Data from: Behavioral trade-offs and multitasking by elk in relation to predation risk from Mexican gray wolves
Data files
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Non-consumptive effects of predation can alter foraging time, stress levels, and habitat use by prey, potentially resulting in reduced fitness. However, prey can mitigate the non-consumptive effects of predation by increasing vigilance, chewing and vigilance synchronization (i.e., multitasking), and spatiotemporal avoidance of predators. We quantified the effects of the Mexican wolf (Canis lupus baileyi) predation risk on elk (Cervus canadensis) behavior in the southwestern United States. We conducted behavioral observations on adult female elk and developed predation risk indices using Mexican wolf GPS collar data, locations of elk killed by Mexican wolves, and landscape covariates. We compared a priori models to determine the best predictors of adult female behavior and multitasking, separately. Metrics that quantified both spatial and temporal predation risk were top predictors in both datasets. Adult female vigilance was positively associated with increased predation risk. Increased predation risk had little effect on the probability of foraging, but resulted in decreased time spent resting. In a post hoc analysis, the effect of predation risk on foraging and resting differed across diurnal periods. During midday when wolf activity was relatively low, the probability of foraging increased while resting decreased, in areas with high spatial predation risk. During crepuscular periods when elk and wolves were most active, increased predation risk was associated with increased vigilance and slight decreases in foraging. Our results suggest elk are temporally avoiding predation risk from Mexican wolves by trading resting for foraging, a trade-off often not evaluated in behavioral studies. The probability of multitasking increased with predation risk, suggesting that adult female elk may be offsetting the non-consumptive effects of risk on feeding time. These results highlight potentially important but often excluded behaviors and trade-offs prey species may use to reduce the indirect effects of predation and contribute additional context to our understanding of predator-prey dynamics.
README: Data from: Behavioral trade-offs and multitasking by elk in relation to predation risk from Mexican gray wolves
Authors: Farley, Zachary; Thompson, Cara; Boyle, Scott; Tatman, Nicole; Cain III, James
Date Created: 15-July-23
Corresponding author: Dr. James W. Cain;
Pertinent information for Focal and Multitasking Analysis scripts.
Description of the Data and file structure
Focal Data:
Data provided is wrangled, cleaned, and ready for modelling.
UD = Utilization distribution
RSF = Resource selection function
RP = Risky Places
Column descriptions for file "General_Behavior_E&E_2024_Farley.csv":
Ave_Herd_CS_Focal - Average herd size centered and scaled
Day_Period - 1 = Midday, 2 = Morning, 3 = Evening
Dist_CL_CS_Focal - Distance to cover centered and scaled
Foraging - Relative amount of time subject was foraging
Maternal_Period - 1 = Limited mobility, 2 = Pre-parturition, 3 = Social mobility, 4 = Winter
OP_LG - Openness log transformed
Openness_CS_Focal - Openness centered and scaled
Other - Relative amount of time subject spent in "other" behaviors
PackSY2000RT_RP_CST_LG - mean Pack Season Year UD within a 2000 meter radius buffer, transformed and multiplied by the transformed and centered/scaled RP value. That product then log transformed.
PackSY2000RT_RSF_CST_CS_Focal - mean Pack Season Year UD within a 2000 meter radius buffer, transformed and multiplied by the transformed and centered/scaled RSF value. That product then centered and scaled.
PackSY2000RT_RSF_CST_LG - mean Pack Season Year UD within a 2000 meter radius buffer, transformed and multiplied by the transformed and centered/scaled RSF value. That product then log transfored.
PackSY200RT_RP_CST_CS_Focal - mean Pack Season Year UD within a 200 meter radius buffer, transformed and multiplied by the transformed and centered/scaled RP value. That product then centered and scaled.
PackSY200RT_RP_CST_LG - mean Pack Season Year UD within a 200 meter radius buffer, transformed and multiplied by the transformed and centered/scaled RP value. That product then log transformed.
PackSY200RT_RSF_CST_CS_Focal - mean Pack Season Year UD within a 200 meter radius buffer, transformed and multiplied by the transformed and centered/scaled RSF value. That product then centered and scaled.
PackSY200RT_RSF_CST_LG - mean Pack Season Year UD within a 200 meter radius buffer, transformed and multiplied by the transformed and centered/scaled RSF value. That product then log transfored.
PackSY800RT_RSF_CST_CS_Focal - mean Pack Season Year UD within a 800 meter radius buffer, transformed and multiplied by the transformed and centered/scaled RSF value. That product then centered and scaled.
