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Environmental DNA highlights the influence of salinity and agricultural run-off on coastal fish assemblages in the Great Barrier Reef region

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Sep 22, 2023 version files 146.86 KB
Feb 23, 2024 version files 146.92 KB


Agricultural run-off in Australia’s Mackay-Whitsunday region is a major source of nutrient and pesticide pollution to coastal and inshore ecosystems of the Great Barrier Reef. While the effects of run-off are well documented for the region’s coral and seagrass habitats, the ecological impacts on estuaries, the direct recipients of run-off, are less known. This is particularly true for fish communities, which are shaped by the physico-chemical properties of coastal waterways that vary greatly in tropical regions. To address this knowledge gap, we used environmental DNA (eDNA) metabarcoding to examine fish assemblages at four locations (three estuaries and a harbour) subjected to varying levels of agricultural run-off during a wet and dry season. Pesticide and nutrient concentrations were markedly elevated during the sampled wet season with the influx of freshwater and agricultural run-off. Fish taxa richness significantly decreased in all three estuaries (F = 164.73, P = <0.001), along with pronounced changes in community composition (F = 46.68, P = 0.001) associated with environmental variables (largely salinity: 27.48% contribution to total variance). In contrast, the nearby Mackay Harbour exhibited a far more stable community structure, with no marked changes in fish assemblages observed between the sampled seasons. Among the four sampled locations, variation in fish community composition was more pronounced within the wet season (F = 2.5, P = 0.001). Notably, variation in the wet season was significantly correlated with agricultural contaminants (phosphorus: 6.25%, pesticides: 5.22%) alongside environmental variables (salinity: 5.61%, DOC: 5.57%). Historically contaminated and relatively unimpacted estuaries each demonstrated distinct fish communities, reflecting their associated catchment use. Our findings emphasise that while seasonal effects play a key role in shaping the community structure of fish in this region, agricultural contaminants are also important contributors in estuarine systems.