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Highly-replicated soil, topography and vegetation sampling across an old-growth tropical rain forest landscape


Here we present data from highly-replicated sampling of soil, topography, and vegetation across an old-growth tropical rainforest landscape at the La Selva Biological Station, Costa Rica.  Samples were taken at 100 x 50 m spacing using an existing surveyed grid system.  The 573-ha sample area spanned a variety of soil, topographic and vegetation conditions, including flat terraces on old alluvial soil, ridge tops and steep slopes on residual soil, riparian habitats and fresh-water swamps.  At each of 1170 grid points we established a circular 0.01 ha quadrat (radius = 5.64 m).  We sampled soil at 30-50 cm depth with a soil augur and collected a sample for subsequent analysis.  We measured slope angle with a clinometer and slope direction with a compass.  We measured stem diameter to +1 mm with a synthetic fabric diameter tape for all stems >10 cm diameter (N= 5236) at 1.3 m from the ground or to ~ 6 m height if there were basal irregularities.  We classified stems to life form (tree, palm, liana), and identified all trees and palms to species or morphospecies (N=266; lianas were not identified to species).  We collected vouchers from all trees that we could not positively identify in the field (N=920).

As a whole the data set presents an integrated view of soil, topography and vegetation across a mesoscale old-growth tropical rain forest landscape.  The data have been used to refine a reserve-wide soils map for La Selva, and for a variety of papers analyzing the interactions of soil, topography and species distributions at landscape scales (see the 10 papers listed in the Related Works section below).

There are no restrictions at all on the use of these data, and we think they will be useful for teaching and analysis projects as well as further original research applications.  The data also provide a detailed benchmark of the status of old-growth vegetation in 1993-95 for one of the most intensively studied tropical rain forest landscapes in the world.  Because the data are accurately georeferenced and detailed metadata on all methods are provided, this study could be repeated at any time to assess the trajectory of vegetation changes at La Selva, particularly in relation to local disturbances and changing regional and global climates.