Inhibitory plasticity supports replay generalization in the hippocampus
Data files
Aug 26, 2024 version files 21.70 MB
Memory consolidation assimilates recent experiences into long-term memory. This process requires the replay of learned sequences, though the content of these sequences remains controversial. Recent work has shown that the statistics of replay deviate from those of experience: stimuli that are experientially salient may be either recruited or suppressed from sharp-wave ripples. We find that this phenomenon can be explained parsimoniously and biologically plausibly by a Hebbian spike time-dependent plasticity rule at inhibitory synapses. Using models at three levels of abstraction--leaky integrate-and-fire, biophysically detailed, and abstract binary-we show that this rule enables efficient generalization. We make specific predictions about the consequences of intact and perturbed inhibitory dynamics for network dynamics and cognition. Finally, we use optogenetics to artificially implant nongeneralizable representations into the network, and find that these representations also accumulate inhibition during sharp-wave ripples, experimentally validating a major prediction of our model. Our work outlines a potential direct link between the synaptic and cognitive levels of memory consolidation, with implications for both normal learning and neurological disease.
README: Inhibitory plasticity supports replay generalization in the hippocampus
Data associated with manuscript "Inhibitory plasticity supports replay generalization in the hippocampus" Nature Neuroscience 2024.
Description of the data and file structure
Index of figure source data files.
1. Figures in main text.
Figure 2.
- Fig2b_place_sts_df.csv
Place cell spike times during online phase. Each column contains the spike times in seconds of the neuron gid specified in the first row.
- Fig2b_cue_sts_df.csv
Place cell spike times during online phase. Each column contains the spike times in seconds of the neuron gid specified in the first row.
- Fig2b_events_df.csv
Simulated cue events during online phase. Column event_times contains event times in seconds.
- Fig2c_place_cell_norm_firing_rate.csv
Computed normalized firing rates in Hz for place cells during final lap of the online phase. Each column contains the firing rate of the
neuron gid specified in the first row in bins of 0.125 s.
- Fig2d_place_voltage_df.csv
Somatic membrane voltage traces for two representative place cells during online phase, in units of s (x-axis) and mV (y-axis). Column
"t" is time in seconds, "v_gid_83" is the membrane voltage in mV of gid 83, and "v_gid_150" is the membrane voltage in mV of gid 150.
- Fig2e_ripple_spike_times.csv
Representative spike times of place cells and cue cells during a highly synchronous event (HSE) in the offline phase. Each column contains the spike times in seconds of the neuron gid specified in the first row.
- Fig2f_ripple_v_vecs.csv
Voltage traces of all place cells and cue cells during the highly synchronous event (HSE) event shown in Fig 2e. Column "t" contains the time points in seconds. Each subsequent column contains the membrane voltage in mV at each time point, for the neuron gids contained in the first row.
- Fig2_place_and_cue_cell_ids.csv
The gids of place cells and cue cells, which is used to create separate plots in Figs 2b,f. Column "place_ids" contains the gids of place cells, and column "cue_ids" contains the gids of cue cells.
- Fig2g_nspikes.csv
Computed spike histogram for place cells and cue cells during the offline phase. Column "nspikes_place", contains the total count of place cell spikes in the respective time bin, and column "nspikes_cue" contains the total count of cue cell spikes in the respective time bin. Bin size is 0.150 s.
- Fig2h_peth.csv
Computed peri-event time histogram of place cell and cue cell activity during the offline phase. Column "time_bins" contains the times in s relative to event onset. Column "place_peth" indicates whether the values in the row refer to place cells. Column "cue_peth" indicates whether the values in the row refer to cue cells. Columns of the form "event_
Figure 3.
- Fig3a_pvbc_weights.csv
Synaptic weights of inhibitory PVBC neurons to place and cue cells that have been shaped by synaptic plasticity during the online phase. Column "pvbc_to_place_weights" contains the weight values in microsiemens across all PVBC-to-place connections in the model, and column "pvbc_to_nonplace_weights" contains the weight values in microsiemens across all PVBC-to_cue connections in the model.
