Conservation translocation of Atlantic wolffish (Anarhichas lupus) to a depleted Arctic fjord ecosystem
Data files
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Large predators can have important functional roles in coastal ecosystems. In cases where such species are locally depleted or extirpated, a proactive restoration strategy may include conservation translocation. This study reports on such translocations of Atlantic wolffish (Anarhichas lupus) to fjord habitats in northern Norway where the species is currently severely depleted. A total of 20 pioneer individuals measuring 42 – 80 cm in length were captured in outer coastal habitats and subsequently tagged, released, and tracked within a fjord using acoustic telemetry. A first group of seven individuals were monitored for 14 months during 2017 and 2018 while a second group of 13 individuals were monitored for four months during 2019. Up to 40% of translocated wolffish remained inside their new fjord environment until the study was terminated, while the remaining 60% likely dispersed. Weekly home range size decreased substantially with time for larger fish while this trend was weaker for smaller fish. Our study implies that there is reason for cautions optimism regarding the implementation of conservation translocation of wolffish in coastal ecosystems.
README: Conservation translocation of Atlantic wolffish (Anarhichas lupus) to a depleted Arctic fjord ecosystem
Description of the data and file structure
Atlantic wolffish were captured in outer coastal habitats, near the Barents Sea, and transported to a field stations for tagging. Each individual was equipped with an acoustic telemetry transmitter with a depth sensor. After tagging, the fish were released in the inner part of a fjord monitored with a fixed array of telemetry receivers (Vemco VR2W's). Detection data was downloaded from the receivers at the end of the study period and based on these, we quantified individual fish movements and fate (residency vs. dispersal from the fjord). Data processing and analyses were conducted using several R-scripts that are available here along with the data files. I all data files, an empty cell means that this information has not been collected (missing data).
Files and variables
File: Depth_1804.csv
Description: Telemetry depth detections from wolffish ID 1804. Each line of data represents one unique detection.
- dt: Date and time, UTC
- receiver: Acoustic receiver #
- transmitter: Acoustic transmitter #
- depth: Stored depth detection, m
- station: Station # for moored receiver
- lat: Latitude of moored receiver, decimal degrees
- lon: Longitude of moored receiver, decimal degrees
File: Depth_1806.csv
Description: Telemetry depth detections from wolffish ID 1806, Each line of data represents one unique detection.
- dt: Date and time, UTC
- receiver: Acoustic receiver #
- transmitter: Acoustic transmitter #
- depth: Stored depth detection, m
- station: Station # for moored receiver
- lat: Latitude of moored receiver, decimal degrees
- lon: Longitude of moored receiver, decimal degrees
File: Depth_1807.csv
Description: Telemetry depth detections from wolffish ID 1807, Each line of data represents one unique detection.
- dt: Date and time, UTC
- receiver: Acoustic receiver #
- transmitter: Acoustic transmitter #
- depth: Stored depth detection, m
- station: Station # for moored receiver
- lat: Latitude of moored receiver, decimal degrees
- lon: Longitude of moored receiver, decimal degrees
File: Depth_1811.csv
Description: Telemetry depth detections from wolffish ID 1811, Each line of data represents one unique detection.
- dt: Date and time, UTC
- receiver: Acoustic receiver #
- transmitter: Acoustic transmitter #
- depth: Stored depth detection, m
- station: Station # for moored receiver
- lat: Latitude of moored receiver, decimal degrees
- lon: Longitude of moored receiver, decimal degrees
File: Depth_1810.csv
Description: Telemetry depth detections from wolffish ID 1810, Each line of data represents one unique detection.
- dt: Date and time, UTC
- receiver: Acoustic receiver #
- transmitter: Acoustic transmitter #
- depth: Stored depth detection, m
- station: Station # for moored receiver
- lat: Latitude of moored receiver, decimal degrees
- lon: Longitude of moored receiver, decimal degrees
File: Depth_1805.csv
Description: Telemetry depth detections from wolffish ID 1805, Each line of data represents one unique detection.
- dt: Date and time, UTC
- receiver: Acoustic receiver #
- transmitter: Acoustic transmitter #
- depth: Stored depth detection, m
- station: Station # for moored receiver
- lat: Latitude of moored receiver, decimal degrees
- lon: Longitude of moored receiver, decimal degrees
File: Depth_1813.csv
Description: Telemetry depth detections from wolffish ID 1813, Each line of data represents one unique detection.
