Data from: Evaluating female remating rates in light of spermatophore degradation in Heliconius butterflies: pupal-mating monandry versus adult-mating polyandry
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Nov 07, 2012 version files 16.53 KB
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1) Butterflies are frequently used in comparative studies of sexual selection because of their diverse mating systems. In Heliconius, the two major clades in the genus are characterized by contrasting pupal-mating and adult-mating strategies. Adult-mating females are considered to be promiscuous while pupal-mating females are thought to be monandrous. 2) Counting spermatophores in female Lepidoptera is a common method for assessing patterns of female remating. However, in pupal-mating Heliconius butterflies spermatophores can become completely degraded leading to a potential underestimation of female remating rates. 3) We qualitatively characterized the different states of spermatophore degradation, and showed that complete degradation takes approximately three weeks in captive-bred H. erato females. 4) We counted spermatophores and/or assayed spermatophore degradation in >500 Heliconius females across 28 species sampled from natural populations. Among pupal-maters these observations yielded a few rare observations of double mating by recently eclosed females, but generally indicated a lack of rematings. In contrast, approximately 25% of sampled adult-mating females remated at least once. 5) Using a novel statistical analysis we estimated remating rates from patterns of spermatophore degradation or counts stratified by age, as indicated by wing-wear. This analysis showed no statistically significant evidence for remating for the pupal-mating H. erato while significant remating rates were detected for adult-mating species. 6) Our results support the established view of Heliconius mating systems in which pupal-maters are largely monandrous, while adult-maters are polyandrous.