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Understanding the Influence of Parameter Value Uncertainty on Climate Model Output: Developing an Interactive Web Dashboard

Data files

May 30, 2024 version files 1.04 GB


Scientists at the National Center for Atmospheric Research have recently carried out several experiments to better understand the uncertainties associated with future climate projections. In particular, the NCAR Climate and Global Dynamics Lab (CGDL) working group has completed a large Parameter Perturbation Experiment (PPE) utilizing the Community Land Model (CLM), testing the effects of 32 parameters over thousands of simulations over a range of 250 years. The CLM model experiment is focused on understanding uncertainty around biogeophysical parameters that influence the balance of chemical cycling and sequestration variables. The current website for displaying model results is not intuitive or informative to the broader scientific audience or the general public. The goal of this project is to develop an improved data visualization dashboard for communicating the results of the CLM PPE. The interactive dashboard would provide an interface where new or experienced users can query the experiment database to ask which environmental processes are affected by a given model parameter, or vice versa. Improving the accessibility of the data will allow professionals to use the most recent land parameter data when evaluating the impact of a policy or action on climate change.