Host-enemy interactions provide limited biotic resistance for a range-expanding species via reduced apparent competition
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Aim: As species’ ranges shift poleward in response to anthropogenic change, they may lose antagonistic interactions if they move into less diverse communities, fail to interact with novel populations or species effectively, or if ancestral interacting populations or species fail to shift synchronously. We leveraged a poleward range expansion in a tractable insect host-enemy community to uncover mechanisms by which altered antagonistic interactions between native and recipient communities contributed to “high niche opportunities” (limited biotic resistance) for a range-expanding insect.
Location: North America, Pacific Northwest
Methods: We created quantitative insect host-enemy interaction networks by sampling oak gall wasps on 400 trees of a dominant oak species in the native and expanded range of a range-expanding gall wasp species. We compared host-enemy network structure between regions. We measured traits (phenology, morphology) of galls and interacting parasitoids, predicting greater trait divergence in the expanded range. We measured function relating to host control and explored if altered interactions and traits contributed to reduced function or biotic resistance.
Results: Interaction networks had fewer species in the expanded range and lower complementarity of parasitoid assemblages among host species. While networks were more generalized, interactions with the range-expanding species were more specialized in the expanded range. Specialist enemies effectively tracked the range-expanding host, and there was reduced apparent competition with co-occurring hosts by shared generalist enemies. Phenological divergence of enemy assemblages interacting with the range-expanding and co-occurring hosts was greater in the expanded range, potentially contributing to weak apparent competition. Biotic resistance was lower in the expanded range, where fewer parasitoids emerged from galls of the range-expanding host.
Main conclusions: Changes in interactions with generalist enemies created high niche opportunities, and limited biotic resistance, suggesting weak apparent competition may be a mechanism of enemy release for range-expanding insects embedded within generalist enemy networks.
This README file was generated on 2023-09-07 by Kirsten Prior
- Title of Dataset: Host-enemy interactions provide limited biotic resistance for a range-expanding species via reduced apparent competition
- Author Information A. Principal Investigator Contact Information Name: Kirsten Prior Institution: Binghamton University Address: Binghamton, NY USA Email:
- Data of data collection: May - August 2017
- Geographic location of data collection: Washington State, Vancouver Island, British Columbia
- Information about funding source that supported the collection of the data: National Geographic Society grant (NGS-53395R-18) National Science Foundation (DEB1934387)
- Licenses/restrictions placed on the data: CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) Public Domain
- Links to publications that cite or use the data:
Prior, K. M., Jones, D. G., Meadley-Dunphy, S. A., Lee, S., Milks, A. K., Daughton, S., Forbes, A. A., & Powell, T. H. Q. (2023). Host–enemy interactions provide limited biotic resistance for a range-expanding species via reduced apparent competition. Diversity and Distributions, 00, 1–16.
- Links to other publicly accessible locations of the data: None
- Links/relationships to ancillary data sets: None
- Was data derived from another source? No A. If yes, list sources(s): NA
- Recommended citation for this dataset:
Prior, K. M., Jones, D. G., Meadley-Dunphy, S. A., Lee, S., Milks, A. K., Daughton, S., Forbes, A. A., & Powell, T. H. Q. (2023). Data from: Host–enemy interactions provide limited biotic resistance for a range-expanding species via reduced apparent competition. Diversity and Distributions, 00, 1–16.
