Phylogeny of euophryine jumping spiders from ultra-conserved elements, with evidence on the intersexual coevolution of genitalia (Araneae: Salticidae: Euophryini)
Data files
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Knowledge of phylogeny is required to understand the evolution of highly diverse groups such as the euophryine jumping spiders, a lineage showing high species and morphological diversity. In this study, we applied a phylogenomic approach using ultra-conserved elements (UCE) obtained from 145 taxa to infer the phylogeny of euophryine jumping spiders. The results provide a well-supported phylogenetic framework for Euophryini, especially for the deeper relationships, in which the monophyly of Euophryini, as well as most clades corresponding to a genus or a group of closely related genera are strongly supported. Additionally, the evolutionary patterns of male embolus length and female copulatory duct length of 117 euophryine species were investigated through ancestral character state reconstruction and phylogenetically-independent contrasts analyses using the UCE phylogenetic framework. The results suggest strongly that the evolution of the lengths of male embolus and female copulatory duct in Euophryini is positively correlated. The common ancestor of Euophryini likely had relatively short embolus and copulatory duct, followed by repeated lengthening or shortening of both structures in different lineages. Possible mechanisms that may have caused this intersexual coevolution pattern in Euophryini are discussed. This study advances our understandings of the phylogeny, systematics and genitalic evolution of euophryines, providing a solid foundation for future studies on the diversification and evolution of this jumping spider group.
README: Phylogeny of euophryine jumping spiders from ultra-conserved elements, with evidence on the intersexual coevolution of genitalia (Araneae: Salticidae: Euophryini)
Description of the data and file structure
Description: Contains the final concatenated ultra-conserved element (UCE) dataset for 145 species across 2412 UCE loci for phylogenetic analyses. A partition file ("1_145spp_2412loci_concatenated_UCE_dataset.partition") corresponding to each included UCE locus is included for the model-based phylogenetic inference. A file containing the optimized partition scheme and models for the phylogenetic analyses on the concatenated dataset is also included ("1_145spp_2412_loci_optimized_partition_and_models_ML.nex").
Note: We recommend to view these files using Notepad++.
Description: Contains the phylogenetic results from the Maximum Likelihood (ML), Bayesian Inference (BI), and ASTRAL analyses. In the ASTRAL result, the first 100 are the species trees estimated from the 100 bootstrap replicates; the last one is the estimated species tree from the gene trees with bootstrap supports annotated.
Note: These trees are in newick format, which could be viewed in Notepad++ or FigTree.
Description: Contains the trimmed input tree used for the ancestral state reconstruction analyses (based on 117 species).
Note: The tree is in newick format, which could be viewed in Notepad++ or FigTree.