- dt: Date and time, UTC
- receiver: Acoustic receiver #
- transmitter: Acoustic transmitter #
- depth: Stored depth detection, m
- station: Station # for moored receiver
- lat: Latitude of moored receiver, decimal degrees
- lon: Longitude of moored receiver, decimal degrees
File: Depth_1808.csv
Description: Telemetry depth detections from wolffish ID 1808, Each line of data represents one unique detection.
- dt: Date and time, UTC
- receiver: Acoustic receiver #
- transmitter: Acoustic transmitter #
- depth: Stored depth detection, m
- station: Station # for moored receiver
- lat: Latitude of moored receiver, decimal degrees
- lon: Longitude of moored receiver, decimal degrees
File: Depth_1815.csv
Description: Telemetry depth detections from wolffish ID 1815, Each line of data represents one unique detection.
- dt: Date and time, UTC
- receiver: Acoustic receiver #
- transmitter: Acoustic transmitter #
- depth: Stored depth detection, m
- station: Station # for moored receiver
- lat: Latitude of moored receiver, decimal degrees
- lon: Longitude of moored receiver, decimal degrees
File: Depth_1816.csv
Description: Telemetry depth detections from wolffish ID 1816, Each line of data represents one unique detection.
- dt: Date and time, UTC
- receiver: Acoustic receiver #
- transmitter: Acoustic transmitter #
- depth: Stored depth detection, m
- station: Station # for moored receiver
- lat: Latitude of moored receiver, decimal degrees
- lon: Longitude of moored receiver, decimal degrees
File: Depth_1817.csv
Description: Telemetry depth detections from wolffish ID 1817, Each line of data represents one unique detection.
- dt: Date and time, UTC
- receiver: Acoustic receiver #
- transmitter: Acoustic transmitter #
- depth: Stored depth detection, m
- station: Station # for moored receiver
- lat: Latitude of moored receiver, decimal degrees
- lon: Longitude of moored receiver, decimal degrees
File: Depth_1814.csv
Description: Telemetry depth detections from wolffish ID 1814, Each line of data represents one unique detection.
- dt: Date and time, UTC
- receiver: Acoustic receiver #
- transmitter: Acoustic transmitter #
- depth: Stored depth detection, m
- station: Station # for moored receiver
- lat: Latitude of moored receiver, decimal degrees
- lon: Longitude of moored receiver, decimal degrees
File: Depth_1819.csv
Description: Telemetry depth detections from wolffish ID 1819, Each line of data represents one unique detection.
- dt: Date and time, UTC
- receiver: Acoustic receiver #
- transmitter: Acoustic transmitter #
- depth: Stored depth detection, m
- station: Station # for moored receiver
- lat: Latitude of moored receiver, decimal degrees
- lon: Longitude of moored receiver, decimal degrees
File: Depth_1820.csv
Description: Telemetry depth detections from wolffish ID 1820, Each line of data represents one unique detection.
- dt: Date and time, UTC
- receiver: Acoustic receiver #
- transmitter: Acoustic transmitter #
- depth: Stored depth detection, m
- station: Station # for moored receiver
- lat: Latitude of moored receiver, decimal degrees
- lon: Longitude of moored receiver, decimal degrees
File: Depth_1809.csv
Description: Telemetry depth detections from wolffish ID 1809, Each line of data represents one unique detection.
- dt: Date and time, UTC
- receiver: Acoustic receiver #
- transmitter: Acoustic transmitter #
- depth: Stored depth detection, m
- station: Station # for moored receiver
- lat: Latitude of moored receiver, decimal degrees
- lon: Longitude of moored receiver, decimal degrees
File: Depth_1822.csv
Description: Telemetry depth detections from wolffish ID 1822, Each line of data represents one unique detection.
- dt: Date and time, UTC
- receiver: Acoustic receiver #
- transmitter: Acoustic transmitter #
- depth: Stored depth detection, m
- station: Station # for moored receiver
- lat: Latitude of moored receiver, decimal degrees
- lon: Longitude of moored receiver, decimal degrees
File: Depth_1812.csv
Description: Telemetry depth detections from wolffish ID 1812, Each line of data represents one unique detection.
- dt: Date and time, UTC
- receiver: Acoustic receiver #
- transmitter: Acoustic transmitter #
- depth: Stored depth detection, m
- station: Station # for moored receiver
- lat: Latitude of moored receiver, decimal degrees
- lon: Longitude of moored receiver, decimal degrees
File: Depth_1818.csv
Description: Telemetry depth detections from wolffish ID 1818, Each line of data represents one unique detection.
- dt: Date and time, UTC
- receiver: Acoustic receiver #
- transmitter: Acoustic transmitter #
- depth: Stored depth detection, m
- station: Station # for moored receiver
- lat: Latitude of moored receiver, decimal degrees
- lon: Longitude of moored receiver, decimal degrees
File: fatedates.csv
Description: This file lists the fate of the tagged fish, whether they survived within the study area or dispersed during the study.
