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Vocalizations of the squirrel family

Data files

Jul 06, 2020 version files 3.46 MB


The dataset Squirrel_Calls is a collection of vocal records (defined as primary literature that numerically describes the vocalization of at least 1 squirrel species) where each row corresponds to a single call type of one species. The details of the row include a summary of the literature metadata, categorical descriptions of the call and the caller as well as numerical values of the call frequencies. The dataset Squirrel_Ecological_Traits is a corresponding set of ecological traits for all the species listed in the Squirrel_Calls dataset. The traits listed (mass, time partitioning, gliding capabilities, habitat, and sociality) reflect hypotheses and predictions explored in the associated article. At the end of this document, there is a complete list of the literature references used to assemble these datasets. Squirrel_Script is the R script used to produce the statistics and models used in the corresponding paper. Squirrel_Tree is a nexus file compiling the data of 1000 trees downloaded from which were subsetted from their published mammalian supertree. The nexus file was used in the R script.