Data from: Songbird species that display more-complex vocal learning are better problem-solvers and have larger brains
Data files
Sep 08, 2023 version files 46.94 KB
Complex vocal learning, a critical component of human spoken language, has been assumed to be associated with more-advanced cognitive abilities. Tests of this hypothesis between individuals within a species have been inconclusive and have not been done across species. In this work, we measured an array of cognitive skills - namely problem-solving, associative and reversal learning, and self-control - across 214 individuals of 23 bird species, including 19 wild-caught songbird species and two vocal nonlearning species. We found that the greater the vocal learning abilities of a species, the better their problem-solving skills and the relatively larger their brains. These conclusions held when controlling for non-cognitive variables and phylogeny. Our results support a hypothesis of shared genetic and cognitive mechanisms between vocal learning, problem-solving, and bigger brains in songbirds.
README: Complete dataset and code for: "Songbird species displaying more complex vocal learning are better problem-solvers and have larger brains"
Dataset contains of all variables for each individual, including behavioral traits, experimental conditions and published metrics.
Code is the complete R code used for all analyses.
Description of the data and file structure
species: Scientific species name
animal: Additional scientific species name for phylogenetic analyses
sp_common: Common species name
bird_ID: Individual bird ID
captive_status: Domesticated or wild-caught species
sex: Male or female
Location: Capture site
Food_deprivation_time: Fasting period (h, logged)
Shyness: Shyness (average of 4 days, logged)
Neophobia: Neophobia (average of 4 days, logged)
tPS1234: Problem-solving (average number of trials to succeed the 4 problem-solving tasks)
lPS1234: Problem-solving (average number of trials to succeed the 4 problem-solving tasks, logged)
tDetour_reaching: Self-control (trials to succeed the detour-reaching task)
lDetour_reaching: Self-control (trials to succeed the detour-reaching task, logged)
tLearning: Associative learning (trials to succeed the discrimination learning task)
lLearning: Associative learning (trials to succeed the discrimination learning task, logged)
tReversal_learning: Reversal learning (trials to succeed reversal of the discrimination learning task)
lReversal_learning: Reversal learning (trials to succeed reversal of the discrimination learning task, logged)
Bodyweight: Initial bodyweight (g, logged)
Relative_brain_size: Relative brain size (residuals of brain volume and bodyweight)
Call_rep: Call repertoire (number of unique calls)
lCall_rep: Call repertoire (number of unique calls, logged)
Song_rep: Song repertoire (number of unique songs)
lSong_rep: Song repertoire (number of unique songs, logged)
SongCall_rep: Complete vocalization repertoire (number of unique songs and calls)
lSongCall_rep: Complete vocalization repertoire (number of unique songs and calls. logged)
VLC: Vocal learning complexity (PC1)
VLTnum: Vocal learning type (1: non-learner, 2: closed-ended vocal learner, 3: open-ended vocal learner, 4: mimic)
OCnum: Open-endedness (0: closed-ended, 1: open-ended)
OCsongnum: Song open-endedness (0: closed-ended, 1: open-ended)
Mnum: Mimicry (0: non-mimic, 1: mimic)
VLT: Vocal learning type (categorical)
"NA" values in the dataset indicate missing values (behavioral tests not successfully completed)
Sharing/Access information
Code can be run with R.