- id: Fish identification number
- fdate: Date of final fate
- Fate: Type of fate
File: Depth_1823.csv
Description: Telemetry depth detections from wolffish ID 1823, Each line of data represents one unique detection.
- dt: Date and time, UTC
- receiver: Acoustic receiver #
- transmitter: Acoustic transmitter #
- depth: Stored depth detection, m
- station: Station # for moored receiver
- lat: Latitude of moored receiver, decimal degrees
- lon: Longitude of moored receiver, decimal degrees
File: Depth_1821.csv
Description: Telemetry depth detections from wolffish ID 1821, Each line of data represents one unique detection.
- dt: Date and time, UTC
- receiver: Acoustic receiver #
- transmitter: Acoustic transmitter #
- depth: Stored depth detection, m
- station: Station # for moored receiver
- lat: Latitude of moored receiver, decimal degrees
- lon: Longitude of moored receiver, decimal degrees
File: PAV_1804_UTM.csv
Description: Hourly average positions (PAV) of wolffish ID 1804, estimated from raw telemetry detections.
- dt: Date and time, UTC
- transmitter: Acoustic transmitter #
- yr: Year
- mon: Month #, counted from fish release.
- int: Time (in weeks) from first dt obs (top row).
- we: Week #, counted from fish release.
- meanlon: Mean longitude, decimal degrees
- meanlat: Mean latitude, decimal degrees
- optional: Ignore, not relevant for this study
File: PAV_1805_UTM.csv
Description: Hourly average positions (PAV) of wolffish ID 1805, estimated from raw telemetry detections.
- dt: Date and time, UTC
- transmitter: Acoustic transmitter #
- yr: Year
- mon: Month #, counted from fish release.
- int: Time (in weeks) from first dt obs (top row).
- we: Week #, counted from fish release.
- meanlon: Mean longitude, decimal degrees
- meanlat: Mean latitude, decimal degrees
- optional: Ignore, not relevant for this study
File: PAV_1808_UTM.csv
Description: Hourly average positions (PAV) of wolffish ID 1808, estimated from raw telemetry detections.
- dt: Date and time, UTC
- transmitter: Acoustic transmitter #
- yr: Year
- mon: Month #, counted from fish release.
- int: Time (in weeks) from first dt obs (top row).
- we: Week #, counted from fish release.
- meanlon: Mean longitude, decimal degrees
- meanlat: Mean latitude, decimal degrees
- optional: Ignore, not relevant for this study
File: PAV_1807_UTM.csv
Description: Hourly average positions (PAV) of wolffish ID 1807, estimated from raw telemetry detections.
- dt: Date and time, UTC
- transmitter: Acoustic transmitter #
- yr: Year
- mon: Month #, counted from fish release.
- int: Time (in weeks) from first dt obs (top row).
- we: Week #, counted from fish release.
- meanlon: Mean longitude, decimal degrees
- meanlat: Mean latitude, decimal degrees
- optional: Ignore, not relevant for this study
File: PAV_1806_UTM.csv
Description: Hourly average positions (PAV) of wolffish ID 1806, estimated from raw telemetry detections.
- dt: Date and time, UTC
- transmitter: Acoustic transmitter #
- yr: Year
- mon: Month #, counted from fish release.
- int: Time (in weeks) from first dt obs (top row).
- we: Week #, counted from fish release.
- meanlon: Mean longitude, decimal degrees
- meanlat: Mean latitude, decimal degrees
- optional: Ignore, not relevant for this study
File: PAV_1809_UTM.csv
Description: Hourly average positions (PAV) of wolffish ID 1809, estimated from raw telemetry detections.
- dt: Date and time, UTC
- transmitter: Acoustic transmitter #
- yr: Year
- mon: Month #, counted from fish release.
- int: Time (in weeks) from first dt obs (top row).
- we: Week #, counted from fish release.
- meanlon: Mean longitude, decimal degrees
- meanlat: Mean latitude, decimal degrees
- optional: Ignore, not relevant for this study
File: PAV_1810_UTM.csv
Description: Hourly average positions (PAV) of wolffish ID 1810, estimated from raw telemetry detections.
- dt: Date and time, UTC
- transmitter: Acoustic transmitter #
- yr: Year
- mon: Month #, counted from fish release.
- int: Time (in weeks) from first dt obs (top row).
- we: Week #, counted from fish release.