- File List:
A)network dataframes (folder)
B) sitemetrics.txt
C) phenology_julian dates.xlsx
E) correlation.txt
F) trait dataframes (folder)
G) cumparratesites.txt (datframe)
- Relationship between files, if important: None
- Additional related data collected that was not included in the current data package: None
- Are there multiple versions of the dataset? No A. If yes, name of file(s) that was updated: NA i. Why was the file updated? NA ii. When was the file updated? NA
DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: network dataframe (folder)
- Variables in columns of matrix: parasitoid morphospecies
- Variables in rows of matrix: oak gall wasp morphotypes
- Missing data codes: None
- Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: file names in the folder refer to study sites
- Number of variables: 36
- Number of cases/rows: 10
- Variable List:
- range: ("native") range (Washington State, USA) or ("expanded") range (Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada) of Neuroterus saltatorius
- site: study sites
- hostrichobs: host morphotype richness (observed)
- parrichobs: parasitoid morphospecies richness (observed)
- websize: network size (observed host richness x observed parasitoid richness)
- hostrichest: host morphotype richness (estimated, Chao 1)
- parrrichest: parasitoid morphospecies richness (estimated, Chao 1)
- estwebsize: network size (estimated host richness x estimated parasitoid richness)
- interactobs: interaction richness (observed unique number of interactions between hosts and parasitoids)
- interactest: estimated interaction richness (estimated, Chao 1 unique interactions between hosts and parasitoids)
- htwo: H2, weighted network specialization
- sdiversity: interaction diversity (Shannon Entropy)
- ievenness: network interaction evenness
- linkdensity: linkage density, weighted diversity of interactions per species
- wconnect: weighted Connectance, linkage density divided by number of species in network
- propspec: proportion of specialist parasitoids out of all parasitoids
- nsad: d' weighted specialization of parasitoids interacting with gamic generation of N. saltatorius
- nsgd: d' weighted specialization of parasitoids interacting with agamic generation of N. saltatorius
- nsd: d' specialization of parasitoids interacting with both generations of N. saltatorius
- propspecns: propportion of specialist parasitoids of N. saltatorius
- PACnsa: potential for apparent competition from other host galls to N. saltatorius (agamic)
- PACnsg: potential for apparent competition from other host galls to N. saltatorius (gamic)
- PACns: potential for apparent competition from other host galls to N. saltatorius
- nspar: parasitoid morphospecies richness (observed) for parasitoids emerged from N. saltatorius
- estarnspar: parasitoid morphospecies richness (estimated, Chao 1) for parasitoids emerged from N. saltatorius
- hostshared: mean number of shared host partners
- parshared: mean number of shared parasitoid partners
- wNODF: weighted nestedness
- wTC: weighted trophic complementarity, inverse of weighted NODF
- phennsg: phenological divergence (difference in julian date of parasitoid emergence between other hosts and gamic generation of N. saltatorius)
- phennsa: phenological divergence (difference in julian date of parasitoid emergence between other hosts and agamic generation of N. saltatorius)
- morphnsg: morphological divergence (difference in traits of parasitoids emerged from other hosts and gamic generation of N. saltatorius)
- morphnsa: morphological divergence (difference in traits of parasitoids emerged from other hosts and agamic generation of N. saltatorius)
- Missing data codes: None
- Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: None
DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: phenology_julian dates.xlsx
- Number of variables: 4
- Number of cases/rows: 65
- Variable List:
- Region: native ("WA") or expanded ("VI") region of N. saltatorius
- Site: study site
- Cynipid ID: host gall wasp morphotypes
- Mean Julian date: mean julian date of parasitoid attack calculated as julian date of when host was collected weighted by the number of parasitoids emerging from galls collected on that date
- Missing data codes: None
- Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: None
- Number of variables: 8
- Number of cases/rows: 10
- Variable List:
- trophiccomp: trophic complementarity (standardized_z value)
- netsize: network size (estimated host x parasitoid richness (standardized_z value)
- connect: weighted connectance (standardized_zvalue)
- h2: weighted network specialization (standardized_zvalue)
- Nsald: specialization (d') of parasitoids interacting with N. saltatorius (standardized_zvalue)
- NsalPAC: potential for apparent competition (standardized_zvalue)
- phenology: phenological divergence (standardized_zvalue)
- traits: trait divergence (standardized_zvalue)
- Missing data codes: None
- Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: None
DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: trait dataframes (folder)
- Number of variables: 7
- Number of cases/rows: variable depending on file
- Variable List:
- cmorphotype: host gall wasp morphotype
- morphospecies: parasitoid morphospecies
- body: body size, length of thorax and abdomen of parasitoids (mm)
- wareac: parasitoid wing area (mm2)/ body size (mm)
- thoraxc: thorax width (mm)/ body size (mm)
- ovic: external ovipositor length (mm) / body size (mm)
- Missing data codes: None
- Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: "none" refers to a parasitoid that is present in the metanetwork but does not interact with a host gall at a particular site; files are named with site acronyms
- Number of variables: 4
- Number of cases/rows: 23
- Variable List:
- site: study sites in different years
- rate: emergence rates of parasitoids from collected N. saltatorius galls
- range: ("na") native or ("ex") expanded range of N. saltatorius
- year: collection years - ("seven") 2007, ("eight") 2008, ("twentyone") 2021
- Missing data codes: None
- Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: None
Code is provided in a file "CODE.R"
Package used: bipartite, vegan, labdsv, ggplot2, scales, RColorBrewer, corrplot, Rmisc, lme4, lmerTest, MASS
Usage notes
R (packages include: vegan, bipartite)