Programming and computational thinking concepts and contextual factors in integrated computing activities in U.S. Schools
Data files
Aug 07, 2024 version files 261.37 KB
Integrated computing uses computing tools and concepts to support learning in other disciplines while giving all students opportunities to experience computer science. Integrated computing is often motivated as a way to introduce computing to students in a low-stakes environment, reducing barriers to learning computer science, often especially for underrepresented groups. This dataset examined integrated computing activities implemented in US schools to examine which programming and CT concepts they teach and whether those concepts differed across contexts. We gathered data on 262 integrated computing activities from in-service K-12 teachers and 20 contextual factors related to the classroom (i.e., primary discipline, grade level, programming paradigm, programming language, minimum amount of time the lesson takes, source of the lesson plan), the teacher (i.e., years teaching, current role (classroom teacher, tech specialist, STEM specialist, etc.), grade levels taught, disciplines taught, degrees and certifications, institutional support received for integrated computing, gender, race, self-efficacy), and the school (e.g., socioeconomic status of students, racial composition, number of CS courses offered, number of CS teachers, years CS courses have been taught, number of students, school location (urban, suburban, rural)).
README: Programming and Computational Thinking Concepts and Contextual Factors in Integrated Computing Activities in U.S. Schools
Some of the early submissions were missing questions related to school context. These missing data are marked as "null".
Survey Questions Code Book
Survey Questions and Descriptive Statistics
Qualitative Questions (all open-ended):
Title of lesson plan
One sentence describing the activity topic (e.g., In this activity, students apply their computational thinking skills to explore the life cycle of a butterfly.)
One sentence describing the disciplinary learning objective (e.g., The primary learning goal is to model the life cycle of a butterfly.)
One sentence describing the computing learning objective (e.g., Students will conditionals to match body features to life stages.)
1-3 sentences describing the instructional paradigm (e.g., Students will discuss butterflies and life cycles with their partners. Then they will modify the program and use conditionals to create the model.)
Quantitative Questions and Response Options:
Programming and CT Concepts
Programming paradigm: No programming-1, Unplugged-2, Block-Based-3, Text-based-4
Programming language: Open-ended
Programming concepts: Not used-0, Used-1 for each concept
Select all that apply: Operator-arithmetic, Operator-Boolean, Operator-relational, Conditional-if-else, Conditional-if-then, Loop-for loop, Loop-while loop, Loop-loop index variable, Function-define/call, Function-parameter, Variable, Data types (string, integer, etc.), List, Multimedia component (sprite, sound, button, etc.), Multimedia properties (color, location, etc.), Multimedia movement (forward, back, turn), Output-string, Output-variable, User input, Event
CT concepts: Not used-0, Used-1 for each concept
Select all that apply: Algorithms–sequences, Algorithms–parallelism, Pattern recognition, Abstraction, Decomposition, Debugging, Automation
Classroom Context
Integrated discipline: Art-1, English-2, Foreign Language-3, Math-4, Music-5, Science-6, Social Studies-7, Spatial Skills-8, Other-9, Math and Science-10, Multiple-11
Grades taught in lesson: K-2 grade-1, 3-5 grade-2, 6-8 grade-3, 9-10 grade-4, 11-12 grade-5, 9-12 grade-6, 6-12 grade-7, K-5 grade-8, K-12 grade-9
Minimum amount of time the lesson takes: <1 hour-1, 1-3 hours-2, 3-8 hours-3, 8+hours-4
Source of the lesson plan: From a colleague-1, From an online search-2, From professional development-3, From a professional organization-4, Used an activity from an external source and created the lesson plan myself or with colleagues-5, Modified an activity or lesson plan from an external source-6, Created it myself or with colleagues-7, Other-8, Multiple-9
Teacher Information
Number of years teaching: Open-ended
Current role: Teacher-1, STEM/Tech Specialist-2, Librarian-3, Computer Lab-4, Other-5
Grade levels taught: K-5 grade-1, 6-8 grade-2, 9-12 grade-3, K-12 grade-4
Disciplines taught: Not taught-0, Taught-1 for each discipline
Select all that apply: Art, Language arts, Foreign language, Math, Music, Science, Social Studies, Computer science, Technology, Other
Degrees, Certs, endorsements, etc. attained: Endorsement-1, Teaching Certificate -2, Bachelors Degree-3, Masters Degree-4, Terminal degree such as Ed.D. or Ph.D.-5, Other-6
STEM or CS certification No-0, Yes-0
Support for integrated CS/CT development and implementation: 1-Professional development through my school/district/local education agency (LEA)/regional education service agency (RESA),
2-Professional development through external organizations, such as non-profits, for-profit, and state- or national-level organizations (e.g., Computer Science Teacher's Association (CSTA), state Dept of Education),
3-Peer/colleague/department collaboration in my school/district/LEA/RESA,
4-Peer/colleague collaboration in external organizations, such as non-profits, for-profit, and state- or national-level, organizations (e.g., CSTA, state Dept of Education),
5-Funding for software licensing, hardware (e.g., robots), or curricula,
Self-efficacy: iews of CT and self-efficacy scale from Yadav, Caeli, Ocak, and Macann, 2022; Strongly disagree-1, Somewhat disagree-2, Neither agree nor disagree-3, Somewhat agree-4, Strongly agree-5 for each item
Gender: Male-1, Female-2, Non-binary/third-3, Prefer not to say-4
Race: African American or Black-1, American Indian or Indigenous-2, Asian-3, Caucasian or White-4, Latino/a/x or Hispanic-5, Middle Eastern-6, Pacific Islander-7, Other-8
School Context
Number of students: Open-ended
Number of CS teachers: Open-ended
Number of CS courses: Open-ended
Number of years CS courses taught: Open-ended
Racial composition: Give % of each race: American Indian or Native American, Asian, Black or African American, Hispanic or Latino, White or Caucasian, Other
% of students eligible for free or reduced lunch: Open-ended
Type of area: Rural-1, Suburban-2, Urban-3