- meanlon: Mean longitude, decimal degrees
- meanlat: Mean latitude, decimal degrees
- optional: Ignore, not relevant for this study
File: PAV_1811_UTM.csv
Description: Hourly average positions (PAV) of wolffish ID 1811, estimated from raw telemetry detections.
- dt: Date and time, UTC
- transmitter: Acoustic transmitter #
- yr: Year
- mon: Month #, counted from fish release.
- int: Time (in weeks) from first dt obs (top row).
- we: Week #, counted from fish release.
- meanlon: Mean longitude, decimal degrees
- meanlat: Mean latitude, decimal degrees
- optional: Ignore, not relevant for this study
File: PAV_1812_UTM.csv
Description: Hourly average positions (PAV) of wolffish ID 1812, estimated from raw telemetry detections.
- dt: Date and time, UTC
- transmitter: Acoustic transmitter #
- yr: Year
- mon: Month #, counted from fish release.
- int: Time (in weeks) from first dt obs (top row).
- we: Week #, counted from fish release.
- meanlon: Mean longitude, decimal degrees
- meanlat: Mean latitude, decimal degrees
- optional: Ignore, not relevant for this study
File: PAV_1813_UTM.csv
Description: Hourly average positions (PAV) of wolffish ID 1813, estimated from raw telemetry detections.
- dt: Date and time, UTC
- transmitter: Acoustic transmitter #
- yr: Year
- mon: Month #, counted from fish release.
- int: Time (in weeks) from first dt obs (top row).
- we: Week #, counted from fish release.
- meanlon: Mean longitude, decimal degrees
- meanlat: Mean latitude, decimal degrees
- optional: Ignore, not relevant for this study
File: PAV_1814_UTM.csv
Description: Hourly average positions (PAV) of wolffish ID 1814, estimated from raw telemetry detections.
- dt: Date and time, UTC
- transmitter: Acoustic transmitter #
- yr: Year
- mon: Month #, counted from fish release.
- int: Time (in weeks) from first dt obs (top row).
- we: Week #, counted from fish release.
- meanlon: Mean longitude, decimal degrees
- meanlat: Mean latitude, decimal degrees
- optional: Ignore, not relevant for this study
File: PAV_1815_UTM.csv
Description: Hourly average positions (PAV) of wolffish ID 1815, estimated from raw telemetry detections.
- dt: Date and time, UTC
- transmitter: Acoustic transmitter #
- yr: Year
- mon: Month #, counted from fish release.
- int: Time (in weeks) from first dt obs (top row).
- we: Week #, counted from fish release.
- meanlon: Mean longitude, decimal degrees
- meanlat: Mean latitude, decimal degrees
- optional: Ignore, not relevant for this study
File: PAV_1816_UTM.csv
Description: Hourly average positions (PAV) of wolffish ID 1816, estimated from raw telemetry detections.
- dt: Date and time, UTC
- transmitter: Acoustic transmitter #
- yr: Year
- mon: Month #, counted from fish release.
- int: Time (in weeks) from first dt obs (top row).
- we: Week #, counted from fish release.
- meanlon: Mean longitude, decimal degrees
- meanlat: Mean latitude, decimal degrees
- optional: Ignore, not relevant for this study
File: PAV_1817_UTM.csv
Description: Hourly average positions (PAV) of wolffish ID 1817, estimated from raw telemetry detections.
- dt: Date and time, UTC
- transmitter: Acoustic transmitter #
- yr: Year
- mon: Month #, counted from fish release.
- int: Time (in weeks) from first dt obs (top row).
- we: Week #, counted from fish release.
- meanlon: Mean longitude, decimal degrees
- meanlat: Mean latitude, decimal degrees
- optional: Ignore, not relevant for this study
File: PAV_1818_UTM.csv
Description: Hourly average positions (PAV) of wolffish ID 1818, estimated from raw telemetry detections.
- dt: Date and time, UTC
- transmitter: Acoustic transmitter #
- yr: Year
- mon: Month #, counted from fish release.
- int: Time (in weeks) from first dt obs (top row).
- we: Week #, counted from fish release.
- meanlon: Mean longitude, decimal degrees
- meanlat: Mean latitude, decimal degrees
- optional: Ignore, not relevant for this study
File: PAV_1819_UTM.csv
Description: Hourly average positions (PAV) of wolffish ID 1819, estimated from raw telemetry detections.
- dt: Date and time, UTC
- transmitter: Acoustic transmitter #
- yr: Year
- mon: Month #, counted from fish release.
- int: Time (in weeks) from first dt obs (top row).
- we: Week #, counted from fish release.
