Temporal asynchrony of plant and soil biota determines ecosystem multifunctional stability
Data files
Aug 10, 2024 version files 10.74 MB
Asy_GI_raw data.xls
The role of plant biodiversity in stabilizing ecosystem multifunctionality has been extensively studied, however, the impact of soil biota biodiversity on ecosystem multifunctional stability, particularly under multiple environmental changes, remains unexplored. By conducting an experiment with environmental changes (adding water and nitrogen to a long-term grazing experiment) and an experiment without environmental changes (an undisturbed site) in semi-arid grasslands, our research revealed that environmental changes-induced changes in temporal stability of both above- and below-ground multifunctionality were mainly impacted by plant and soil biota asynchrony, rather than by species diversity. Furthermore, changes in temporal stability of above- and below-ground multifunctionality, under both experiments with and without environmental changes, were mainly associated with plant and soil biota asynchrony, respectively, suggesting that the temporal asynchrony of plant and soil biota has independent and non-substitutable effects on multifunctional stability. Our findings emphasize the importance of considering both above- and below-ground biodiversity or functions when evaluating the stabilizing effects of biodiversity on ecosystem functions.
File_1: Asy_GI_raw data
Sheet1: Plant community from 48 subplots for three years. There is a total of 46 plant species, and each plant species belongs to a functional group (in brackets). The unit for each number is g-1 m-2.
The abbreviations of plant functional groups are:
AB: Annuals and biennials
PB: Perennial bunchgrasses
PF: Perennial forbs
PR: Perennial rhizome grasses
SS: Shrub and semi-shrub
Sheet2: Nematode community from 48 subplots for three years. There is a total of 46 nematode genera, and each nematode genus belongs to a functional group (in brackets). The unit for each number is ind. g-1 dry soil.
The abbreviations of nematode functional groups:
BF: Bacterial feeders
FF: Fungal feeders
PF: Plant feeders
OC: Omnivores and carnivores
Sheet3: Bacterial ZOTU table from 48 subplots for three years. The last seven columns contain the taxonomy for each ZOTU. The unit of each number is sequence.
Sheet4: Fungal ZOTU table from 48 subplots for three years. The last seven columns contain the taxonomy for each ZOTU. The unit of each number is sequence
The variables of Year and SampleID for each sheet are sampling year and sampling ID for each subplots.
File_2: Asy_GI.xlsx
Sheet1: The raw and transformational data for the experiment with multiple environmental changes.
Sheet2: The raw and transformational data for the experiment without multiple environmental changes.
NA in the dataset indicates missing data for relevant variable.
All treatment variables in Sheet1 and Sheet2 are listed as follows:
- SampleID: Sampling ID for each subplots
- Tran: Raw (Raw) and transformational (Z0-1) data
- GI: Four grazing intensities, including GI0.0 (0.0 sheep ha-1), GI1.5 (1.5 sheep ha-1), GI4.5 (4.5 sheep ha-1), and GI9.0 (9.0 sheep ha-1)
- Plot: Plot number
- Treat: Experimental treatment, including CK (without W or N addition), W (+W, approximately 30% of mean annual rainfall), N (+N, 10.5 kg N ha−1 year−1), and WN (+N+W).