PackSY800RT_RSF_CST_LG - mean Pack Season Year UD within a 800 meter radius buffer, transformed and multiplied by the transformed and centered/scaled RSF value. That product then log transfored.
PackYm2000RT_RP_CST_CS_Focal - mean Pack Yearly Maximum UD within a 2000 meter radius buffer, transformed and multiplied by the transformed and centered/scaled RP value. That product then centered and scaled.
PackYm2000RT_RP_CST_LG - mean Pack Yearly Maximum UD within a 2000 meter radius buffer, transformed and multiplied by the transformed and centered/scaled RP value. That product then log transformed.
PackYm2000RT_RSF_CST_CS_Focal - mean Pack Yearly Maximum UD within a 2000 meter radius buffer, transformed and multiplied by the transformed and centered/scaled RSF value. That product then centered and scaled.
PackYm200RT_RP_CST_CS_Focal - mean Pack Yearly Maximum UD within a 200 meter radius buffer, transformed and multiplied by the transformed and centered/scaled RP value. That product then centered and scaled.
PackYm200RT_RP_CST_LG - mean Pack Yearly Maximum UD within a 200 meter radius buffer, transformed and multiplied by the transformed and centered/scaled RP value. That product then log transformed.
PackYm200RT_RSF_CST_CS_Focal - mean Pack Yearly Maximum UD within a 200 meter radius buffer, transformed and multiplied by the transformed and centered/scaled RSF value. That product then centered and scaled.
PackYm200RT_RSF_CST_LG - mean Pack Yearly Maximum UD within a 200 meter radius buffer, transformed and multiplied by the transformed and centered/scaled RSF value. That product then log transformed.
PackYm800RT_RP_CST_CS_Focal - mean Pack Yearly Maximum UD within a 800 meter radius buffer, transformed and multiplied by the transformed and centered/scaled RP value. That product then centered and scaled.
PackYm800RT_RP_CST_LG - mean Pack Yearly Maximum UD within a 800 meter radius buffer, transformed and multiplied by the transformed and centered/scaled RP value. That product then log transformed.
PackYm800RT_RSF_CST_CS_Focal - mean Pack Yearly Maximum UD within a 800 meter radius buffer, transformed and multiplied by the transformed and centered/scaled RSF value. That product then centered and scaled.
PopSY2000RT_RP_CST_CS_Focal - mean Population Season Year UD within a 2000 meter radius buffer, transformed and multiplied by the transformed and centered/scaled RP value. That product then centered and scaled.
PopSY2000RT_RP_CST_LG - mean Population Season Year UD within a 2000 meter radius buffer, transformed and multiplied by the transformed and centered/scaled RP value. That product then log transformed.
PopSY2000RT_RSF_CST_CS_Focal - mean Population Season Year UD within a 2000 meter radius buffer, transformed and multiplied by the transformed and centered/scaled RSF value. That product then centered and scaled.
PopSY2000RT_RSF_CST_LG - mean Population Season Year UD within a 2000 meter radius buffer, transformed and multiplied by the transformed and centered/scaled RSF value. That product then log transformed.
PopSY200RT_RP_CST_CS_Focal - mean Population Season Year UD within a 200 meter radius buffer, transformed and multiplied by the transformed and centered/scaled RP value. That product then centered and scaled.
PopSY200RT_RP_CST_LG - mean Population Season Year UD within a 200 meter radius buffer, transformed and multiplied by the transformed and centered/scaled RP value. That product then log transformed.
PopSY200RT_RSF_CST_CS_Focal - mean Population Season Year UD within a 200 meter radius buffer, transformed and multiplied by the transformed and centered/scaled RSF value. That product then centered and scaled.
PopSY200RT_RSF_CST_LG - mean Population Season Year UD within a 200 meter radius buffer, transformed and multiplied by the transformed and centered/scaled RSF value. That product then log transformed.
PopSY800RT_RP_CST_CS_Focal - mean Population Season Year UD within a 800 meter radius buffer, transformed and multiplied by the transformed and centered/scaled RP value. That product then centered and scaled.
PopSY800RT_RP_CST_LG - mean Population Season Year UD within a 800 meter radius buffer, transformed and multiplied by the transformed and centered/scaled RP value. That product then log transformed.
PopSY800RT_RSF_CST_CS_Focal - mean Population Season Year UD within a 800 meter radius buffer, transformed and multiplied by the transformed and centered/scaled RSF value. That product then centered and scaled.
