Data from: Asexual male production by ZW recombination in Artemia parthenogenetica
Data files
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In some asexual species, parthenogenetic females occasionally produce males, which may strongly affect the evolution and maintenance of asexuality if they cross with related sexuals and transmit genes causing asexuality to their offspring (“contagious parthenogenesis”). How these males arise in the first place has remained enigmatic, especially in species with sex chromosomes. Here, we test the hypothesis that rare, asexually produced males of the crustacean Artemia parthenogenetica are produced by recombination between the Z and W sex chromosomes during non-clonal parthenogenesis, resulting in ZZ males through loss of heterozygosity at the sex determination locus. We used RAD-sequencing to compare asexual mothers with their male and female offspring. Markers on several sex-chromosome scaffolds indeed lost heterozygosity in all male but no female offspring, suggesting that they correspond to the sex-determining region. Other sex-chromosome scaffolds lost heterozygosity in only a part of the male offspring, consistent with recombination occurring at a variable location. Alternative hypotheses for the production of these males (such as partial or total hemizygosity of the Z) could be excluded. Rare males are thus produced because recombination is not entirely suppressed during parthenogenesis in A. parthenogenetica. This finding may contribute to explaining the maintenance of recombination in these asexuals.
README: Data from: Asexual male production by ZW recombination in Artemia parthenogenetica
Description of the data and file structure
Here is the description of the data files from "Asexual male production by ZW recombination in Artemia parthenogenetica"
Table containing the assignation of A. sp Kazakhstan scaffolds to the sex chromosomes (96) or autosomes (1998), and the method(s) that allowed this assignation, as indicated by 0 or 1 under the corresponding column(s).
"scaffold" is the scaffold from the Akaz assembly presented in the paper.
"chromosome_assignation" is the assignation of a given scaffold to either Autosome or Z (sex) chromosome.
"RNAseq": if equal to 1, this scaffold was assigned using the analysis of RNAseq data of Akaz males and females based on consistent heterozygosity/homozygosity.
"orthology": if equal to 1, this scaffold was assigned using the assesment of orthology between Akaz scaffolds and A. franciscana scaffolds assigned to autosome or sex chromosome by Huylmans et al. (2019).
"map": if equal to 1, this scaffold was assigned using the re-analysis of the genetic map by Haag et al. (2017).
Table containing LOH (loss of heterozygosity) data for each of the 9 male and 3 female offspring on 1393 autosomal scaffolds.
"scaffold" is the autosomal scaffold from the Akaz assembly presented in the paper.
"id" is the name of the offspring, composed of the family name (as indicated in figure S1 of the paper) followed by the sex. For instance A1_F is the daughter of the A1 family.
"loh" indicates whether heterozygosity was retained (0) or lost (1).
"snps" is the number of snps used to identify heterozygosity loss for given scaffold and offspring (min=2)
Table containing LOH data for each of the 9 male and 3 female offspring on 77 sex chromosome scaffolds.
"scaffold" is the Z scaffold from the Akaz assembly presented in the paper.
"id" is the name of the offspring, composed of the family name (as indicated in figure S1 of the paper) followed by the sex. For instance A1_F is the daughter of the A1 family.
"loh" indicates whether heterozygosity was retained (0) or lost (1).
"snps" is the number of snps used to identify heterozygosity loss for given scaffold and offspring (min=2)
"depth" is the average depth (number of reads) of the snps genotypes for given scaffold and offspring.
Table containing LOH data for each of the offspring studied (columns) at the sex chromosome scaffolds (rows).
This table is sorted according to LOH frequency across individuals and scaffolds. It was implemented to produce the heatmap (Fig. 2 of the paper).
0 means heterozygosity retention, 1 means LOH and NA means the information is unavailable for that individual and scaffold.
Table containing the list of scaffolds identified as candidates for the sex locus in Akaz.
"scaffold" is the name of the Z scaffold from the Akaz assembly presented in the paper.
"n_males" is the number of male offspring genotyped at this scaffold (max=9).
"n_females" is the number of female offspring genotyped at this scaffold (max=3).
"n_snps" is the number of snps genotyped in at least one individual on this scaffold.
"chromosome_assignation" is the assignation of a given scaffold to either A (autosome) or Z (sex chromosome), when known (otherwise NA).