Within and between population comparisons suggest independently acting selection maintaining parallel clines in Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris)
Data files
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Parallel clines in traits related to adaptation in a species can be due to independent selection on a pair of traits, or due to selection in one trait resulting in a parallel cline in a correlated trait. To distinguish between the mechanisms giving rise to parallel adaptive population divergence of multiple traits along an environmental gradient we need to study variation, correlations, and selective forces within individual populations along the gradient. In many tree species, budset timing forms a latitudinal cline, and parallel clinal variation is also found in other seedling traits, such as first year height and fall frost injury. In this study, we set up a common garden experiment with open pollinated progeny from natural populations of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris), with one large sample from single population (500 families) and smaller samples from across a latitudinal gradient. Budset timing, first year height and induced fall frost injury were first measured in a greenhouse. The seedlings were then planted in the field, where survival and height were measured at the age of nine years as fitness proxies. We compared between and within population variation and genetic correlations of these three seedling traits, and estimated selection gradients at the family level in our main population, taking into account the potential effects of seed weight. Between population genetic correlations between seedling traits were high (0.76-0.95). Within population genetic correlations in the main population were lower (0.14-0.35), as in other populations (0.10-0.39). Within population, extensive adaptive variation persists in the seedling traits, in line with rather weak selection gradients, yet maintaining the clines. Although our sampling does not cover the whole cline equally, the results suggest that the individual clines in these traits are maintained by largely independently acting selection, which results in fewer constraints in adaptation under changing climate.
README: Within and between population comparisons suggest independently acting selection maintaining parallel clines in Scots pine (<i>Pinus sylvestris</i>)
These files contain the data and R commands used to calculate family estimates, heritabilities, genetic correlations, and selection gradients in this publication.
Description of the data and file structure
File "data_BST_FYH_field.txt" contains budset timing (BST) and first year height (FYH) measurements from a common garden experiment (greenhouse 2008) and field performance of the same seedlings (2017, plus inventories 2010, 2011).
- family = family ID
- origin = origin of the population sample
- origin2 = in case of Punkaharju, subpopulation is indicated
- ghblock2008 = block in greenhouse 2008 (1-6)
- FYH = first year height (mm)
- BST = budset timing (days)
- fblock = block in field (1-10)
- survival2010 = survival in 2010 inventory (0,1)
- survival2011 = survival in 2011 inventory (0,1)
- survival 2017 = survival in 2017 (0,1)
- height2017 = height in 2017 (m)
- (missing data = NA)
File "data_FFI.txt" contains fall frost injury (FFI) measurements from a common garden experiment (greenhouse 2010).
- family = family ID
- origin = origin of the population sample
- origin2 = in case of Punkaharju, subpopulation is indicated
- ghblock2010 = block in greenhouse 2010 (1-3)
- FFI = fall frost injury, after cold treatment (score, 1-4)
- (missing data = NA)
File "data_SW.txt" contains seed weight (from 200 seeds per seedlot) for each family.
- family = family ID
- FAM_SW = seed weight (g)
- (missing data = NA)
File "R_commands.R" contains the R commands used to calculate family estimates, heritabilities, genetic correlations, and selection gradients in this publication.