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HEC-HMS models of major rainfall induced floods in ungauged mountain basins of Colorado

Data files

Dec 21, 2022 version files 781.04 MB


This dataset includes the models used in the journal article entitled, "Parameter Estimation for Models of Major Rainfall Induced Floods in Ungauged Mountain Basins of Colorado," published in the Journal of Hydrology Regional Studies.  Hydrologic Engineering Center – Hydrologic Modeling System (HEC-HMS) models are included for the following river basins and major storms in the Front Range and San Juan Range of Colorado: North Fork of the Big Thompson river (1976 storm), Big Thompson River (2013 storm), South Boulder Creek (2013 storm), Bear Creek (2013 storm), Cheyenne Creek (1997 and 2013 storms), Saguache Creek (1999 storm), Vallecito Creek (1970 and 2006 storms), and Mineral Creek (2004 and 2006 storms). In each case, the model produces streamflow hydrographs based on the provided precipitation hyetographs. For each case, calibrated and uncalibrated versions of the models are included. The models also include models that estimate the streamflow for design storms that were generated from the Regional Extreme Precipitation Study.