Equatorial waves for: A prediction attempt using equatorial waves for tropical sea surface temperature anomaly by Atlantic zonal mode
Data files
Nov 06, 2023 version files 13.97 KB
13.45 KB
525 B
The dataset is the wave-induced geopotential output from linear ocean models and potential energy flux by a group-velocity-based wave energy flux scheme in the period (1992–2016), which is involved in building a lightweight model, as well as showing a simple instance of utilizing the wave energy transfer for the prediction of Atlantic Niño/Niñas.
README: Title of Dataset
Equatorial waves for "A prediction attempt using equatorial waves for tropical sea surface temperature anomaly by Atlantic zonal mode"
Description of the data and file structure
The geopotential anomaly is averaged over the ATL3 region (3S-3N,20W-0).
The potential energy flux includes six files each containing the record passing one meridional section (3S-3N) located at the equator.
The data is binary dataset writing in GRADS format. Users can find description files with the extention of "ctl"
Simulations by linear ocean models are performed independently for the first three baroclinic modes using corresponding gravity wave speed and projected wind forcing. The geopotential anomaly is then calculated through summing the geopotential anomaly in each mode with the correponding eigenvector at the sea surface as weights. The potential energy flux is also a combination of all the three baroclinic modes, whereas group velocity in each mode is obtained by dividing the corresponding wave energy from the wave energy flux which is calculated through the AGC-L0 scheme.