- Fig3b_patch_clamp.csv
IPSC amplitude values obtained during the online phase. Each column refers to type of cell (place or cue) and holding voltage in mV. Each row contains the mean IPSC amplitude in units of nanoamps for a place or cue cell.
- Fig3e_peth.csv
Computed peri-event time histogram of place cell and cue cell activity during the offline phase in configuration where only E->E synapses are plastic. Column "time_bins" contains the times in s relative to event onset. Column "place_peth" indicates whether the values in the row refer to place cells. Column "cue_peth" indicates whether the values in the row refer to cue cells. Columns of the form "event_
- Fig3f_nspikes.csv
Computed spike histogram for place cells and cue cells during the offline phase in configuration where only E->E synapses are plastic. Column "nspikes_place", contains the total count of place cell spikes in the respective time bin, and column "nspikes_cue" contains the total count of cue cell spikes in the respective time bin. Bin size is 0.150 s.
- Fig3h_peth.csv
Computed peri-event time histogram of place cell and cue cell activity during the offline phase in configuration where only E->E and E->I synapses are plastic. Column "time_bins" contains the times in s relative to event onset. Column "place_peth" indicates whether the values in the row refer to place cells. Column "cue_peth" indicates whether the values in the row refer to cue cells. Columns of the form "event_
- Fig3i_nspikes.csv
Computed spike histogram for place cells and cue cells during the offline phase in configuration where only E->E and E->I synapses are plastic. Column "nspikes_place", contains the total count of place cell spikes in the respective time bin, and column "nspikes_cue" contains the total count of cue cell spikes in the respective time bin. Bin size is 0.150 s.
2. Supplementary Figures
Supplementary Figure 7.
- FigS7b_nspikes.csv
Computed spike histogram for place cells and cue cells during the offline phase in configuration where excitatory firing rates are log-normally distributed. Column "nspikes_place", contains the total count of place cell spikes in the respective time bin, and column "nspikes_cue" contains the total count of cue cell spikes in the respective time bin. Bin size is 0.150 s.
- FigS7c_peth.csv
Computed peri-event time histogram of place cell and cue cell activity during the offline phase in configuration where excitatory firing rates are log-normally distributed. Column "time_bins" contains the times in s relative to event onset. Column "place_peth" indicates whether the values in the row refer to place cells. Column "cue_peth" indicates whether the values in the row refer to cue cells. Columns of the form "event_
- FigS7d_place_sts_df.csv
Place cell spike times during online phase in configuration where pyramidal neurons receive both MEC and LEC input. Each column contains the spike times in seconds of the neuron gid specified in the first row.
- FigS7d_cue_sts_df.csv
Cue cell spike times during online phase in configuration where pyramidal neurons receive both MEC and LEC input. Each column contains the spike times in seconds of the neuron gid specified in the first row.
- FigS7d_events_df.csv
Simulated cue events during online phase in configuration where pyramidal neurons receive both MEC and LEC input. Column event_times contains event times in seconds.
- FigS7e_nspikes.csv
Computed spike histogram for place cells and cue cells during the offline phase in configuration where where pyramidal neurons receive both MEC and LEC input. Column "nspikes_place", contains the total count of place cell spikes in the respective time bin, and column "nspikes_cue" contains the total count of cue cell spikes in the respective time bin. Bin size is 0.150 s.
- FigS7f_peth.csv
Computed peri-event time histogram of place cell and cue cell activity during the offline phase in configuration where pyramidal neurons receive both MEC and LEC input. Column "time_bins" contains the times in s relative to event onset. Column "place_peth" indicates whether the values in the row refer to place cells. Column "cue_peth" indicates whether the values in the row refer to cue cells. Columns of the form "event_
Source data for Figure 5 and supplementary Figure 8 in STIM and non-STIM conditions
Mean peri-ripple dF/F of place, cue-place and cue cells in the experimental data during the RC-S experiment day 4