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Climate effects on the breeding ecology of pied flycatchers at the north of their range

Data files

Mar 17, 2022 version files 8.10 MB


The file “Raw data.csv” contains all data used for the analyses of the article “The effects of four decades of climate change on the breeding ecology of an avian sentinel species across a 1500-km latitudinal gradient are stronger at high latitudes” (DOI: 10.1002/ece3.7459). This data was used to investigate the effect of climate warming on the breeding time and breeding success of European pied flycatchers breeding in Sweden during 1982-2017. The data set contains 29035 nest records and each row has information per nest on ringing date of nestlings, developmental stage of nestlings and estimates of hatching date, nestling age, and breeding success (measured as number of ringed chicks). It also contains geographical coordinates per nest and distance to the coast variables as well as environmental data for different biweekly periods before and up to ringing time (average and minimum temperature, precipitation and a measurement of vegetation greenness). The precise definition of all the variables can be found in the ReadMe file. The specific information on data collection, processing and statistical analyses is available in the corresponding article.