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Data for: Andic soil properties and tephra layers hamper C turnover in Icelandic peatlands - selective dissolution of Al, Fe, Si and decomposition proxies

Data files

Apr 13, 2022 version files 11.10 MB


Due to frequent volcanic activity and erosion of dryland soils, peatlands in Iceland receive regular additions of mineral aeolian deposits (tephra and eroded material). Therefore, their soils may develop not only histic, but also andic characteristics. Here we present data sets of a study that elucidates interactions between carbon characteristics and andic soil properties in Histosols of three Icelandic peatlands. The data sets contain information about the soil carbon structure derived by 13C NMR spectroscopy, andic soil properties based on selective dissolution of Al, Fe and Si, decomposition proxies C/N, δ13C and δ15N, information on total carbon and nitrogen content, dry bulk density, soil organic matter content and pH measured in deionised water and NaF solution.