Bioprospecting for improved floral fragrance in wild sunflowers
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Cultivated sunflower (Helianthus annuus) is not typically considered to have a pleasant floral fragrance. In field production, seed yield is often limited by pollination services, particularly in the production of hybrid seed. Improved floral fragrance, as determined by volatile organic compounds, maybe a route to improving pollinator attraction for oilseed and confectionary production and could also add value to ornamental sunflowers. Wild relatives of H. annuus have a long history of being used to breed improved traits into cultivated varieties, yet it is unknown whether favorable scents are present in wild Helianthus species and thus an available resource for fragrance breeding. To assess the diversity of floral fragrance available in crop wild relatives, 30 diverse accessions of wild Helianthus as well as seven varieties of H. annuus spanning a domestication gradient were grown in greenhouse experiments and variation in floral volatiles was analyzed by solid phase microextraction-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. While alpha-pinene made up a significant portion of the volatiles emitted for most taxa, there was substantial diversity present across the genus as well as within H. annuus. Most volatiles emitted were monoterpenoids with a significant share of sesquiterpenoids. The diversity identified here will inform further targeted study of which compounds affect pollinator attraction and health. Several wild accessions such as H. debilis subsp. tardiflorus and H. praecox subsp. praecox as well as open-pollinated domesticated accessions of H. annuus show promise for breeding for improved floral fragrance due to high volatile abundance and likely favorable compound compositions.
README: Bioprospecting for Improved Floral Fragrance in Wild Sunflowers
Two supplemental datasets are presented, containing compound abundance (mass normalized peak areas) and compound proportional composition (percentages of total mass normalized peak area), along with supplemental tables and figures.
Description of the data and file structure
Dataset S1 (CSV): Mean mass normalized peak areas from GCMS data. The first column lists accession scientific name and ploidy level/source if applicable. The second column provides source information also presented in Table S1, referring to either commercial sources, local wild collection, or the USDA National Plant Germplasm System (Plant Introduction number). The subsequent columns list compounds in alphabetical order with their respective mean mass normalized peak areas. Means were calculated excluding zeroes to account for any error in detection.
Dataset S2 (CSV): Proportional composition of fragrance profiles, based on average percent makeup of total mass normalized peak areas from GCMS data. The first column lists accession scientific name and ploidy level/source if applicable. The second column provides source information also presented in Table S1, referring to either commercial sources, local wild collection, or the USDA National Plant Germplasm System (Plant Introduction number). The subsequent columns list compounds in alphabetical order with their respective percentage of each compound.
Table S1. All species and accessions used in this study and the number of GC-MS replicates analyzed. Accessions source information either refers to USDA National Plant Germplasm System identifier (Plant Introduction number), commercial source information, or H. annuus accessions are listed as abbreviated versions of their name as listed in the methods.
Table S2. Accessions of wild Helianthus sorted by total number of compounds detected in floral volatiles, with counts of monoterpenoids, sesquiterpenoids, and other compounds identified in each. Samples from the parallel experiment across an H. annuus domestication gradient are listed at the end of the table.
Table S3. Accession means for mass-normalized peak area for volatile organic compounds listed by chemical subclass. Accessions are sorted from lowest total abundance to highest total abundance. H. annuus accessions are listed at the end of the table and are sorted from lowest total abundance to highest total abundance.
Figure S1. Heat map demonstrating Spearman’s rho correlation coefficients among volatile compound abundances for all 237 compounds, calculated using accession means of mass-normalized peak areas, as clustered and visualized using the pheatmap package.
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