Genetic variation for sexual dimorphism in developmental traits in Drosophila melanogaster
Data files
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Sexual dimorphism in traits of insects during the developmental stages could potentially be the direct or indirect result of sex-specific selection provided that genetic variation for sexual dimorphism is present. We investigated genetic variation in sexual dimorphism in a set of Drosophila melanogaster inbred lines for two traits: egg to adult development time and pupation site preference. We observed considerable genetic variation in sexual dimorphism among lines in both traits. The sexual dimorphic patterns remained relatively consistent across multiple trials, despite both traits being sensitive to environmental conditions. Additionally, we measured two sexually dimorphic adult morphological traits in six sampled lines and investigated correlations in the sexual dimorphism patterns with the two developmental traits. The abundance of genetic variation in sexual dimorphism for D. melanogaster developmental traits demonstrated in this study provides evidence for a high degree of evolvability of sex differences in pre-adult traits in natural populations.
Genetic variation for sexual dimorphism in developmental traits in Drosophila melanogaster
Authors: Tianyu Li, Rebecca S. Zhang, and John R. True
This dataset contains:
- 'Collected_data.xlsx' ---- The data collected in the original data collection forms, for 'Trial I' to 'Trial VI'. This data is only for overview and not for data input.
- '4b_development_time_keep_outlier_rep1.csv' to '4b_development_time_keep_outlier_rep6.csv' ---- Raw data for R input.
- 'Chapter_I_09DEC2023' ---- The R code.
Description of the data and file structure
'Collected_data.xlsx' ---- The data collected in the original data collection forms, for 'Trial I' to 'Trial VI'.
a. Each sheet contains a Trial collected data.
b. In each sheet, the upper zone (e.g. #Collection, Date & Time...) is the original data collection forms. 'Date & Time' recorded the time started the collection (we calculated mid-time between the collections for the trait development time, please refer to the manuscript 'Methods and Materials' for details). The collection form has the 'Vial Group' and 'Cotton Group', and recorded male and female of each vial in separated rows.
c. In Trial I, the columns of the collection form are the DGRP line numbers. The rows are the vial numbers. However, we decided to randomize the vial position (shuffle the vials of all lines) in Trial II, III, and IV, to remove any potential environmental discrepancies related to the vial position in the incubator. In these three Trials, the columns are just the number of vials, e.g. 0+ is vial 0-10, 10+ is vial 11-20, etc., together with the row number to indicate the vial number.
d. Therefore, only for Trial II-IV, we mapped the vial position to the lines (recorded in the beginning, not provided in this dataset) in the middle zone ('Relocate the vials to the lines') for each collection form.
e. The very bottom data ('Sum') is the sum of total collected by vial each line.
'4b_development_time_keep_outlier_rep1.csv' to '4b_development_time_keep_outlier_rep6.csv' ---- Raw data for R input.
a. Each trial collected data is in separated .csv file. '..._rep1' is for Trial I, '..._rep2' is for Trial II, etc.
b. The top row is the DGRP line number. The data in the following rows are mapped from the 'Collected_data.xlsx' middle zone ('Relocate the vials to the lines') for Trial II, III, and IV, and the upper zone (e.g. #Collection 1a, Date & Time...) for Trial I, V, and VI.
c. Row 2-33 is the 'Collection 1' the 1st collection form, row 34-65 is the 2nd collection form, etc.
d. The empty cells indicate no vial set up for corresponding line. This can be traced and mapped to each Trial's line-vial setup, e.g. Trial I, line 303, only 4 vials were set up. In '4b_development_time_keep_outlier_rep1.csv', column 1 '303' row 10-17 and 26-33 are empty.
e. The empty cells are replaced with 'NA' in the R code.
'Chapter_I_09DEC2023' ---- The R code.
The R code contains read input from the '4b_development_time_keep_outlier_rep1.csv' to '...rep6.csv', by-vial data summarize, model building and testing, and figure outputs, for the manuscript.