Data for: The matador bug's flags deter avian predators
Data files
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Large, conspicuous traits frequently evolve despite increased predator attention, but in some cases, specifically to attract attention. Sexually selected traits provide some of the clearest examples of elaboration, yet natural selection can also be a powerful driver. The matador bug, Anisoscelis alipes (Hemiptera: Coreidae), has large, colorful flags on its legs that, unlike many other coreid species, are not used in reproductive competition. We hypothesized that these flags either a) warn predators of chemical defense, or b) deflect predatory attack to the removable hindlegs. We pitted matador bugs with or without flags and crickets (Acheta domesticus) with or without bug flags experimentally attached to their legs, against live motmot bird predators (Momotus subrufescens and Electron platyrhynchum). Contrary to the deflection hypothesis, almost none of the predatory strikes were directed at hindleg flags. Instead, we found support for the aposematism hypothesis: matador bug flags reduced attacks on palatable crickets but were unnecessary to prevent predator attacks against matador bugs. Palatability studies with naïve chicks (Gallus gallus) further supported a chemical defense hypothesis. Thus, these elaborate hindleg flags serve an aposematic anti-predator function, but in their absence, birds use alternative cues. These findings add to our understanding of the role of predation in driving the evolution of elaborate morphological structures.
README: Data for: The matador bug's flags deter avian predators
Here, we test the efficacy of matador bug (Anisoscelis alipes) flags against avian predators. We use motmots in our main trials, as they are sympatric natural predators. To test the palatability of the bugs, we used naive chicks. Please see the main text for more information.
Description of the data and file structure
Data are compiled in two spreadsheets: one that pertains to the motmot trials (Rubin_etal_2024_BehavEcol.csv) and one that pertains to palatability trials with chicks (Palatability_data_Rubin_etal_BehavEcol2024.csv). The supplemental file is a pdf version of the R markdown script.
Definitions of columns in the motmot datasheet:
Bird = unique ID of each bird individual
Species = species of motmot bird predator
Day = trial day for each bird (1 or 2)
Trial_num = sequential identifier for each trial for each bird, per trial batch
Time_trial_batch = time of day when trials occurred (morning / afternoon)
treat_seq = sequential identifier for the trial number of each prey animal treatment
Treatment = treatment of prey animal: Coreid_natural (bug with no modifications), Coreid_ablated (bug with hindleg flags removed), Control (cricket with no modifications), Cricket_bugleg (crickets with bug legs added to their hindlegs)
Attack = did the bird attack the prey animal? 1 is yes 0 is no
Definitions of the columns in palatability data sheet:
Bird_num = unique ID of each bird individual
Bird_color = unique color pattern marking that we created for each individual
Treatment = treatment of prey animal: Matador (bug with no modifications), Matador_ablated (bug with hindleg flags removed), Cricket (cricket with no modifications)
Order = sequential identifier for each trial for each bird
Avoid = chick does not attack prey
Peck = chick pecks at but does not consume prey
Eat = chick consumes prey
Time_delay_sec = number of seconds it takes for the chick to attack one of the matador prey treatments. All trials with control crickets, or trials where a chick never attacked the matador bug have a value of NA.
Sharing/Access information
All data and code associated with this publication were collected expressly for this project and can be found here.