Gene expression data from clones of FAO cells with different glucose production capability
Data files
Apr 17, 2024 version files 314.40 MB
In response to energy and nutrient shortage, the liver triggers several catabolic processes to promote survival. Despite recent progresses, the precise molecular mechanisms regulating the hepatic adaptation to fasting remain incompletely characterized. Here, we report the identification of Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase-like 2 (HSDL2) as a mitochondrial protein highly induced by fasting. We show that activation of PGC1a-PPARa and inhibition of the PI3K- mTORC1 axis stimulate HSDL2 expression in hepatocytes. We found that HSDL2 depletion decreases cholesterol conversion to bile acids (BAs) and impairs FXR activity. HSDL2 knockdown also reduces mitochondrial respiration, fatty acid oxidation, and TCA cycle activity. Bioinformatics analyses revealed that hepatic Hsdl2 expression positively associates with the postprandial excursion of various BA species in mice. Here, we show that liver-specific HSDL2 depletion impacts BA metabolism and decreases circulating cholesterol levels upon refeeding. Overall, our report identifies HSDL2 as a fasting-induced mitochondrial protein that links nutritional signals to BAs and cholesterol homeostasis.
README: Gene expression data from clones of FAO cells with different glucose production capability
Here we provide microarray dataset from one experiment comparing FAO cells with either Low (n=6) or High (n=6) glucose prodcution capability.
Description of the data and file structure
FAO cells were cultured according to standard mammalian tissue culture protocols and sterile techniques. The cell lines were cultured in complete Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle Medium (DMEM) supplemented with Fetal Bovine Serum (FBS) (10%). Single cells were isolated and amplified from a parental culture of FAO cells. The clones were expanded and glucose production was measured in each lines. Using this approach, we have identified Low and High glucose producers. We have then selected 6 Low and 6 High lines and we have performed microarrays to identify the genes differentially expressed. Briefly, total mRNA was isolated from cells and tissues using the RNeasy Lipid Tissue Mini Kit. Biotinylated cRNA were prepared according to the standard Affymetrix WT PLUS Kit protocol. Following fragmentation, cRNA was hybridized for 16 hr at 45C on Rat Gene 2.0 ST. Chips were washed and stained on an Affymetrix Genechip Wash Station 450 using the FS450_0002 protocol. GeneChips were scanned using the Affymetrix GeneChip Scanner 3000.
The .cel files were proccessed using GeneChip Command Console Software (Thermo Fisher Scientific). Expression values were extracted using the Robust Multichip Average (RMA) method implemented in the oligo package in R.
Single cells were isolated and amplified from a parental culture of FAO cells. The clones were expanded and glucose production was measured in each lines. Using this approach, we have identified Low and High glucose producers. We have then selected 6 Low and 6 High lines and we have performed microarrays to identify the genes differentially expressed.