- meanlon: Mean longitude, decimal degrees
- meanlat: Mean latitude, decimal degrees
- optional: Ignore, not relevant for this study
File: PAV_1820_UTM.csv
Description: Hourly average positions (PAV) of wolffish ID 1820, estimated from raw telemetry detections.
- dt: Date and time, UTC
- transmitter: Acoustic transmitter #
- yr: Year
- mon: Month #, counted from fish release.
- int: Time (in weeks) from first dt obs (top row).
- we: Week #, counted from fish release.
- meanlon: Mean longitude, decimal degrees
- meanlat: Mean latitude, decimal degrees
- optional: Ignore, not relevant for this study
File: PAV_1821_UTM.csv
Description: Hourly average positions (PAV) of wolffish ID 1821, estimated from raw telemetry detections.
- dt: Date and time, UTC
- transmitter: Acoustic transmitter #
- yr: Year
- mon: Month #, counted from fish release.
- int: Time (in weeks) from first dt obs (top row).
- we: Week #, counted from fish release.
- meanlon: Mean longitude, decimal degrees
- meanlat: Mean latitude, decimal degrees
- optional: Ignore, not relevant for this study
File: PAV_1822_UTM.csv
Description: Hourly average positions (PAV) of wolffish ID 1822, estimated from raw telemetry detections.
- dt: Date and time, UTC
- transmitter: Acoustic transmitter #
- yr: Year
- mon: Month #, counted from fish release.
- int: Time (in weeks) from first dt obs (top row).
- we: Week #, counted from fish release.
- meanlon: Mean longitude, decimal degrees
- meanlat: Mean latitude, decimal degrees
- optional: Ignore, not relevant for this study
File: POR2017Array.csv
Description: The configuration of the moored telemetry array in the Olderfjorden study area.
- receiver: Acoustic receiver #
- station: Station # within the array
- lat: Latitude of station, decimal degrees
- lon: Longitude of station, decimal degrees
- float: Type of float on moored receiver rig
File: Por2017FishMetr.csv
Description: Weekly averages of individual fish behavioral traits; input file for statistical analyses
- TraSN: Acoustic transmitter serial number
- week: Week number, counting from week of tagging and release
- depth: Mean depth, m
- depthsd: Standard deviation of depth, m
- lon: Mean longitude, decimal degrees
- lat: Mean latitude, decimal degrees
- dist: Distance moved, m
- ud: Home range size, hectares
File: Por2017FishFate.csv
Description: Description of individual fish along with final fate
- ReleaseDate: Date of release
- Species: Species of fish
- Lcm: Fish total length, cm
- Wg: Fish total weight, g
- Tbar: External T-bar tag number
- TraSN: Acoustic transmitter serial number
- DetRaw: Original number of logged detections
- DetFil: Number of filtered detections
- Depths: Number of logged depths
- PAVs: Number of estimated average hourly positions
- FateDate: Date of final fate
- Fate: Type of final fate
- Comment: Additional information about this fish
File: POR2017RecHistory.csv
Description: Description of when each receiver was deployed and retrieved (downloaded).
- receiver: Acoustic receiver number
- date: Date of action
- fate: The action taken
- issue: Additional information about receiver deployment and retrieval
File: PAV_1823_UTM.csv
Description: Hourly average positions (PAV) of wolffish ID 1823, estimated from raw telemetry detections.
- dt: Date and time, UTC
- transmitter: Acoustic transmitter #
- yr: Year
- mon: Month #, counted from fish release.
- int: Time (in weeks) from first dt obs (top row).
- we: Week #, counted from fish release.
- meanlon: Mean longitude, decimal degrees
- meanlat: Mean latitude, decimal degrees
- optional: Ignore, not relevant for this study
File: VUE_1804.csv
Description: The raw data (stored detections) on wolffish ID 1804, as extracted from the manufacturers data base (Vemco, VUE).
- Date and Time (UTC): Date and time stamp (UTC) of stored detection
- Receiver: Acoustic receiver number
- Transmitter: Acoustic transmitter code space and ID
- Transmitter Name: Ignore, not needed for this study
- Transmitter Serial: Acoustic transmitter serial number
- Sensor Value: Logged depth, m
- Sensor Unit: m
- Station Name: Name of station within receiver array where this particular receiver was moored
- Latitude: Ignore, not included in this study
- Longitude: Ignore, not included in this study
File: Por2017Tel.csv
Description: Basic information about tagged wolffish included in this study.
