Data from: Pre‐adaptation and adaptation shape trait‐environment matching in the Neotropics
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The resources provided here comprise raw and final data sets used in our study 'Preadaptation and adaptation shape trait-environment matching in the Neotropics' (DOI: 10.1111/geb.13730) comprising curated geographic occurrences for 156 Swartzia taxa across its distribution in the Neotropics, phylogenetic information for 69 Swartzia taxa, and corresponding climatic (i.e. 19 climatic variables taken from WorldClim), soil (i.e. sand, nitrogen, and clay content taken from the SoilGrids 2.0 portal), and trait data for each taxa (i.e. trait measurements for lefleats, petals, and fruits). We also provide the script used to extract trait information from botanical monographs.
Title of Dataset
Preadaptation and adaptation shape trait environment-matching in the Neotropics
The resources provided here comprise raw and final data sets used in our study 'Preadaptation and adaptation shape trait-environment matching in the Neotropics' (DOI: 10.1111/geb.13730) comprising curated geographic occurrences for 156 Swartzia taxa across its distribution in the Neotropics, phylogenetic information for 69 Swartzia taxa, and corresponding climatic (i.e. 19 climatic variables taken from WorldClim), soil (i.e. sand, nitrogen, and clay content taken from the SoilGrids 2.0 portal), and trait data for each taxa (i.e. trait measurements for lefleats, petals, and fruits). We also provide the script used to extract trait information from botanical monographs.
Description of the data
Supplementary file 1: BEAST setup used to date and obtain a series of posterior trees in extensible markup language (xml) file format. The file also includes the DNA partitions and sequences that were used. The Swartzia DNA sequences were taken from Torke and Schaal (2008) and are available under the study ID S2154 in
Supplementary file 2: Contains a data set of posterior trees generated by BEAST 2. The file contains the raw set of 30000 trees that were obtained after running BEAST 2 for 300 million iterations and sampling every 10000. The trees contain all taxa as in Torke and Schaal (2008).
Supplementary file 3: Maximum clade credibility tree including the same taxa as in the study of Torke & Schaal (2008).
Supplementary file 4: Cropped version of the maximum clade credibility tree containing only Swartzia taxa and a single taxa per species or subspecies / variety.
Supplementary file 5: 1000 posterior trees evenly sampled from the set of posterior trees in Supplementary file 2. Trees are cropped to contain a single Swartzia taxa per species or subspecies / variety.
Supplementary file 6: Curated Swartzia occurrences from herbaria with at least 5 records per taxa (i.e. 3688 occurrences for 156 taxa of Swartzia including subspecies and varieties). Details on the corresponding hebaria and collectors are also provided.
Supplementary file 7: Leaflet trait measurements (raw dataset collected from the literature). The file includes references to the original sources from which the data was derived, the species name as described in the original reference, the accepted species name for each taxon, the final species name after correcting for synonyms according to Torke & Manasano (2011), and corresponding measurements.
Supplementary file 8: Fruit trait measurements (raw dataset extracted from the literature). The file includes references to the original sources from which the data was derived, the species name as described in the original reference, the accepted species name for each taxon, the final species name after correcting for synonyms according to Torke & Manasano (2011), and corresponding measurements.
Supplementary file 9: Petal trait measurements (raw dataset collected from the literature). The file includes references to the original sources from which the data was derived, the species name as described in the original reference, the accepted species name for each taxon, the final species name after correcting for synonyms according to Torke & Manasano (2011), and corresponding measurements.
Supplementary file 10: Script for extracting trait information from the monograph of Cowan R.S. (1967). The instructions for running the script are contained in the script as commented text.
Supplementary file 11: Leaflet measurements from herbarium specimens with associated references.
Supplementary file 12: Fruit measurements from herbarium specimens with associated references.
Supplementary file 13: Data set of leaflet measurements with corresponding climate and soil variables averaged per taxa.
Supplementary file 14: Data set of fruit measurements with corresponding climate and soil variables averaged per taxa.
Supplementary file 15: Data set of petal measurements with corresponding climate and soil variables averaged per taxa.
Supplementary file 16: Credits and licensing for photographs used in Figure 3.
Sharing/Access information
DNA data was derived from the following sources:
Torke & Schaal (2008) available in, study ID S2154.