PopSY800RT_RSF_CST_LG - mean Population Season Year UD within a 800 meter radius buffer, transformed and multiplied by the transformed and centered/scaled RSF value. That product then log transformed.
PopY2000RT_RP_CST_CS_Focal - mean Population Year UD within a 2000 meter radius buffer, transformed and multiplied by the transformed and centered/scaled RP value. That product then centered and scaled.
PopY2000RT_RSF_CST_CS_Focal - mean Population Year UD within a 2000 meter radius buffer, transformed and multiplied by the transformed and centered/scaled RSF value. That product then centered and scaled.
PopY200RT_RP_CST_CS_Focal - mean Population Year UD within a 200 meter radius buffer, transformed and multiplied by the transformed and centered/scaled RP value. That product then centered and scaled.
PopY200RT_RP_CST_LG - mean Population Year UD within a 200 meter radius buffer, transformed and multiplied by the transformed and centered/scaled RP value. That product then log transformed.
PopY200RT_RSF_CST_CS_Focal - mean Population Year UD within a 200 meter radius buffer, transformed and multiplied by the transformed and centered/scaled RSF value. That product then centered and scaled.
PopY200RT_RSF_CST_LG - mean Population Year UD within a 200 meter radius buffer, transformed and multiplied by the transformed and centered/scaled RSF value. That product then log transformed.
PopY800RT_RP_CST_CS_Focal - mean Population Year UD within a 800 meter radius buffer, transformed and multiplied by the transformed and centered/scaled RP value. That product then centered and scaled.
PopY800RT_RSF_CST_CS_Focal - mean Population Year UD within a 800 meter radius buffer, transformed and multiplied by the transformed and centered/scaled RSF value. That product then centered and scaled.
Prop_Cow_CS_Focal - Proportion of cows
Resting_Ruminating - Relative amount of time subject was resting/ruminating
RP_CS_CS_Focal - Risky places centered and scaled
Session - Grouping ID
Slope_CS_Focal - Slope centered and scaled
Traveling - Relative amount of time subject was traveling
Vigilant - Relative amount of time subject was vigilant
Wolf_Activity_CS_Focal - Predicted wolf activity centered and scaled
Column descriptions for file "Multitasking_E&E_2024_Farley.csv":
Ave_Herd_CS_MT - Average herd size centered and scaled
Bayes_Mods - Response variable, 0 = non-chewing vigilance, 1 = multitasking
Canopy - Open = 0, Closed = 1
Day_Period - 1 = Midday, 2 = Morning, 3 = Evening
Dist_CL_CS_MT - Distance to cover centered and scaled
Maternal_Period - 1 = Limited mobility, 2 = Pre-parturition, 3 = Social mobility, 4 = Winter
OP_LG - Openness log transformed
Openness_CS_MT - Openness centered and scaled
PackSY2000RT_RP_CST_CS_MT - mean Pack Season Year UD within a 2000 meter radius buffer, transformed and multiplied by the transformed and centered/scaled RP value. That product then centered and scaled.
PackSY2000RT_RSF_CST_CS_MT - mean Pack Season Year UD within a 2000 meter radius buffer, transformed and multiplied by the transformed and centered/scaled RSF value. That product then centered and scaled.
PackSY2000RT_RSF_CST_LG - mean Pack Season Year UD within a 2000 meter radius buffer, transformed and multiplied by the transformed and centered/scaled RSF value. That product then log transfored.
PackSY200RT_RP_CST_CS_MT - mean Pack Season Year UD within a 200 meter radius buffer, transformed and multiplied by the transformed and centered/scaled RP value. That product then centered and scaled.
PackSY200RT_RP_CST_LG - mean Pack Season Year UD within a 200 meter radius buffer, transformed and multiplied by the transformed and centered/scaled RP value. That product then log transformed.
PackSY200RT_RSF_CST_CS_MT - mean Pack Season Year UD within a 200 meter radius buffer, transformed and multiplied by the transformed and centered/scaled RSF value. That product then centered and scaled.
PackSY200RT_RSF_CST_LG - mean Pack Season Year UD within a 200 meter radius buffer, transformed and multiplied by the transformed and centered/scaled RSF value. That product then log transfored.
PackSY800RT_RP_CST_CS_MT - mean Pack Season Year UD within a 800 meter radius buffer, transformed and multiplied by the transformed and centered/scaled RP value. That product then centered and scaled.
PackSY800RT_RP_CST_LG - mean Pack Season Year UD within a 800 meter radius buffer, transformed and multiplied by the transformed and centered/scaled RP value. That product then log transformed.
