Data from: Equine leukocyte storage artifacts
Data files
Dec 27, 2024 version files 46.55 KB
EDTA-anticoagulated blood samples were collected from 13 horses to evaluate the effect of storage on automated and manual leukocyte counts and on the development of morphological changes in leukocytes in equine blood stored at multiple temperatures for five days. The samples were stored in the refrigerator (4°C), cooler with icepacks (3 - 19°C), room temperature (22°C), and incubator (37°C). Automated leukocyte counts were conducted using an ADVIA 120 at intervals of 0, 8, 24, 48, and 120 hours. Manual analyses were performed on blood smears prepared at 0, 2, 4, 12, 24, 48, and 120 hours.
README: Data from: Equine leukocyte storage artifacts
EDTA-anticoagulated blood samples were collected from 13 horses to evaluate the effect of storage on automated and manual leukocyte counts and on the development of morphological changes in leukocytes in equine blood stored at multiple temperatures for five days. The samples were stored in the refrigerator (4°C), cooler with icepacks (3 - 19°C), room temperature (22°C), and incubator (37°C). Automated leukocyte counts were conducted using an ADVIA 120 at intervals of 0, 8, 24, 48, and 120 hours. Manual analyses were performed on blood smears prepared at 0, 2, 4, 12, 24, 48, and 120 hours.
Ashley L. Parsley, College of Veterinary Medicine, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC USA
Nicholas A. Hollingshead, Animal Health Diagnostic Center, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY USA
Erika J. Gruber, College of Veterinary Medicine, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC USA
Recommended citation for this archive
Parsley AL, Hollingshead, NA, Gruber EJ. 2024. Equine blood samples stored in multiple conditions to assess storage-related artefacts [DATASET]. Dryad.
Description of the data and file structure
Files and field definitions:
File 1. Equine leukocyte artifacts automated repository.csv
Horse: unique identifier for the horse from which the sample was taken
Condition: the categorical condition under which the sample was stored (B = baseline; C = cooler; F = refrigerator; I = incubator, R = room temperature)
Hour: the time in hours for which the sample was stored under the given Condition; unit = hour
Total_WBC_Baso: total leukocyte count reported by ADVIA120 basophil channel; unit = thou/uL
Total_WBCP_Perox: total leukocyte count reported by ADVIA120 peroxidase channel; unit = thou/uL
Auto_diff_Neutrophil: percent neutrophils reported by ADVIA120; includes segmented and hyposegmented neutrophils; unit = %
Auto_diff_Lymphocytes: percent lymphocytes reported by ADVIA120; unit = %
Auto_diff_Monocytes: percent monocytes reported by ADVIA120; unit = %
Auto_diff_Eosinophils: percent eosinophils reported by ADVIA120; unit = %
Auto_diff_Basophils: percent basophils reported by ADVIA120; unit = %
Absolute_Neutrophils: absolute neutrophils reported by ADVIA120; includes segmented and hyposegmented neutrophils; equal to percent x total WBC(baso); unit = thou/uL
Absolute_Lymphocytes percent lymphocytes reported by ADVIA120; equal to percent x total WBC(baso); unit = thou/uL
Absolute_Monocytes: percent monocytes reported by ADVIA120; equal to percent x total WBC(baso); unit = thou/uL
Absolute_Eosinophils: percent eosinophils reported by ADVIA120; equal to percent x total WBC(baso); unit = thou/uL
Absolute_Basophils: percent basophils reported by ADVIA120; equal to percent x total WBC(baso): unit = thou/uL
File 2. Equine leukocyte artifacts manual repository.csv
Horse: unique identifier for the horse from which the sample was taken
Storage_Condition: the categorical condition under which the sample was stored (B = baseline; C = cooler; F = refrigerator; I = incubator, R = room temperature)
Hour: the time in hours for which the sample was stored under the given Condition; unit: hour
Counted_leukocytes_used_for_differential: total number of leukocytes used to calculate manual differential count
Counted_Segmented_Neutrophils: number of segmented neutrophils identified manually
