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Innovafrica-Sorghum-Legume trials lindi


Ensuring food security in small-scale farming requires improvement of productivity of food crops to ensure access of food in local communities. the objective of the sorghum-legume demonstration trial was to demonstrate the performance of proven Sustainable Agricultural Intensification (SAI) practices in terms of yield, soil quality and labour efficiency. A farmers-led field trails were conducted in Nachunyu and Mmumbu villages in Lindi district, Tanzania. The SAI technologies validated include:  i) Treatment 1: Conventional tillage – farmers practice, consisting of hand hoe cultivation, residue were removed, no herbicides applied (hand hoe weeding) and continuous sorghum  ii) Treatment 2: Conservation tillage dibble stick, retention of crop residues but no herbicide use (traditional weeding), and cropping system of continuous sorghum, applied fertilizers and no burning of residues; iii) Treatment 3: Conservation tillage using dibble stick, retention of crop residues, applied herbicide immediately after planting , but continuous sorghum, applied fertilizer (NPS) and no burning of residues; iv) Treatment 4: Conservation agriculture with legume-sorghum rotation, tillage dibble stick, retention of crop residues, apply herbicide roundup soon after planting followed by traditional hand hoe weeding when needed after crop germination, apply fertilizers (NPS), started with sorghum in  season one (1) 2017/18. Soil samples were collected before the trials and after the trials. Data collected includes grain yields and residue biomass.