Male dingo urinary scents code for age class and wild dingoes respond to this information
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Chemical information in canid urine has been implicated in territoriality and influences the spacing of individuals. We identified the key volatile organic compound (VOC) components in dingo (Canis lupus dingo) urine and investigated the potential role of scents in territorial spacing. VOC analysis, using headspace gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS), demonstrated that the information in fresh urine from adult male dingoes was sufficient to allow statistical classification into age categories. Discriminant function analyses demonstrated that the relative amounts or combinations of key VOCs from pre-prime (3-4 years), prime (5-9 years), and post-prime (≥10 years) males varied between these age categories, and that scents exposed to the environment for 4 (but not 33) days could still be classified to age categories. Further, a field experiment showed that dingoes spent less time in the vicinity of prime male dingo scents than other scents. Collectively, these results indicate that age-related scent differences may be discriminable by dingoes. Previous authors have suggested the potential to use scent as a management tool for wild canids by creating an artificial territorial boundary/barrier. Our results suggest that identifying the specific signals in prime-age male scents could facilitate the development of scent-based tools for non-lethal management.
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Citation of paper:
- Benjamin J J Walker, Mike Letnic, Martin P Bucknall, Lyn Watson, Neil R Jordan, Male dingo urinary scents code for age class and wild dingoes respond to this information, Chemical Senses, Volume 49, 2024, bjae004,
DOI of data:
Description of the Data and file structure
The data contains chemical and bioassay information about 27 dingo scent marks and related ecological and biological information. The quarto file contains all the code used to analyse the data and generate the figures in the manuscript.
Excel Data File (Data_Walker-et-al_2024_doi_10.1093-chemse-bjae004.xlsx) => excel file containing the datasets which were used to analyse:
- Variables:
- Treatment; one of t0, t4, or t33. t = time, # = number of days
- AgeDem: one of pre-prime, prime, post-prime. Each category represents an age grouping (the dingo signaler age (pre-prime (3–4 years), prime (5–9 years), and post-prime (≥10 years))
- Present.Dur: duration of time spent in the vicinity of the scent (seconds), zero placed in cell for rows 26-28 to facilitate analysis
- Investigate: binary (0/1), 1 = investigation, zero placed in cell for rows 26-28 to facilitate analysis
- Sniff.Dur: duration of time spent sniffing scent (seconds), rows 26-28 are blank to facilitate analysis*
- T.Down.C: binary (0/1), 1 = tail down between legs, rows 26-28 are blank to facilitate analysis*
- T.Mid.C: binary (0/1), 1 = tail horizontal, rows 26-28 are blank to facilitate analysis*
- T.Up.C: binary (0/1), 1 = tail raised up, rows 26-28 are blank to facilitate analysis*
- Raised: binary (0/1), 1 = tail raised up, same as T.Up.C, but zeros were placed in cells for rows 26-28 to facilitate analysis
- Variables:
- AgeDem: one of pre-prime, prime, post-prime. Each category represents an age grouping (the dingo signaler age (pre-prime (3–4 years), prime (5–9 years), and post-prime (≥10 years))
- Revisitation: number of days to revisit after first visit
- Variables:
- AgeDem: one of pre-prime, prime, post-prime. Each category represents an age grouping (the dingo signaler age (pre-prime (3–4 years), prime (5–9 years), and post-prime (≥10 years))
- InterVisitInterval: all intervisit intervals (not just the next visit after the first visit)
- Site: Site number, sequential order labelling
- Variables:
- AgeDem: one of pre-prime, prime, post-prime. Each category represents an age grouping (the dingo signaler age (pre-prime (3–4 years), prime (5–9 years), and post-prime (≥10 years))
- Mean
- Standard Deviation
- Standard Error
- Variables:
- Age.Dem: one of pre-prime, prime, post-prime. Each category represents an age grouping (the dingo signaler age (pre-prime (3–4 years), prime (5–9 years), and post-prime (≥10 years))
- Mean
- Standard Deviation
- Standard Error
- Variables:
- First Column (Age): Labelled groups, one of pre-prime, prime, post-prime
- Subsequent columns: Numerical label for the chemical components listed in Supplementary Table 2, and relative compound amounts in the sample (relative total ion current (TIC) chromatogram peak areas for each scent component were expressed as a percentage of the summed area from all scent peaks (%TIC)). Nominal values were expressed as 1.0 × e−9. All values in this matrix are log-transformed.
- Variables:
- First Column (Age): Labelled groups, one of pre-prime, prime, post-prime
- Subsequent columns: Numerical label for the chemical components listed in Supplementary Table 2, and relative compound amounts in the sample (relative total ion current (TIC) chromatogram peak areas for each scent component were expressed as a percentage of the summed area from all scent peaks (%TIC)). Nominal values were expressed as 1.0 × e−9. All values in this matrix are log-transformed.
- Variables:
- First Column (Age): Labelled groups, one of pre-prime, prime, post-prime
- Subsequent columns: Numerical label for the chemical components listed in Supplementary Table 2, and relative compound amounts in the sample (relative total ion current (TIC) chromatogram peak areas for each scent component were expressed as a percentage of the summed area from all scent peaks (%TIC)). Nominal values were expressed as 1.0 × e−9. All values in this matrix are log-transformed.
- Variables:
- Treatment: categorical label, one of 0, 4, or 33 days.
- Subsequent columns: Numerical label for the chemical components listed in Supplementary Table 2, and relative compound amounts in the sample (relative total ion current (TIC) chromatogram peak areas for each scent component were expressed as a percentage of the summed area from all scent peaks (%TIC)). Nominal values were expressed as 1.0 × e−9. All values in this matrix are log-transformed.
- Variables:
- First Column (Age): Labelled groups, one of pre-prime, prime, post-prime
- Subsequent columns: Numerical label for the chemical components listed in Supplementary Table 2, and relative compound amounts in the sample (relative total ion current (TIC) chromatogram peak areas for each scent component were expressed as a percentage of the summed area from all scent peaks (%TIC)). Nominal values were expressed as 1.0 × e−9. All values in this matrix are log-transformed.
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