- Trip: Date of tagging and release
- Species: Species of fish (cm) of fish tagged
- Wg: Total weight (g) of fish tagged
- Tbar: External T-bar tag identifier
- TraSN: Acoustic transmitter serial number
- Tagger: Initials of person doing the tagging (HKS = Hans Kristian Strand)
File: VUE_1805.csv
Description: The raw data (stored detections) on wolffish ID 1805, as extracted from the manufacturers data base (Vemco, VUE).
- Date and Time (UTC): Date and time stamp (UTC) of stored detection
- Receiver: Acoustic receiver number
- Transmitter: Acoustic transmitter code space and ID
- Transmitter Name: Ignore, not needed for this study
- Transmitter Serial: Acoustic transmitter serial number
- Sensor Value: Logged depth, m
- Sensor Unit: m
- Station Name: Name of station within receiver array where this particular receiver was moored
- Latitude: Ignore, not included in this study
- Longitude: Ignore, not included in this study
File: VUE_1807.csv
Description: The raw data (stored detections) on wolffish ID 1807, as extracted from the manufacturers data base (Vemco, VUE).
- Date and Time (UTC): Date and time stamp (UTC) of stored detection
- Receiver: Acoustic receiver number
- Transmitter: Acoustic transmitter code space and ID
- Transmitter Name: Ignore, not needed for this study
- Transmitter Serial: Acoustic transmitter serial number
- Sensor Value: Logged depth, m
- Sensor Unit: m
- Station Name: Name of station within receiver array where this particular receiver was moored
- Latitude: Ignore, not included in this study
- Longitude: Ignore, not included in this study
File: VUE_1811.csv
Description: The raw data (stored detections) on wolffish ID 1811, as extracted from the manufacturers data base (Vemco, VUE).
- Date and Time (UTC): Date and time stamp (UTC) of stored detection
- Receiver: Acoustic receiver number
- Transmitter: Acoustic transmitter code space and ID
- Transmitter Name: Ignore, not needed for this study
- Transmitter Serial: Acoustic transmitter serial number
- Sensor Value: Logged depth, m
- Sensor Unit: m
- Station Name: Name of station within receiver array where this particular receiver was moored
- Latitude: Ignore, not included in this study
- Longitude: Ignore, not included in this study
File: VUE_1810.csv
Description: The raw data (stored detections) on wolffish ID 1810, as extracted from the manufacturers data base (Vemco, VUE).
- Date and Time (UTC): Date and time stamp (UTC) of stored detection
- Receiver: Acoustic receiver number
- Transmitter: Acoustic transmitter code space and ID
- Transmitter Name: Ignore, not needed for this study
- Transmitter Serial: Acoustic transmitter serial number
- Sensor Value: Logged depth, m
- Sensor Unit: m
- Station Name: Name of station within receiver array where this particular receiver was moored
- Latitude: Ignore, not included in this study
- Longitude: Ignore, not included in this study
File: VUE_1806.csv
Description: The raw data (stored detections) on wolffish ID 1806, as extracted from the manufacturers data base (Vemco, VUE).
- Date and Time (UTC): Date and time stamp (UTC) of stored detection
- Receiver: Acoustic receiver number
- Transmitter: Acoustic transmitter code space and ID
- Transmitter Name: Ignore, not needed for this study
- Transmitter Serial: Acoustic transmitter serial number
- Sensor Value: Logged depth, m
- Sensor Unit: m
- Station Name: Name of station within receiver array where this particular receiver was moored
- Latitude: Ignore, not included in this study
- Longitude: Ignore, not included in this study
File: VUE_1808.csv
Description: The raw data (stored detections) on wolffish ID 1808, as extracted from the manufacturers data base (Vemco, VUE).
- Date and Time (UTC): Date and time stamp (UTC) of stored detection
- Receiver: Acoustic receiver number
- Transmitter: Acoustic transmitter code space and ID
- Transmitter Name: Ignore, not needed for this study
- Transmitter Serial: Acoustic transmitter serial number
- Sensor Value: Logged depth, m
- Sensor Unit: m
- Station Name: Name of station within receiver array where this particular receiver was moored
- Latitude: Ignore, not included in this study
- Longitude: Ignore, not included in this study
File: VUE_1813.csv
Description: The raw data (stored detections) on wolffish ID 1813, as extracted from the manufacturers data base (Vemco, VUE).
- Date and Time (UTC): Date and time stamp (UTC) of stored detection
- Receiver: Acoustic receiver number
- Transmitter: Acoustic transmitter code space and ID
- Transmitter Name: Ignore, not needed for this study
- Transmitter Serial: Acoustic transmitter serial number
- Sensor Value: Logged depth, m
- Sensor Unit: m
- Station Name: Name of station within receiver array where this particular receiver was moored
- Latitude: Ignore, not included in this study
- Longitude: Ignore, not included in this study
File: VUE_1814.csv
Description: The raw data (stored detections) on wolffish ID 1814, as extracted from the manufacturers data base (Vemco, VUE).