- N: N addition (1) or not (0)
- W: W addition (1) or not (0)
All number variables in Sheet1 and Sheet2 are listed as follows:
SOC | g kg-1 | Soil organic carbon |
TSN | g kg-1 | Total soil nitrogen |
PH | unitless | Soil pH |
SM | unitless | soil moisture |
Pl.rich | unitless | plant richness |
Ba.rich | unitless | Bacterial ZOTU richness |
Fu.rich | unitless | Fungal ZOTU richness |
Ne.rich | unitless | Nematode taxon richness |
AB.rich | unitless | Annuals and biennials richness |
PB.rich | unitless | Perennial bunchgrass richness |
PF.rich | unitless | Perennial forbs richness |
PR.rich | unitless | Perennial rhizome grasses richness |
BC.rich | unitless | Carbon-related bacteria ZOTU richness |
BN.rich | unitless | Nitrogen-related bacteria ZOTU richness |
AMF.rich | unitless | Mycorrhizal fungi ZOTU richness |
PATH.rich | unitless | Plant pathogen fungi ZOTU richness |
SAP.rich | unitless | Soil saprotroph fungi ZOTU richness |
BF.rich | unitless | Bacterial feeders richness |
FF.rich | unitless | Fungal feeders richness |
HF.rich | unitless | Plant feeders richness |
OC.rich | unitless | Omnivores+carnivores richness |
Pl.beta | unitless | plant composition |
Ba.beta | unitless | Bacterial ZOTU composition |
Fu.beta | unitless | Fungal ZOTU composition |
Ne.beta | unitless | Nematode taxon composition |
AB.beta | unitless | Annuals and biennials composition |
PB.beta | unitless | Perennial bunchgrass composition |
PF.beta | unitless | Perennial forbs composition |
PR.beta | unitless | Perennial rhizome grasses composition |
BC.beta | unitless | Carbon-related bacteria ZOTU composition |
BN.beta | unitless | Nitrogen-related bacteria ZOTU composition |
BF.beta | unitless | Bacterial feeders composition |
FF.beta | unitless | Fungal feeders composition |
HF.beta | unitless | Plant feeders composition |
OC.beta | unitless | Omnivores+carnivores composition |
AMF.beta | unitless | Mycorrhizal fungi ZOTU composition |
PATH.beta | unitless | Plant pathogen fungi ZOTU composition |
SAP.beta | unitless | Soil saprotroph fungi ZOTU composition |
Pl.asy | unitless | plant asynchrony |
Ba.asy | unitless | Bacterial ZOTU asynchrony |
Fu.asy | unitless | Fungal ZOTU asynchrony |
Ne.asy | unitless | Nematode taxon asynchrony |
AB.asy | unitless | Annuals and biennials asynchrony |
PB.asy | unitless | Perennial bunchgrass asynchrony |
PF.asy | unitless | Perennial forbs asynchrony |
PR.asy | unitless | Perennial rhizome grasses asynchrony |
BC.asy | unitless | Carbon-related bacteria ZOTU asynchrony |
BN.asy | unitless | Nitrogen-related bacteria ZOTU asynchrony |
SAP.asy | unitless | Soil saprotroph fungi ZOTU asynchrony |
PATH.asy | unitless | Plant pathogen fungi ZOTU asynchrony |
AMF.asy | unitless | Mycorrhizal fungi ZOTU asynchrony |
BF.asy | unitless | Bacterial feeders asynchrony |
FF.asy | unitless | Fungal feeders asynchrony |
HF.asy | unitless | Plant feeders asynchrony |
OC.asy | unitless | Omnivores+carnivores asynchrony |
TMB.mean | nmol g-1 | Total microbial biomass |
TMB.sd | unitless | Standard deviation of total microbial biomass |
TMB.sta | unitless | Stability of total microbial biomass |
Cmin.mean | mg g-1 day-1 | Soil carbon mineralization |
Cmin.sd | unitless | Standard deviation of soil carbon mineralization |
Cmin.sta | unitless | Stability of soil carbon mineralization |
Nmin.mean | mg g-1 day-1 | Soil nitrogen mineralization |
Nmin.sd | unitless | Standard deviation of soil nitrogen mineralization |
Nmin.sta | unitless | Stability of soil nitrogen mineralization |
ANPP.mean | g m-2 | Above-ground net primary production |
ANPP.sd | unitless | Standard deviation of above-ground net primary production |
ANPP.sta | unitless | Stability of above-ground net primary production |
TNA.mean | ind. g-1 dry soil | Soil nematode abundance |
TNA.sd | unitless | Standard deviation of soil nematode abundance |
TNA.sta | unitless | Stability of soil nematode abundance |
RS.mean | μmol m-2 s-1 | Soil respiration |
RS.sd | unitless | Standard deviation of soil respiration |
RS.sta | unitless | Stability of soil respiration |
Above.mean | unitless | Mean of above-ground multifunctionality |
Above.sd | unitless | Standard deviation of above-ground multifunctionality |
Above.sta | unitless | Stability of above-ground multifunctionality |
Below.mean | unitless | Mean of below-ground multifunctionality |
Below.sd | unitless | Standard deviation of below-ground multifunctionality |
Below.sta | unitless | Stability of below-ground multifunctionality |
All.mean | unitless | Mean of total multifunctionality |
All.sd | unitless | Standard deviation of total multifunctionality |
All.sta | unitless | Stability of total multifunctionality |
Above.rich | unitless | Rich of above-ground plants |
Above.beta | unitless | Beta of above-ground plants |
Above.asy | unitless | Asynchrony of above-ground plants |
Below.rich | unitless | Rich of below-ground soil biota |
Below.beta | unitless | Beta of below-ground soil biota |
Below.asy | unitless | Asynchrony of below-ground soil biota |
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