Exposure to a fungal pathogen increases the critical thermal minimum of two frog species Datasets
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This dataset contains data from a laboratory experiment described in the paper: Siddons, S. R., and Searle, C. L. (Accepted). Exposure to a fungal pathogen increases the critical thermal minimum of two frog species. Ecology and Evolution.
The experiment examined how exposure to a virulent fungal pathogen, Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd), affected the critical thermal minimum (CTmin) of two frog species, Hyla versicolor (gray treefrog) and Lithobates palustris (pickerel frog). The CTmin is the minimum thermal performance point of an organism, which we estimated via righting response trials.
For both frog species, the frogs were held in a beaker partially submerged in a circulating water at 15°C. At each 1-degree temperature decrease every 2.5 minutes, the frog was gently flipped onto their back and observed
for how quickly they were able to right themselves ("Decreasing" trial). Frogs were considered unable to right themselves when they did not do so within 10 seconds. Another trial was conducted for each frog ("Constant" trial ), in which they were flipped onto their backs every 2.5 minutes while keeping the temperature at a constant 15°C.Main results of the experiment are that, for both species, the CTmin was higher for Bd-exposed frogs than unexposed frogs, and the CTmin of H. versicolor was higher than L. palustris. We also found that Bd-exposed frogs of both species righted themselves significantly fewer times in both decreasing and constant temperature trials. Finally, we observed higher mortality in Bd-exposed individuals throughout the experiment after Bd exposure for both species compared to unexposed individuals, with no difference between species.
These data were collected by conducting lab-based cold tolerance challenges via righting-response tests at Purdue University Life Science Animal Building. The data were processed using a series of generalized linear mixed models in RStudio to develop a manuscript accepted for publication in Ecology and Evolution.
Usage notes
The readme files contains a explanation of the variables in the dataset, and any measurement units necessary. Information on how the measurements were conducted can be found in the manuscript referenced above.