Integrin restriction by miR-34 protects germline progenitors from cell death during aging
Data files
Feb 13, 2024 version files 16 GB
During aging, regenerative tissues must dynamically balance the two opposing processes of proliferation and cell death. While many microRNAs are differentially expressed during aging, their roles as dynamic regulators of tissue regeneration have yet to be described. We show that in the highly regenerative Drosophila testis, miR-34 levels are significantly elevated during aging. miR-34 modulates germ cell death and protects the progenitor germ cells from accelerated aging. However, miR-34 is not expressed in the progenitors themselves but rather in neighboring cyst cells that kill the progenitors. Transcriptomics followed by functional analysis revealed that during aging, miR-34 modifies integrin signaling by limiting the levels of the heterodimeric integrin receptor αPS2 and βPS subunits. In addition, we found that in cyst cells, this heterodimer is essential for inducing phagoptosis and degradation of the progenitor germ cells. Together, these data suggest that the miR-34 – integrin signaling axis acts as a sensor of progenitor germ cell death to extend progenitor functionality during aging.
README: Integrin restriction by miR-34 protects germline progenitors from cell death during aging
The dataset contains 16 samples. Each Sample contains 2 fastq.gz files from 2 lanes.
There are 4 experimental groups:
- w1118 1 day
- w1118 30 day
- mir34 knockout 1 day
- mir34 knockout 30 day
Each group contains 4 biological replicates.
Description of the data and file structure
w1118 1 day Rep1:
- RNA-Sequencing data from Drosophila testes, Genotype w1118, Age 1 day, Replicate #1, Lane 6
- RNA-Sequencing data from Drosophila testes, Genotype w1118, Age 1 day, Replicate #1, Lane 7
w1118 1 day Rep2:
- RNA-Sequencing data from Drosophila testes, Genotype w1118, Age 1 day, Replicate #2, Lane 6
- RNA-Sequencing data from Drosophila testes, Genotype w1118, Age 1 day, Replicate #2, Lane 7
w1118 1 day Rep3:
- RNA-Sequencing data from Drosophila testes, Genotype w1118, Age 1 day, Replicate #3, Lane 6 w1118_1day_Rep3_L7.fastq.gz
- RNA-Sequencing data from Drosophila testes, Genotype w1118, Age 1 day, Replicate #3, Lane 7
w1118 1 day Rep4:
- RNA-Sequencing data from Drosophila testes, Genotype w1118, Age 1 day, Replicate #4, Lane 6 w1118_1day_Rep4_L7.fastq.gz
- RNA-Sequencing data from Drosophila testes, Genotype w1118, Age 1 day, Replicate #4, Lane 7
w1118 30 days Rep1:
- RNA-Sequencing data from Drosophila testes, Genotype w1118, Age 30 days, Replicate #1, Lane 6
- RNA-Sequencing data from Drosophila testes, Genotype w1118, Age 30 days, Replicate #1, Lane 7
w1118 30 days Rep2:
- RNA-Sequencing data from Drosophila testes, Genotype w1118, Age 30 days, Replicate #2, Lane 6
- RNA-Sequencing data from Drosophila testes, Genotype w1118, Age 30 days, Replicate #2, Lane 7
w1118 30 days Rep3:
- RNA-Sequencing data from Drosophila testes, Genotype w1118, Age 30 days, Replicate #3, Lane 6
- RNA-Sequencing data from Drosophila testes, Genotype w1118, Age 30 days, Replicate #3, Lane 7
w1118 30 days Rep4:
- RNA-Sequencing data from Drosophila testes, Genotype w1118, Age 30 days, Replicate #4, Lane 6
- RNA-Sequencing data from Drosophila testes, Genotype w1118, Age 30 days, Replicate #4, Lane 7
mir34 KO 1 day Rep1:
- RNA-Sequencing data from Drosophila testes, Genotype mir34 knockout, Age 1 day, Replicate #1, Lane 6
- RNA-Sequencing data from Drosophila testes, Genotype mir34 knockout, Age 1 day, Replicate #1, Lane 7
mir34 KO 1 day Rep2:
- RNA-Sequencing data from Drosophila testes, Genotype mir34 knockout, Age 1 day, Replicate #2, Lane 6
- RNA-Sequencing data from Drosophila testes, Genotype mir34 knockout, Age 1 day, Replicate #2, Lane 7
mir34 KO 1 day Rep3:
- RNA-Sequencing data from Drosophila testes, Genotype mir34 knockout, Age 1 day, Replicate #3, Lane 6
- RNA-Sequencing data from Drosophila testes, Genotype mir34 knockout, Age 1 day, Replicate #3, Lane 7
mir34 KO 1 day Rep4:
- RNA-Sequencing data from Drosophila testes, Genotype mir34 knockout, Age 1 day, Replicate #4, Lane 6
- RNA-Sequencing data from Drosophila testes, Genotype mir34 knockout, Age 1 day, Replicate #4, Lane 7
mir34 KO 30 days Rep1:
- RNA-Sequencing data from Drosophila testes, Genotype mir34 knockout, Age 30 days, Replicate #1, Lane 6
- RNA-Sequencing data from Drosophila testes, Genotype mir34 knockout, Age 30 days, Replicate #1, Lane 7
mir34 KO 30 days Rep2:
- RNA-Sequencing data from Drosophila testes, Genotype mir34 knockout, Age 30 days, Replicate #2, Lane 6
- RNA-Sequencing data from Drosophila testes, Genotype mir34 knockout, Age 30 days, Replicate #2, Lane 7
mir34 KO 30 days Rep3:
- RNA-Sequencing data from Drosophila testes, Genotype mir34 knockout, Age 30 days, Replicate #3, Lane 6
- RNA-Sequencing data from Drosophila testes, Genotype mir34 knockout, Age 30 days, Replicate #3, Lane 7
mir34 KO 30 days Rep4:
- RNA-Sequencing data from Drosophila testes, Genotype mir34 knockout, Age 30 days, Replicate #4, Lane 6
- RNA-Sequencing data from Drosophila testes, Genotype mir34 knockout, Age 30 days, Replicate #4, Lane 7
Illumina cDNA libraries were prepared from 1 µg total RNA extracted from testes of young and aged control w1118 and miR-34 null mutants. Sequencing libraries were prepared using INCPM mRNA Sequence Single-Read. Sixty reads were sequenced on two lanes of an Illumina HiSeq apparatus. The output was ~22 million reads per sample. Poly-A/T stretches and Illumina adapters were trimmed from the reads using cutadapt. Resulting reads shorter than 30 bp were discarded. Reads were mapped to the Drosophila melanogaster dmel reference genome using STAR, supplied with gene annotations downloaded from FlyBase (r6.18) (and with the EndToEnd option and outFilterMismatchNoverLmax was set to 0.04).