- Date and Time (UTC): Date and time stamp (UTC) of stored detection
- Receiver: Acoustic receiver number
- Transmitter: Acoustic transmitter code space and ID
- Transmitter Name: Ignore, not needed for this study
- Transmitter Serial: Acoustic transmitter serial number
- Sensor Value: Logged depth, m
- Sensor Unit: m
- Station Name: Name of station within receiver array where this particular receiver was moored
- Latitude: Ignore, not included in this study
- Longitude: Ignore, not included in this study
File: VUE_1815.csv
Description: The raw data (stored detections) on wolffish ID 1815, as extracted from the manufacturers data base (Vemco, VUE).
- Date and Time (UTC): Date and time stamp (UTC) of stored detection
- Receiver: Acoustic receiver number
- Transmitter: Acoustic transmitter code space and ID
- Transmitter Name: Ignore, not needed for this study
- Transmitter Serial: Acoustic transmitter serial number
- Sensor Value: Logged depth, m
- Sensor Unit: m
- Station Name: Name of station within receiver array where this particular receiver was moored
- Latitude: Ignore, not included in this study
- Longitude: Ignore, not included in this study
File: VUE_1816.csv
Description: The raw data (stored detections) on wolffish ID 1816, as extracted from the manufacturers data base (Vemco, VUE).
- Date and Time (UTC): Date and time stamp (UTC) of stored detection
- Receiver: Acoustic receiver number
- Transmitter: Acoustic transmitter code space and ID
- Transmitter Name: Ignore, not needed for this study
- Transmitter Serial: Acoustic transmitter serial number
- Sensor Value: Logged depth, m
- Sensor Unit: m
- Station Name: Name of station within receiver array where this particular receiver was moored
- Latitude: Ignore, not included in this study
- Longitude: Ignore, not included in this study
File: VUE_1812.csv
Description: The raw data (stored detections) on wolffish ID 1812, as extracted from the manufacturers data base (Vemco, VUE).
- Date and Time (UTC): Date and time stamp (UTC) of stored detection
- Receiver: Acoustic receiver number
- Transmitter: Acoustic transmitter code space and ID
- Transmitter Name: Ignore, not needed for this study
- Transmitter Serial: Acoustic transmitter serial number
- Sensor Value: Logged depth, m
- Sensor Unit: m
- Station Name: Name of station within receiver array where this particular receiver was moored
- Latitude: Ignore, not included in this study
- Longitude: Ignore, not included in this study
File: VUE_1809.csv
Description: The raw data (stored detections) on wolffish ID 1809, as extracted from the manufacturers data base (Vemco, VUE).
- Date and Time (UTC): Date and time stamp (UTC) of stored detection
- Receiver: Acoustic receiver number
- Transmitter: Acoustic transmitter code space and ID
- Transmitter Name: Ignore, not needed for this study
- Transmitter Serial: Acoustic transmitter serial number
- Sensor Value: Logged depth, m
- Sensor Unit: m
- Station Name: Name of station within receiver array where this particular receiver was moored
- Latitude: Ignore, not included in this study
- Longitude: Ignore, not included in this study
File: VUE_1817.csv
Description: The raw data (stored detections) on wolffish ID 1817, as extracted from the manufacturers data base (Vemco, VUE).
- Date and Time (UTC): Date and time stamp (UTC) of stored detection
- Receiver: Acoustic receiver number
- Transmitter: Acoustic transmitter code space and ID
- Transmitter Name: Ignore, not needed for this study
- Transmitter Serial: Acoustic transmitter serial number
- Sensor Value: Logged depth, m
- Sensor Unit: m
- Station Name: Name of station within receiver array where this particular receiver was moored
- Latitude: Ignore, not included in this study
- Longitude: Ignore, not included in this study
File: VUE_1819.csv
Description: The raw data (stored detections) on wolffish ID 1819, as extracted from the manufacturers data base (Vemco, VUE).
- Date and Time (UTC): Date and time stamp (UTC) of stored detection
- Receiver: Acoustic receiver number
- Transmitter: Acoustic transmitter code space and ID
- Transmitter Name: Ignore, not needed for this study
- Transmitter Serial: Acoustic transmitter serial number
- Sensor Value: Logged depth, m
- Sensor Unit: m
- Station Name: Name of station within receiver array where this particular receiver was moored
- Latitude: Ignore, not included in this study
- Longitude: Ignore, not included in this study
File: VUE_1818.csv
Description: The raw data (stored detections) on wolffish ID 1818, as extracted from the manufacturers data base (Vemco, VUE).
