Effects of leaf silicon on drought performance of tropical tree seedlings
Data files
Feb 23, 2024 version files 289.35 KB
Elevated leaf silicon (Si) concentrations improve drought resistance in cultivated plants, suggesting Si might also improve the drought performance of wild species. Tropical tree species, for instance, take up substantial amounts of Si, and leaf Si varies markedly at local- and regional-scales, suggesting consequences for seedling drought resistance. Yet, whether elevated leaf Si improves seedling drought performance in tropical forests is unknown. To manipulate leaf Si concentrations, seedlings of seven tropical tree species were grown in Si-rich and -poor soil, before exposing them to drought in the forest understory. Survival, growth, and wilting were monitored. Elevated leaf Si did not improve drought survival and growth in any of the species. In one species, drought survival was reduced in seedlings previously grown in Si-rich soil, contrary to our expectations. Our results suggest that elevated leaf Si does not improve the drought resistance of wild tropical tree species. Elevated leaf Si may even reduce drought performance, suggesting differences in soil conditions influencing leaf Si may contribute to soil-related variation of tropical seedling performance. Furthermore, our results are at odds with most studies on cultivated species and show that alleviative effects of Si in crops cannot be generalized to wild plants in natural systems.
README: Effects of leaf silicon on drought performance of tropical tree seedlings:
Data are the results of a field experiment carried out to test the hypothesis of whether Si (silicon) improves drought resistance, i.e. growth and survival under drought, in seedlings of tropical tree species. Seven tropical tree species were studied. The experiment consisted of two phases: 1) Growing seedlings for ca. 2.5 months in the shadehouse in Si-rich (+Si) and Si-poor (-Si) soil. 2) Transplanting seedlings into the forest understory (30 plots) and exposing them to drought for ca. 17 weeks. We collected data on leaf-area-change (i.e. growth) and survival during the drought. Survival was surveyed weekly. Growth was surveyed before and after the drought. Additionally, wilting stages were surveyed weekly.
Description of the Data and file structure
The data consists of six files.
data_growth.csv: Leaf area (i.e. growth) data for each seedling (= one Row per seedling).
code: unique individual ID
plot: plot number
species: species code
ind: random number associated with individual
Si: Treatment, + or - (i.e. Si-rich or -poor conditions)
height: height of seedling (in mm)
LA_pre: product of length and width of leaves before drought period (in cm²)
LA_post: leaf area after drought period (in cm²)
per_brown: percentage (%) of brown/dead leaf area
data_survival.csv: Survial data for each seedling (=several rows per seedling)
Plot: plot number
Species: species code
Nr: Individual ID (within species)
Si: Treatment, + or - (i.e. Si-rich or -poor conditions)
Date: Survey date (DD/MM/YYYY)
Date_nr: Survey date (in days from the first survey)
Dead: Is indiviudal dead? (n/y)
Dead_nr: Is individual dead? (no = 1/ yes = 2)
Wilting_plant: Wilting stage of whole plant
collapsed: "y" if plot collapsed due to heavy rainfall, "n" if not
data_leaf_area_calibration: Calibration data to derive leaf area from length and width measurements(= one Row per leaf). Please see method section in publication for further details.
Species: species code
Length: Length of leaf in cm
Width: Width of leaf in cm
Area: Exact area of leaf measured with leaf-area meter (in cm²)
L_W: Product of Length and Width (in cm²)
data_height.csv: Height of seedlings (=one row per seedling).
code: Individual ID
height: height in mm
growth.R: R script used to analyse the effect of Si treatment on growth under drought
survival_wilting.R: R script used to analyse the effect of Si treatment on drought survival and wilting stages
Species Key for all files:
Calophyllum longifolium Willd. | CALOLO |
Herrania purpurea (Pittier) R.E. Schult. | HERRPU |
Lacistema aggregatum (P.J. Bergius) Rusby | LACIAG |
Laetia thamnia L. | LAETTH |
Ocotea whitei Woodson | OCOTWH |
Thevetia ahouai (L.) A. DC. | THEVAH |
Gustavia superba (Kunth) O. Berg | GUSTSU |