Trait data was derived from the following sources:
References provided in the data references and in the excel files from Supp. files 7, 8, 9, 10 and 12 for each taxa.
Supplementary file 10 contains the R Script to extract trait information from the monograph of Cowan R.S. (1967). The instructions on how to run the script are included as commented text in the script.
Torke, B. M., & Schaal, B. A. (2008). Molecular phylogenetics of the species-rich Neotropical genus Swartzia (Leguminosae, Papilionoideae) and related genera of the swartzioid clade. American Journal of Botany, 95(2), 215–228.
Torke, B. M. and Mansano, V. de F. (editors). (2011). The Swartzia Pages The New York Botanical Garden, Bronx, NY. (
Cowan, R. S. (1967). Flora Neotropica Monograph I. Swartzia (Leguminosae, Caesalpinioideae, Swartzieae). Hafner Publishing Company, New York and London.
The data-sets were collected using various methods. Trait data include measurements taken from the literature for leaflets, fruits, and petals, mainly from the works of Cowan (1967), and Torke and Mansano (2011) (but see detailed references provided in the corresponding supplementary files). Additional data for leaflets and fruits were obtained from herbarium specimens as described in the paper (see also the herbarium references provided in the corresponding supplementary files ). Data for nuclear and plastid DNA sequences were obtained from the study of Torke and Schall (2008). Phylogenetic trees were generated using BEAST2 (Bouckaert et al. 2014) , as described in the paper (see Methods). Data on occurrences were obtained from herbarium sources and curated posteriorly. For the occurrence dataset, we extracted climate data from WorldClim 2 (Fick & Hijmans 2017) and soil data from SoilGrids 2.0 (Poggio et al. 2021). See detailed information for each supplementary file provided in the README file.
Bouckaert, R., Heled, J., Kühnert, D., Vaughan, T., Wu, C.-H., Xie, D., Suchard M.A., Rambaut A., Drummond, A. J. (2014). Beast 2: A software platform for bayesian evolutionary analysis. PLoS Computational Biology, 10(4), e1003537.
Cowan, R. S. (1967). Flora Neotropica Monograph I. Swartzia (Leguminosae, Caesalpinioideae, Swartzieae). Hafner Publishing Company, New York and London.
Fick, S. E., & Hijmans, R. J. (2017). WorldClim 2: New 1‐km spatial resolution climate surfaces for global land areas. International Journal of Climatology, 37(12), 4302–4315.
Poggio, L., de Sousa, L. M., Batjes, N. H., Heuvelink, G. B. M., Kempen, B., Ribeiro, E., & Rossiter, D. (2021). SoilGrids 2.0: Producing soil information for the globe with quantified spatial uncertainty. SOIL, 7(1), 217–240.
Torke, B. M. & Mansano, V. de F. (editors). (2011). The Swartzia Pages The New York Botanical Garden, Bronx, NY. (
Torke, B. M., & Schaal, B. A. (2008). Molecular phylogenetics of the species-rich Neotropical genus Swartzia (Leguminosae, Papilionoideae) and related genera of the swartzioid clade. American Journal of Botany, 95(2), 215–228.
Usage notes
The BEAST .xml file can be run using the software BEAST 2 – 'bayesian evolutionary analysis by sampling trees 2' (Bouckaert et al. 2014).
All phylogenetic trees can be loaded and visualized in the R platform using packages for handling phylogenetic data (i.e. 'ape'). Alternatively trees can be visualized using the software 'Figtree v. 1.4.4.' (Rambaut A. 2010).
Occurrence, trait and climatic data can be loaded and opened in the R platform.
The script to extract trait data from monographs can be loaded and opened in the R platform. Stepwise instructions are provided as commented text in the script.
Note: NAs in the dataset denote missing data in traits or environmental data, which means that the corresponding value was not available from the literature or from the environmental databases.
Bouckaert, R., Heled, J., Kühnert, D., Vaughan, T., Wu, C.-H., Xie, D., Suchard M.A., Rambaut A., Drummond, A. J. (2014). Beast 2: A software platform for bayesian evolutionary analysis. PLoS Computational Biology, 10(4), e1003537.
Rambaut, A. (2010) FigTree v1.3.1. Institute of Evolutionary Biology, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh.