were collected twice daily for viral PCR, and symptoms of influenza were recorded through day 11. T-cell responses were monitored both pre- and post-vaccination (0,8, and 28 days) and challenge (0 and 28 days) by ELISpot and multiparameter flow cytometry. There was no significant effect of NVANP+M1 versus placebo on the viral area under the curve (vAUC), symptom scores, individual symptoms, or influenza-like illness in Intent to treat or Protocol Analysis. The MVA-NP+M1 vaccine was well-tolerated and induced three-fold increases in CD4+ and CD8+ T cell responses, with no change in the placebo group (p = <0.001). There was also no correlation between vAUC or symptoms with any of the pre-challenge CD4+ or CD8+ T-cell phenotypes in either vaccinated or placebo participants. The use of an MVA vaccine to expand CD4+ and CD8+ T cells to conserved influenza A antigens in peripheral blood did not impact outcomes in an influenza H3N2 challenge model in seronegative, healthy adults.
README: Effect of T cell vaccine in an influenza human challenge model
Description of the data and file structure
Submitted datasets follow CDISC’s Analysis Data Model (ADaM) and include the following Excel files.
All empty cells have no associated data.
Files and Variables
File: `adqs1.xlsx`
Description: Influenza symptoms
- Unique Subject Identifier
- Pooled Subject Group 1
- Sex
- Actual Treatment for Period 01
- Question Symptom Short Name
- Question Name
- Parameter
- Parameter Category 1 (local or systemic)
- Parameter Category 2 (anatomical location)
- Parameter Category 3 (Description)
- Category of Question (if solicited on scoring card)
- Visit Name
- Analysis Visit
- Planned Time Point Name (morning or evening)
- Phase
- Analysis Relative Day
- Time Point Reference
- Character Results/Findings in standard grading format
- Analysis Value
- Baseline Value
- Change from Baseline
File: `adqs2.xlsx`
Description: Reactogenicity
Unique Variables:
- Safety Population Flag
- Planned Treatment for Period 01
- Question Short Name
- Parameter Coding
- Parameter (assigned coding number)
- Standard Units
- Analysis Toxicity Grade
File: `advs.xlsx`
Description: Vital signs
Unique Variables:
- Vital Signs Test Name
- Vital Signs Position of Subject
- Parameter (N)
- Numeric Result/Finding in Standard Units
- Baseline Type
- Toxicity Name
- Baseline Toxicity Grade
- Age by decade
File: `adlb.xlsx`
Description: Safety Laboratory values
Unique Variables:
- Lab Test or Examination Short Name
- Lab Test or Examination Name
- Parameter Code
- Parameter (assigned number)
- Category for Lab Test
- Epoch
- Numeric Result/Finding in Standard Units
- Sequence Number
- Group ID
- Reference Range Lower Limit-Standard Units
- Reference Range Upper Limit-Standard Units
- Standard Reference Range Upper Limit Qualifier
- Reference Range Indicator
- Reason Test Not Done
- Clinically Significance
File: `adis.xlsx`
Description: Immunogenicity results
Unique Variables:
- Intent-To-Treat Population Flag
- Immunogenicity Test/Exam Short Name
- Immunogenicity Test or Examination Name
- Parameter Code
- Parameter Number
- Parameter Category 1 (Antibody or cellular)
- Parameter Category description
- Parameter Category 2
- Parameter Category 2 (assigned number)
- Parameter Category 3 (Gamma interferon or Granzyme)
- Parameter Category 3 (assigned number)
- Parameter Category 4 (peptides used)
- Parameter Category 4 (assigned number)
- Parameter Category 5 (peptide pools)
- Parameter Category 5 (assigned number)
- Parameter Category 6 (replicate number)
- Result or Finding in Original Units
- Original units
- Analysis value assigned
- Baseline period
- Derivation type (if Below LLOQ or above ULOQ)
- Replicate number
- Category for Immunogenicity Test
- Subcategory for Immunogenicity Test
- Vendor name
- Specimen type
- Method of Test or Examination
- Lower limit of quantitation
- Reason Not Done
- Number of DMSO Replicate Results
File: `admb.xlsx`
Description: Microbiology results
Unique Variables:
- Microbiology Test or Finding Short Name
- Microbiology Test or Finding Name
- Parameter Type
- Category for Microbiology Finding (swab in transport media)
- Result or Finding in Original Units
- Original Units
- Vendor Name
- Specimen Type
- Method of Test or Examination
- Reference ID
- Completion Status
- Reason Microbiology Not Performed
File: `adre.xlsx`
Description: Respiratory data
Unique Variables:
- Test or Examination Short Name
- Test or Examination Name
- Actual Parameter
- Parameter Code Assigned
- Mean result in the treatment group
- Standard error of mean result of treatment group
File: `adtte.xlsx`
Description: Time to event endpoints
Unique Variables:
- Censor
- Event or Censoring Description
File: `adsl.xlsx`
Description: Participant-level demographics and disposition by column number
Unique Variables:
- Pooled Subject Group 1- number assigned
- Pooled subject group 2 (challenge)
- Pooled subject group 2 = number assigned
- Age units
- Randomized Population Flag
- Per protocol population flag
- Planned Arm Code
- Description of planned arm
- Actual Arm code
- Description of actual arm
- Planned Treatment for Period – number assigned
- Actual Treatment for Period 01- number assigned
- End of study status
- Reason for Discontinuation from Study
- Specific Reason for Discontinuation from Study
- End of Phase 2 status
- Reason for Discontinuation from Phase 2
- Specific Reason for Discontinuation from Phase 2
- End of Phase 3 status
- Reason for Discontinuation from Phase 3
- Specific Reason for Discontinuation from Phase 3
- End of Phase 4 status
- Reason for Discontinuation from Phase 4
- Specific Reason for Discontinuation from Phase 4
- Description of phase 1 (Screening)
- Description of Phase 2 (Vaccination)
- Phase 2 End Time Imputation Flag
- Description of phase 3 (Challenge period)
- Phase 3 End Time Imputation Flag
- Description of Phase 4 (Follow-up after inpatient period for challenge)
- Phase 4 End Time Imputation Flag
- Body mass index at screening
File: `adeg.xlsx`
Description: ECG results
Unique Variables:
- ECG test or examination name
- ECG position of the subject
- Analysis category value
- Analysis value assigned number
- Treatment-emergent analysis flag
- Analysis Reference Range Indicator
- Baseline reference range indicator
- Baseline reference range indicator assigned number
- Analysis range lower limit
- Analysis range upper limit
File: `adfa.xlsx`
Description: Mucous production
Unique Variables:
- Findings about test name
- Object of the observation
- Planned time point
- Planned time point number
- Mean result in the treatment group
- Standard error of mean result of treatment group
File: `adae.xlsx`
Description: Overall adverse events
Unique Variables:
- Cohort
- Intent to treat the population
- Planned treatment (cohort number)
- Reported term for the adverse event
- Dictionary derived term
- Body system or organ class
- Lowest level term
- High-level term
- High-level group term
- Analysis Start relative day
- Analysis duration
- Duration units
- Serious adverse event (Y/N)
- Standard toxicity grade
- Analysis toxicity grade (Assigned number)
- Action taken with the study treatment
- Causality 1-Site investigator
- Causality 1 (Assigned number)
- Causality 2- Sponsor
- Causality 2 (Assigned number)
- Outcome of adverse event
- Concomitant or additional treatment given
- Age range by decade
File: `adaper.xlsx`
Description: Analysis periods by specific days passed
Unique Variables:
- Time between vaccination and challenge
Standard eCRFs and then put into CDISC format and exported to Excel for the upload. Columns with duplicate names were deleted.