Biological links between personality and plasticity: testing some alternative hypotheses
Data files
Aug 02, 2023 version files 546.50 MB
When organisms respond behaviorally to a stimulus, they exhibit plasticity, but some individuals respond to the same stimulus consistently differently than others, thereby also exhibiting personality differences. Parent house sparrows express individual differences in how often they feed offspring and how that feeding rate changes with nestling age. Mean feeding rate and its slope with respect to nestling age were positively correlated at median nestling ages but not at hatching, indicating that individuality is primarily in plasticity. Individual differences could arise due to 1) interactions between environmental variables, 2) differences in underlying state or ‘quality’, or 3) differences in the ability to update cues of changing nestling demand. Individual slopes were modestly repeatable across breeding attempts, hinting at the likely action of additional environmental variables, but only brood size was important. I also found few correlates suggesting quality differences. I used short-term brood size manipulations at two nestling ages to test divergent predictions between the three hypotheses. The pattern of correlations between response to the manipulation and individual slope did not fit any single hypothesis. Patterns of sparrow parental care reveal that personality and plasticity are not cleanly separable, and their biology is likely intertwined. New thinking may be needed about the factors parents use in decisions about care and the relevant fitness consequences.
Data were extracted from videos of marked adults at labelled nest sites. Videos were taken multiple times during the first 9 days of nestling development; most were of unmanipulated nests, but some nests were targetted for short-term (2 h) brood size manipulations. From the raw score sheets, several metrics, primarily the number of feeding visits and the length of the video, were extracted and entered into the data file. Additional information on the marked adults or the location and date of the video were added. Analysis was conducted in the R computing environment.
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