Data from: A positive feedback to climate change: the effect of temperature on the respiration of key wood-decomposing fungi does not decline with time
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Feb 29, 2024 version files 226.59 KB
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Heterotrophic soil microorganisms are responsible for ~50% of the carbon dioxide released by respiration from the terrestrial biosphere each year. The respiratory response of soil microbial communities to warming, and the control mechanisms, remains uncertain, yet is critical to understanding the future land carbon (C)-climate feedback. Individuals of nine species of fungi decomposing wood were exposed to 90 days of cooling to evaluate the medium-term effect of temperature on respiration. Overall, the effect of temperature on respiration increased in the medium term, with no evidence of compensation. However, the increasing effect of temperature on respiration was lost after correcting for changes in biomass. These results indicate that C loss through respiration of wood-decomposing fungi will increase beyond the direct effects of temperature on respiration, potentially promoting greater C losses from terrestrial ecosystems and a positive feedback to climate change.
README: Data from: A positive feedback to climate change: the effect of temperature on the respiration of key wood-decomposing fungi does not decline with time
Katie L. Journeaux, Lynne Boddy, Lucy Rowland, Iain P. Hartley
Respiration data
Respiration rate data for nine species of beech (Fagus sylvatica)-inhabiting white rot basidiomycetes decomposing wood exposed to 90 days of cooling to evaluate the medium-term effect of temperature on respiration.
Species = Species of beech (Fagus sylvatica)-inhabiting white rot basidiomycetes
Measurement = Stage of experiment and measurement number
Day = Time (d) of measurement during the 241 d experiment
Replicate = Identification of wood block microcosm replicates (species and number (1-20))
Vc: Vuilleminia_comedens
Ff: Fomes_fomentarius
Cp: Chondrostereum_purpureum
Tv: Trametes_versicolor
Sh: Stereum_hirsutum
Ba: Bjerkandera_adusta
Hf: Hypholoma_fasciculare
Pv: Phanerochaete_velutina
Rb: Resinicium_bicolor
Treatment = Wood block microcosms of each species were assigned to one of four temperature treatments (n = 5): pre-cooling (destructively sampled at 151 d, prior to cooling), cooled (incubated at 12 C at 151 d for 90 d), rewarmed (incubated at 12 C at 151 d for 60 d and then rewarmed to 20 C for 30 d) and control (incubated at 20 C for a further 90 d)
Respiration_rate = Respiration rate (g C gdw-1 h-1)
Cumulative_respiration = Cumulative respiration (mg C gdw-1)
Ergosterol data
Ergosterol data for nine species of beech (Fagus sylvatica)-inhabiting white rot basidiomycetes decomposing wood exposed to 90 days of cooling to evaluate the medium-term effect of temperature on respiration.
Species = Species of beech (Fagus sylvatica)-inhabiting white rot basidiomycetes
Measurement = Stage of experiment and measurement number
Day = Time (d) of measurement during the 241 d experiment
Replicate = Identification of wood block microcosm replicates (species and number (1-20))
Vc: Vuilleminia_comedens
Ff: Fomes_fomentarius
Cp: Chondrostereum_purpureum
Tv: Trametes_versicolor
Sh: Stereum_hirsutum
Ba: Bjerkandera_adusta
Hf: Hypholoma_fasciculare
Pv: Phanerochaete_velutina
Rb: Resinicium_bicolor
Treatment = Wood block microcosms of each species were assigned to one of four temperature treatments (n = 5): pre-cooling (destructively sampled at 151 d, prior to cooling), cooled (incubated at 12 C at 151 d for 90 d), rewarmed (incubated at 12 C at 151 d for 60 d and then rewarmed to 20 C for 30 d) and control (incubated at 20 C for a further 90 d)
Ergosterol = Ergosterol (g g wood-1) from pre-cooling (151 d), cooled, rewarmed and control treatments (241 d)
Respiration rate and ergosterol data for nine species of beech (Fagus sylvatica)-inhabiting white rot basidiomycetes decomposing wood exposed to 90 days of cooling were collected to evaluate the medium-term effect of temperature on respiration.
Usage notes
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