Wildfire severity alters drivers of interaction beta-diversity in plant-bee networks
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We studied plant-bee interactions in three distinct localities—Helena (HE), Paradise Valley (PV), and Whitefish (WF)—in the Northern Rockies Ecoregion of Montana, USA. Study sites were selected to span mixed-severity fire (MX), high-severity fire (HI), and unburned areas (UN). We quantified plant-pollinator interaction networks at each site by observing floral visitors at open flowers in a 25 m diameter plot (491 m2) weekly for 20 min during times of greatest visitor activity (sunny, calm, 0900-1600) over the growing season (late-May – August, depending on the locality). Pollinators were those floral visitors contacting the reproductive parts of flowers and moving among flowers, and we captured them with hand nets. Plant and floral visitor species presence at a site was determined by their participation in at least one plant-pollinator interaction. We did not consider plant species with flowers that were never visited. Plots in Helena were observed twice in 2013, 12 times in 2014, 9 times in 2015, and 7 times in 2016. Plots in Paradise were observed twice in 2013, 9 times each in 2014 and 2015, and 5 times in 2016. Plots in Whitefish were observed twice in 2013 and 7 times each in 2014 and 2015 (Burkle et al. 2019). Floral visitors were frozen, pinned, and identified to species. Because bees were 89% of individual visitors to flowers, we focused on this group and pooled plant-bee interactions for each site across all observations for analyses.
Usage notes
INTERACTION_FREQUENCY refers to the number of time we observed bees of a particular species (BEE_SPECIES) visiting flowers of a particular plant species (FLOWER_SPECIES) at that site.