- Date and Time (UTC): Date and time stamp (UTC) of stored detection
- Receiver: Acoustic receiver number
- Transmitter: Acoustic transmitter code space and ID
- Transmitter Name: Ignore, not needed for this study
- Transmitter Serial: Acoustic transmitter serial number
- Sensor Value: Logged depth, m
- Sensor Unit: m
- Station Name: Name of station within receiver array where this particular receiver was moored
- Latitude: Ignore, not included in this study
- Longitude: Ignore, not included in this study
File: VUE_1820.csv
Description: The raw data (stored detections) on wolffish ID 1820, as extracted from the manufacturers data base (Vemco, VUE).
- Date and Time (UTC): Date and time stamp (UTC) of stored detection
- Receiver: Acoustic receiver number
- Transmitter: Acoustic transmitter code space and ID
- Transmitter Name: Ignore, not needed for this study
- Transmitter Serial: Acoustic transmitter serial number
- Sensor Value: Logged depth, m
- Sensor Unit: m
- Station Name: Name of station within receiver array where this particular receiver was moored
- Latitude: Ignore, not included in this study
- Longitude: Ignore, not included in this study
File: VUE_1822.csv
Description: The raw data (stored detections) on wolffish ID 1822, as extracted from the manufacturers data base (Vemco, VUE).
- Date and Time (UTC): Date and time stamp (UTC) of stored detection
- Receiver: Acoustic receiver number
- Transmitter: Acoustic transmitter code space and ID
- Transmitter Name: Ignore, not needed for this study
- Transmitter Serial: Acoustic transmitter serial number
- Sensor Value: Logged depth, m
- Sensor Unit: m
- Station Name: Name of station within receiver array where this particular receiver was moored
- Latitude: Ignore, not included in this study
- Longitude: Ignore, not included in this study
File: VUE_1821.csv
Description: The raw data (stored detections) on wolffish ID 1821, as extracted from the manufacturers data base (Vemco, VUE).
- Date and Time (UTC): Date and time stamp (UTC) of stored detection
- Receiver: Acoustic receiver number
- Transmitter: Acoustic transmitter code space and ID
- Transmitter Name: Ignore, not needed for this study
- Transmitter Serial: Acoustic transmitter serial number
- Sensor Value: Logged depth, m
- Sensor Unit: m
- Station Name: Name of station within receiver array where this particular receiver was moored
- Latitude: Ignore, not included in this study
- Longitude: Ignore, not included in this study
File: VUE_1823.csv
Description: The raw data (stored detections) on wolffish ID 1823, as extracted from the manufacturers data base (Vemco, VUE).
- Date and Time (UTC): Date and time stamp (UTC) of stored detection
- Receiver: Acoustic receiver number
- Transmitter: Acoustic transmitter code space and ID
- Transmitter Name: Ignore, not needed for this study
- Transmitter Serial: Acoustic transmitter serial number
- Sensor Value: Logged depth, m
- Sensor Unit: m
- Station Name: Name of station within receiver array where this particular receiver was moored
- Latitude: Ignore, not included in this study
- Longitude: Ignore, not included in this study
All data processing, filtering, analyses and preparation of figures was done using the R-software (Version 2024.04.2+764) and the tidyverse package. We used several self-developed scripts to filter and analyze the data, and to prepare figures. The scripts are numbered from 1-8 and each of them has a description of what they do; top rows. These descriptions are also provided below:
# This script filters individual depth detections, excluding duplicates where one transmission has been detected and stored by several receivers. The script stores the filtered data in a new file.
# This script estimates individual fate (dispersed, dead or survived) from raw detection data.
# This script does individual position averaging using the PAV method developed by Simpfendorfer et al. 2002 (CJFAS paper).
# This script does individual behavioural metrics for export to statistical analyses.
# This script does individual home ranges using the PAV (position averaging) files.
# This script ployts the individual home ranges using the PAV (position averaging) files.
# This script does plotting and statistical analyses of the wolffish telemetry data.
# This script draws a map and positions.
# This script estimates individual home range sizes (hectares) using the PAV files.
# This script draws the average positions (PAVs) for each tagged fish on a map.
Atlantic wolffish were captured in the wild, tagged with acoustic transmitters, and translocated to to the inner part of a fjord where their movements and fate wre monitored within a fixed array of acoustic telemetry receivers. Detection data were downloaded at the end of the study, and thereafter processed and analysed using several scripts witin the R software.