PackSY800RT_RSF_CST_CS_MT - mean Pack Season Year UD within a 800 meter radius buffer, transformed and multiplied by the transformed and centered/scaled RSF value. That product then centered and scaled.
PackSY800RT_RSF_CST_LG - mean Pack Season Year UD within a 800 meter radius buffer, transformed and multiplied by the transformed and centered/scaled RSF value. That product then log transfored.
PackYm2000RT_RP_CST_CS_MT - mean Pack Yearly Maximum UD within a 2000 meter radius buffer, transformed and multiplied by the transformed and centered/scaled RP value. That product then centered and scaled.
PackYm2000RT_RP_CST_LG - mean Pack Yearly Maximum UD within a 2000 meter radius buffer, transformed and multiplied by the transformed and centered/scaled RP value. That product then log transformed.
PackYm2000RT_RSF_CST_CS_MT - mean Pack Yearly Maximum UD within a 2000 meter radius buffer, transformed and multiplied by the transformed and centered/scaled RSF value. That product then centered and scaled.
PackYm200RT_RP_CST_CS_MT - mean Pack Yearly Maximum UD within a 200 meter radius buffer, transformed and multiplied by the transformed and centered/scaled RP value. That product then centered and scaled.
PackYm200RT_RP_CST_LG - mean Pack Yearly Maximum UD within a 200 meter radius buffer, transformed and multiplied by the transformed and centered/scaled RP value. That product then log transformed.
PackYm200RT_RSF_CST_CS_MT - mean Pack Yearly Maximum UD within a 200 meter radius buffer, transformed and multiplied by the transformed and centered/scaled RSF value. That product then centered and scaled.
PackYm200RT_RSF_CST_LG - mean Pack Yearly Maximum UD within a 200 meter radius buffer, transformed and multiplied by the transformed and centered/scaled RSF value. That product then log transformed.
PackYm800RT_RP_CST_CS_MT - mean Pack Yearly Maximum UD within a 800 meter radius buffer, transformed and multiplied by the transformed and centered/scaled RP value. That product then centered and scaled.
PackYm800RT_RSF_CST_CS_MT - mean Pack Yearly Maximum UD within a 800 meter radius buffer, transformed and multiplied by the transformed and centered/scaled RSF value. That product then centered and scaled.
PopSY2000RT_RSF_CST_LG - mean Population Season Year UD within a 2000 meter radius buffer, transformed and multiplied by the transformed and centered/scaled RSF value. That product then log transformed.
PopSY200RT_RP_CST_CS_MT - mean Population Season Year UD within a 200 meter radius buffer, transformed and multiplied by the transformed and centered/scaled RP value. That product then centered and scaled.
PopSY200RT_RP_CST_LG - mean Population Season Year UD within a 200 meter radius buffer, transformed and multiplied by the transformed and centered/scaled RP value. That product then log transformed.
PopSY200RT_RSF_CST_CS_MT - mean Population Season Year UD within a 200 meter radius buffer, transformed and multiplied by the transformed and centered/scaled RSF value. That product then centered and scaled.
PopSY200RT_RSF_CST_LG - mean Population Season Year UD within a 200 meter radius buffer, transformed and multiplied by the transformed and centered/scaled RSF value. That product then log transformed.
PopSY800RT_RSF_CST_LG - mean Population Season Year UD within a 800 meter radius buffer, transformed and multiplied by the transformed and centered/scaled RSF value. That product then log transformed.
PopY200RT_RP_CST_CS_MT - mean Population Year UD within a 200 meter radius buffer, transformed and multiplied by the transformed and centered/scaled RP value. That product then centered and scaled.
PopY200RT_RP_CST_LG - mean Population Year UD within a 200 meter radius buffer, transformed and multiplied by the transformed and centered/scaled RP value. That product then log transformed.
PopY200RT_RSF_CST_CS_MT - mean Population Year UD within a 200 meter radius buffer, transformed and multiplied by the transformed and centered/scaled RSF value. That product then centered and scaled.
PopY200RT_RSF_CST_LG - mean Population Year UD within a 200 meter radius buffer, transformed and multiplied by the transformed and centered/scaled RSF value. That product then log transformed.
Prop_Cow_CS_MT - Proportion of cows
RP_LG - Risky places centered and scaled
Slope_CS_MT - Slope centered and scaled
Unique_ID - Grouping variable for response
Wolf_Activity_CS_MT - Predicted wolf activity centered and scaled
Sharing/access Information
See methods section in manuscript and supplementary material file for details.
Usage notes