Counted_Hyposegmented_Neutrophils: number of hyposegmented neutrophils identified manually
Counted_lymphocytes: number of lymphocytes identified manually
Counted_Monocytes: number of monocytes identified manually
Counted_Eosinophils: number of eosinophils identified manually
Counted_Basophils: number of basophils identified manually
Counted_Ruptured_cells: number of ruptured cells identified manually
Counted_Pyknotic: number of cells with pyknotic nuclei or karyorrhexis identified manually
Counted_Neutrophils_with_vacuoles: number of neutrophils with at least one punctate vacuole identified manually
Counted_Lymphocytes_with_vacuoles: number of lymphocytes with at least one punctate vacuole identified manually
Counted_Dohle_body_like_inclusions: number of neutrophils with at least one blue-grey cytoplasmic inclusion identified manually
Counted_Granular_lymphoyctes: number of lymphocytes with at least one pink cytoplasmic granule identified manually
Counted_Neutrophils_with_cytoplasmic_polarization: number of neutrophils with cytoplasmic separation or polarization of color identified manually
Cell_swelling_grade: semi-quantitative grade based on neutrophil nuclei. 0 = no swelling, 1 = mild swelling, 2 = moderate swelling, 3 = severe swelling, 4 = extensive rupture; fewer than 10% intact cells are neutrophils identified manually
Total_cells_counted: total number of leukocytes counted, inclusive of intact and ruptured/pyknotic cells identified manually
Percent_DBLI: Percent of neutrophils with Dohle body-like inclusions identified manually; unit: %
Percent_Neutrophils_with_vacuoles: percent of all neutrophils with at least one cytoplasmic vacuole identified manually; unit: %
Percent_Lymphocytes_with_vacuoles: percent of all lymphocytes with at least one cytoplasmic vacuole identified manually; unit: %
Diff_Segmented_neutrophils_percent_exclusive: percent of segmented neutrophils in all intact cells evaluated, excluding ruptured/pyknotic cells; identified manually; unit: %
Diff_Hyposegmented_neutrophils_percent_exclusive: percent of hyposegmented neutrophils in all intact cells, excluding ruptured/pyknotic cells; identified manually; unit: %
Diff_Lymphocytes_exclusive: percent of lymphocytes in all intact cells, excluding ruptured/pyknotic cells; identified manually; unit: %
Diff_Granular_lymphocytes_exclusive: percent of granular lymphocytes containing in all intact cells, excluding ruptured/pyknotic cells; identified manually; unit: %
Diff_Monocytes_exclusive: percent of monocytes in all intact cells, excluding ruptured/pyknotic cells; identified manually; unit: %
Diff_Eosinophils_exclusive: percent of eosinophils in all intact cells, excluding ruptured/pyknotic cells; identified manually; unit: %
Diff_Basophils_exclusive: percent of basophils in all intact cells, excluding ruptured/pyknotic cells identified manually; unit: %
Dff_Segmented_Neturophils_Inclusive: percent of segmented neutrophils in all cells evaluated, including ruptured/pyknotic cells; identified manually; unit: %
Diff_Hyposegmented_Neutrophils_Inclusive: percent of hyposegmented neutrophils in all cells, including ruptured/pyknotic cells; identified manually; unit: %
Diff_Lymphocytes_inclusive: percent of lymphocytes in all cells, including ruptured/pyknotic cells; identified manually; unit: %
Diff_Monocytes_inclusive: percent of monocytes in all cells, including ruptured/pyknotic cells; identified manually; unit: %
Diff_Eosinophils_inclusive: percent of eosinophils in all cells, including ruptured/pyknotic cells; identified manually; unit: %
Diff_Basophils_inclusive: percent of basophils in all cells, including ruptured/pyknotic cells; identified manually; unit: %
Diff_Ruptured_cells_inclusive: percent of ruptured cells in all cells, including ruptured/pyknotic cells; identified manually; unit: %
Diff_Pyknotic_cells_inclusive: percent of pyknotic in all cells, including ruptured/pyknotic cells; identified manually; unit: %
Notes: additional information not included in the previous columns
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